The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1844: The Great World Battlefield (Additional update)

There are generally two reasons for the continuous collapse of the war situation in Huanyu.

First, the world of the universe cannot hold up the wall with its own mud.

In this large world with extremely prosperous economy, none of its internal masters can withstand it.

Second, the third pharaoh of the Hades Empire is really tough.

The Wizarding Civilization also invested many dominant-level combat forces in this battlefield, but none of them were opponents of the third pharaoh, Ibon Morcastle.

Holding the seal chain, the most precious treasure of civilization, Mokarst seems to be an invincible existence in this war zone.

In fact, Mokarst didn't even use the power of the sealing chain. He defeated the Great World Army just by relying on his own strength.

Speaking of which, Huanyu World has wasted their large economy in vain.

The wizards and civilization magicians who are in this star field battlefield have discovered that with the same number of combat units, the local legions in the world are not even as powerful as the star mercenaries they hired...

In terms of its attitude towards sticking to the home star domain, the world of the universe is not as determined as most of the plane worlds in the star realm.

Many powerful people in the world who heard the attack of the Third Pharaoh Demon Karst turned around and ran away without even putting up a decent resistance.

Among them, there was even a master-level being who escaped on the battlefield.

In addition, there are also a small number of powerful people above level 4 in Huanyu who choose to surrender on the spot when the Minghe Empire's army arrives.

The Minghe Empire Legion was not very polite to these weaklings who surrendered on their own initiative.

The third pharaoh, Mokarst, was a ruthless man. He directly issued an order to peel off the skins of all creatures above level four that surrendered.

He only peeled off their skins and did not kill them. This was the only kindness of the third Pharaoh.



The blood and violence exaggerated the power and tyranny of the Hades Empire to the greatest extent.

Many beings who have grown to level four or above have their own arrogance.

Even if there are a few weaklings, under the aggressive power of the Hades Empire, he will not turn away at the beginning, unless he wants his skin to be peeled off and become the eternal laughing stock of other creatures.

Vivian, the true spirit-level witch of the wizarding civilization who was stationed in this war zone, couldn't help but sigh that the third pharaoh had actually indirectly helped them with a small favor.

If the Minghe Empire showed a tolerant policy from the beginning, even if it pretended to accept the reconnection of the Great World and then settle the accounts later, it would be a huge trouble for the wizarding civilization.

But the third pharaoh didn’t do that!

He directly used bloody suppression and absolute power to demonstrate the dominance of the Mingha Empire.

There is indeed a reason why the Minghe Empire can make the masters of the surrounding star fields and even the foreign lands in the more distant starry sky hear about its reputation and become fearful of it.

Looking back at the wizarding civilization, in the past 100,000 years, it has actually tempered many of its sharp edges and expanded its power with a more tolerant and inclusive wizarding alliance system.

Only in the past ten thousand years, when it went to war against the Gallente Federation, did it show its sharpness.

In the war in the world of Huanyu, although the civilization has invested many local and alliance masters, including the bottom combat legions, the unit is often in the hundreds of millions.

However, the person who really has greater command power in this war zone is Vivian, the previous leader of the Northland Witch Organization.

This time she was stationed in the battlefield of Huanyu World, and she even brought a very important treasure.

When fighting against the army of the Hades Empire, I found that the elite army of the Hades Empire was indeed unstoppable, including after experiencing the intimidating momentum of the third pharaoh Demon Karst.

The true spirit-level witch Vivian decisively chose to give up the head-on fight with the elite army of the Minghe Empire, and instead adopted the tactics of roundabout response and echelon blocking.

This tactic seems familiar?

When the wizard civilization's army annihilated the main force of the Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet on the battlefield of the underworld star field, the Gallente Federation, which showed weak performance in the war for a period of time, also responded to the aggressive attack of the wizard civilization in this way.

True spirit-level witch Vivian said: "The troops we have invested in the world are almost one-third of the strength of the entire wizard civilization."

"Until the situation in the civilized war with the Gallente Federation is clear, we must not allow our force to be wasted in vain."

"Even in the war against the Gallente Federation, we may have to serve as a reserve army to play the decisive role in the future."

"Anyway, the world of Huanyu is not the homeland of our wizarding civilization, and even this large world in name has not joined the Wizards Alliance."

"It doesn't matter no matter how many creatures of the Great World die, or how many star planes of the Great World are lost. As long as we ensure that our main army and dominator-level power are not damaged too much," Vivian said.

Daenerys, the mother of dragons, who just returned to this battlefield not long ago, also fully agreed with Vivian's statement.

"I just heard that Bev and the others were retaliated against by the Hades Empire on the front lines of the civilized battlefield, including frequent counterattacks by the Gallente Federation."

"With the situation on the front line being tense, we can't have any big problems here." Daenerys said, she has been in contact with the Dragon Vein Warlock family.


\u003eWith their words, the combat attitude of wizard civilization on the battlefield around the world has been roughly determined.

Of course, their conversation and internal statements cannot be known to the eighth-level King of Stars and the other creatures in the world.

The dominant beings in the world still harbor longing hopes that the wizarding civilization can block the pressure from the frontline Hades Empire for them.

The attitude of the wizard civilization army on the battlefield of Huanyu will greatly preserve its own strength, but it will suffer the suffering of the creatures in Huanyu and its surrounding star fields.

But what can be done? Whether it is an individual or a civilization, when encountering danger, you should think more about yourself...

Selfless dedication and helping others are really not something that wizard civilization often does.

However, if those powerful people in the world of Huanyu are willing to use their huge personal wealth to move to the wizarding civilization, I think the wizarding world will welcome them with both hands.

In terms of the surface strength and total economic volume of the plane, the world of Huanyu, which lives far away in this starry sky, is even richer than the world of Titan, the top world of the Wizards Alliance!

It is even said that the top civilizations that the world has good relations with include not only the wizard civilization and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Deep in the distant starry sky, there are some large and even top-level worlds that have close connections with the universal world.

In the star realm, there is a law called the "Law of Money".

It can turn anything impossible into possible.

If the world of Huanyu is willing to spend all its money, it is not impossible to attract multiple master-level combat powers and more powerful interstellar mercenaries to cross the border to join the war.

So don’t think of the world as too weak.

While retaining its own strength, the wizarding civilization also wants to tap into the potential of the world...

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