The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1820: Luring the wolf into the house (additional update)

At this moment, there are about two million Gallente Federation transport ships docked around the Mobius meteorite belt.

The commander of these transport fleets is a federal five-star general. He is also a special genetic warrior who has undergone genetic enhancement experiments and possesses fifth-level peak strength.

The energy crystal blocks sent by a large number of transport ships directly illuminated the once silent and dark Mobius meteorite belt like daylight.

The oppressive and magnificent energy turbulence came from the center of the meteorite belt, but it was isolated by a special sealing formation.

Without the wizard civilization predicting it in advance, the Gallente Alliance and the Hades Empire had already reached an intention to cooperate.

For example, so many energy crystals can be transported to the Mobius meteorite belt silently. Especially when all these energy crystals are activated, the resulting elemental turmoil does not attract the attention of the wizard civilization.

It was because the Gallente Federation borrowed the sealing technique mastered by the Hades Empire.

In the same way, the Hades Empire was able to conduct a cross-border expedition against the wizarding civilization because the Gallente Federation was responsible for at least 65% of the energy consumption.

The Gallente Federation still has money!

When a large number of non-attributed energy crystals were piled up in boxes by the Gallente Federation's transport fleet, every creature from the Hades Empire who came from the cross-border expedition showed great wonder and greed. look.

In essence, the Minghe Empire was still a powerful civilization that valued self-cultivation and continued to plunder external forces.

In the development and utilization of the energy field, the Hades Empire is indeed not as efficient as the Gallente Federation.

This is also a major characteristic of top civilizations. It doesn't mean that your overall strength is better than mine, but it means that you must be far superior to me in all aspects.

The current general strength of the three top civilizations of the Hades Empire, Wizard Civilization, and Gallente Federation is: Hades Empire \u003e Wizard Civilization \u003e Gallente Federation.

But even the Gallente Federation, which is in a weak and small position, still has areas that the Hades Empire is coveted and needs to look up to.

"Admiral Sadden, huh?"

"You seem scared


us? "The tenth Pharaoh, who had completed his cross-border arrival, looked at a middle-aged federal general in front of him with a smile.

The special gene-enhanced physique makes Admiral Sarden a strong man who can soar in the star realm even if he is not in the fleet.

His current genetic enhancement process almost represents the current pinnacle achievement of the Gallente Federation in the field of genetic science.

But even such a genetic warrior who has been strengthened to the peak of level five, when facing the tenth pharaoh of the Hades Empire, cold sweat could not help but drip down his cheeks.

The stress response of lower creatures when facing higher creatures is undoubtedly evident in this federal five-star general.

However, the performance of this five-star general was still very good. He at least suppressed his negative emotions as much as possible and did not make any fool of himself in front of the powerful men of the Pluto Empire and his own fleet.

"Haha, you are joking, Tenth Pharaoh, what do I have to be afraid of?" General Sadeng replied with a very forced smile on his face.

This Admiral Thaden is actually a legendary figure in the Gallente Federation.

As early as when the Gallente Federation first launched its conquest and annexation of the Rose Dynasty civilization, General Saden did not even hold the title of general, and was only a lieutenant colonel of a small special operations fleet.

The fierce war allowed a highly capable person like Lieutenant Colonel Thaden to quickly climb to the level of a five-star general in just tens of thousands of years.

If converted into the power level of the wizard civilization, it is equivalent to the opponent quickly jumping from the second level to the peak of the sixth level in tens of thousands of years.

After all, the fleet group commanded by the five-star admiral in the Gallente Federation is the strongest fleet group under the ruler, and its combat power is close to that of the sixth-level peak creature.

The arrival of General Saden this time also shows the importance the Gallente Federation attaches to the Hades Empire Legion.


Either because they are really unable to take action or they are wary of the Hades Empire, the Gallente Federation might send a marshal to discuss cooperation in person.

The five-star general Saden's forced answer made the smile on the face of the tenth pharaoh grow a little deeper.

She picked at her sharp gray nails and chuckled, "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

"Including the Hades Empire Legion under my command, they will not do anything to our Gallente Federation allies. I will have people try to restrain them as much as possible." The Tenth Pharaoh said.

The tenth pharaoh was indeed different from the other pharaohs in the Hades Empire.

As early as the previous secret negotiations with the Gallente Federation, this tenth pharaoh was the one who "spoke best".

In addition to her, the other two pharaohs whose projections came to the top of the Gallente Federation only felt cold and difficult to get along with. 🅆

Tens of millions of Mingha Empire legions are arriving continuously through the cross-star remote teleportation array, and they are gradually approaching the capacity limit of this sealing array.

Including the Gallente Federation's energy crystals, they are not endless.

According to the data obtained by the Federation's ultimate quantum computer, the total number of legions dispatched by the Hades Empire should remain at around 35 million.

The Gallente Federation also played a trick.

If we bring in too many Mingha Empire legions, wouldn't this be inviting wolves into the house?

Thirty-five million legions and the arrival of a few digital masters should not completely reverse the trend of civilization.

What the Gallente Federation hopes to do is to reverse the decline of the current frontier battlefield as soon as possible.

As for the far-reaching negative impact and serious consequences that the arrival of the Hades Empire's legion will have in the future, the Gallente Federation really can't think about that much.

Let’s get through the current crisis first!

Under the watchful eye of the five-star general Saden, the nearly ten million Minghe Empire legions that first appeared were all the most elite official troops of the Minghe Empire.


This is a group of terrifying monsters wearing black armor. Judging from their appearance, they can definitely be humanoid creatures, but most of them are extremely ugly. The skin of other creatures can often be seen wrapped on their bodies.

A rich aura of death and darkness rose into the sky from where these Hades Empire legions gathered.

General Sadeng is also a federal general who is used to seeing big scenes and has experienced hundreds of battles.

But with his keen sense of war, Admiral Sadeng thought that he would lead his fleet group. Against these Hades Empire legions, even if they were equipped with doomsday weapons, it would be a very tragic battle, and even death would not be possible. A fierce battle on earth.

The Tenth Pharaoh was not the only powerful man sent by the Hades Empire.

In addition to the large number of fourth- to sixth-level Mingha Empire generals, there are also many fourth- to sixth-level pharaoh professionals.

From the perspective of their own strength, the pharaoh professionals of the Hades Empire seemed to be stronger than the imperial soldiers, and the "bandages" wrapped around their bodies were also much thicker.

And next, in General Sadeng's extremely restrained and shocked gaze, what emerged one after another from the light gate of the large teleportation array were the famous monster legions of the Hades Empire!

A dense group of ferocious monsters surged out from the inter-star teleportation formation.

The average physique of these monsters is higher than that of the Titans, almost all of them reaching more than fifteen meters.

(The height of an S-level Titan is about ten meters.)

When the wizard civilization used slave creature cannon fodder and alliance combat legions as its bottom-line combat power.

As the Gallente Federation fills the bottom battlefield with drones, autonomous artillery swarms, and battle droids.

The underlying power used by the Hades Empire is an army of monsters that most of the world needs to look up to!

And based on the agreed-upon transmission amount, the total number of monster legions that will flood into this Mobius star field will exceed 20 million!

"There will be another update around eight o'clock~"

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