The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1819 Danger is coming

If it weren't for Trilis' relationship, Thane would never have gotten Mel's dragon scale.

Thain was still very curious about this fourth-level Dragon Vein Warlock with purple hair.

Maybe it's because Thain has the dragon's blood blessing given by tourmaline in his body, so he naturally has a certain fondness for dragon creatures.

Thane wasn't sure how Mel felt about him.

But judging from the way the other party calmly took off a dragon scale from his shoulder and handed it to Thain, his feeling towards Thain shouldn't be that of dislike, right?

The Volendaal star field is only one of the star fields that Thain has carried out missions in recent years. In addition, he has also been to many places.

But what has to be said is that the Volendaal Star Territory is indeed the farthest battlefield Thane has ever been to.

At the same time, it was also near this battlefield that Thain obtained information about the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

It has been thousands of years since the Civilization War broke out. Apart from contacting Optimus Prime and Megatron before the war, Thane has indeed not been in contact with these intelligent robots in the years since the war broke out.

It turns out that this group of intelligent robots are in another medium-sized star field battlefield near the Volendael star field battlefield.

The wizard civilization is pretty good to these intelligent robots.

Before the war, Optimus Prime said that they did not want to directly conflict with the Gallente Federation Legion, so the tasks assigned to them by the wizard civilization were almost all of the Gallente Federation's vassal legions to fight against.

And the performance of these intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron in recent years can be regarded as remarkable.

They have completed the designated combat missions assigned by the Wizards Alliance many times, and during the war they also showed extremely strong characteristics of not fearing death.

Their reluctance to initiate direct conflict with the Gallente Federation Legion is a minor stain on them.

Because this signifies that they may still be interested in the Federation.

But the group of Cybertron robots didn't care about this, they still lived their own lives.



br\u003eThe wizarding civilization still has this tolerance, and it has not shown any dissatisfaction with these intelligent robots.

Due to limited time, Thain was unable to go to those intelligent robots to catch up with old times.

In the end, they could only ask the Dragon Vein Warlock family to help Thane transport a batch of energy amethysts to be used by the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

This war of civilization will continue for a long time. As long as the war is not over, they will eventually meet again.

Unconsciously, the war between the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation has entered the fourth millennium.

Just after four thousand years, several great changes occurred on the battlefield front lines.

The source of the first great change was that the wizard civilization once again destroyed a federal master-level giant mecha.

Please note that it is destroyed, not severely damaged.

This means that the Gallente Federation has one less dominator-level combat power. While the wizard civilization has improved its chances of winning on the battlefield, it has also brought about changes in the situation of the dominator battlefield and its surrounding tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of legions on both sides. .

However, not long after this good news came, two bad news came one after another.

The Federation's ultimate doomsday weapon, the Endless Light, which had been dormant for many years, finally showed its power once again on the civilized battlefield.

But this time, the targets of the long-range strike launched by the doomsday weapon were not the masters of the wizarding civilization active on the front line of the civilized battlefield, but rather strangely aimed their firepower at the star field behind the Federation!

In the end, when the lingering power of the endless light dissipated, the posture of the wizard civilization army on the front line was clearly transformed into a "defensive" one. Judging from this, the Federation must have achieved some of its expected war goals.

So, who exactly is the Gallente Federation targeting?

It actually affects the Wizard Civilization Army

The layout of the regiment on the frontline battlefield, and even the follow-up war plan!

In addition to this unclear message, there is another bad news: the Minghe Empire is coming...

The Minghe Empire did not launch an expedition against the wizard civilization. Their real target was the world outside the border of the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization.

The distance between the world of Huanyu and the homeland of the Wizarding Civilization is further than that of the Challenger Civilization and the Castle of Steel world group.

In fact, it does not belong to the external propaganda sphere of the Wizarding Civilization, including the previous Wizarding Alliance conferences, and there are few powerful people from the world participating.

Huanyu World has not even officially joined the Wizards Alliance!

However, there is conclusive evidence that the world of the universe has many relations with wizarding civilization, and that there are great conflicts of interest.

Otherwise, the Minghe Empire would not have sent troops there, and the wizarding civilization would not have been nervous because the world of Huanyu was being attacked.

The wizard civilization has troops stationed directly in the world of Huanyu. Because it has always been wary of the Hades Empire, the total number of troops stationed in that star field is not small.

There was no sign of the Great World being lost for a while, but it was a certain fact that the war had broken out, and the wizarding civilization had even come to grips with the Minghe Empire there.

Is it really necessary to start a war on two fronts?

Many high-level wizards and civilizations who felt the pressure from the Minghe Empire couldn't help but feel worried.

Establishing cooperative contact with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, attracting the fairyland civilization to join this civilization chariot, and absorbing more plane civilizations to join the Wizards Alliance camp are currently the main topics discussed by the top leaders of the Wizarding Civilization.

The Mingha Empire will not hit the threshold of wizard civilization in one fell swoop. This is a fact that many high-level powerhouses in the wizard world are sure of. This also gives wizard civilization more time and space to breathe.

But will the Minghe Empire really not kill them all at once...

Wizarding Civilization and Gallente Alliance


The border of Bangxingyu battlefield.

Mobius meteorite belt.

This is a meteorite belt with a very ordinary name. Since there are no special resources and strategic value in the surrounding area, neither civilization paid much attention to this meteorite belt at first.

But as today passes, the name of this meteorite belt will inevitably be recorded in the history of the civilized war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation!

As for the Hades Empire, the other participant in this war, this dispatch of troops to the Mobius Meteor Belt was just a trial attack by them sending a small number of combat legions in cooperation with the Gallente Federation.

At this time, the total number of Hades Empire legions that appeared around the Mobius meteorite belt was only over 10 million.

Although the subsequent number is still increasing, the total number is definitely limited.

Neither the Hades Empire nor the Gallente Federation could support large-scale troops for cross-border teleportation over such long distances in time and space.

And when the Gallente Federation contacts the Hades Empire, it must also be careful to see if the other party will swallow it up!

The Federation and the Hades Empire were not close collaborators to begin with.

A dark space vortex appeared directly above the Mobius meteorite belt.

As this space vortex appears, the entire surrounding space becomes unstable.

A woman wearing a black skirt and high heels slowly emerged from the space vortex.

The other party's dim and hazy eyes, against the background of the surrounding bright starry sky, gave people a terrifying suction force like a black hole, and the surrounding light seemed to be weakened a lot because of this.

"Oh, even though I still have some relationship with the wizarding civilization, since the Pharaoh Temple meeting has made a decision, I can't be too soft."

"According to the agreed time, the other pharaohs should also start taking action, right?" The woman in a black dress covered her mouth and chuckled.

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