The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1813 The group battle in the ancient desert wasteland world ends

After briefly saying hello to the God of Corruption, Thane's main focus was still on the battle between Piccolo and Kasasky.

On the premise that there are no other combat missions for the time being, Thain has even slowed down his experimental research in the field of truth exploration.

There is no way, the dominator-level battlefield is out of reach, it is too far away, and it is impossible to understand the specific power methods used by those dominators.

The battle between Kasasky and Piccolo is a great reference for Thane.

The weapons Kasaski uses are, in most cases, his fists.

However, this sixth-level peak creature also has its own world-class secret treasure.

It was a pair of fist gloves exuding strong fluctuations of the law of fire.

Pairs of world-class secret treasures that Thain had only seen on Tourmaline before.

Kasaski's pair of world-class secret treasure gloves, taken individually, can only be said to be of average quality.

But when they come together as a pair, they become a good set of combat power boosting props.

Piccolo, Kasassky's opponent, also showed his treasure in the subsequent battle.

The world-class secret treasure used by Piccolo is even more peculiar, which are seven light yellow giant star beads.

Each star bead is several meters in diameter.

They can also expand or shrink at will during combat.

By asking knowledgeable knights and magicians, Thane learned that these seven star beads turned out to be treasures bred from the origin of the Namek plane.

Seven beads, separated individually, are not even considered world-class secret treasures, they can only be regarded as good high-level artifacts.

But when they come together, the power they unleash is comparable to that of a mid-level world-class secret treasure!

The overall quality of these seven star beads is even higher than that of Kasaski's pair of gloves.

I can't beat him with my personal strength, and my equipment can't match it either.



Kasasky's ending seems to be doomed.

"There is an interesting legend about Namek."

"Many low-level Namekians believe that if they can collect seven star beads, they can get a wish that comes true at will."

"This legend has even radiated and affected many low-level creatures in small and micro worlds around the Namek Star Territory."

"But the fact turns out to be that it is just a set of equipment for Piccolo, the sixth-level peak powerhouse."

"Because it incorporates a lot of the original power of Namek's plane, it is given so much mythical and legendary color." A fifth-level knight who had traveled to the star fields around Namek smiled and said to Thane Others told.

"In addition to the special plane origin power, I seem to also feel a very obscure dragon factor in it." Thain touched his chin and commented.

"Really? I didn't know that. Master Thain's perception is really sharp." The fifth-level knight complimented.

The battle between Kasaski and Bick lasted for fifty years.

The profound heritage and super stamina of the sixth-level peak creatures enable them to maintain such a high-intensity explosive battle state.

During this period, Thain and other wizard civilization legions really did not interfere too much in the battle between the two.

In addition to dispatching legions to speed up the occupation of the surrounding areas of the ancient desert wasteland world group, no one rashly marched towards the central battlefield.

During this period, Piccolo and Kasassky seemed to have become the focus of the entire medium-sized star field battlefield.

But a few in the wizarding world, including Thane

The fifth- and sixth-level experts knew that outside the ancient desert world group, there was still a game going on between the seventh-level reader Moraya and the Lord of Apocalypse.

It's just that a battle at that level is too far away from Thain and others, and lower life forms are even more difficult to reach, so the level of attention it receives is not as eye-catching as the battle at the center of the ancient desert world group.

The final result of this peak level six battle was not much suspense. Piccolo won.

Piccolo did not kill his opponent, he just severely injured the opponent, and then the Wizard Civilized Legion completed the final blow.

The space fortress, numbering close to two hundred, fired a salvo at the battlefield where Kasasky was.

Cuillis and the other sixth-level warriors from the Wizarding Civilization, who had already sharpened their swords, attacked Kasasky, who was at the end of his crossbow.

Kasasky, who was at the end of his rope, could not even detonate his body, causing more heavy damage to the wizard civilization army in front of him.

It's just that the exploding flames of the Magma Law caused many impatient wizards and civilization experts to suffer a little loss.

Kasasky is a tough nut to crack, but the benefits he brings to the powerful wizard civilization are also very generous.

Not much to say about a pair of world-class secret treasure gloves.

In addition, Cuilis and other powerful wizards from the civilization dug out a red heart of molten metal from Kasassky's chest.

A diamond-shaped flame crystal was separated from the back of Sakaski's hand.

The Molten Heart is somewhat similar to the Godhead, and it is also the source of Kasasky's power.

After Trilis' evaluation, the value of this thing is not inferior to that of a pair of world-class secret treasure gloves.

The flame crystal separated from the back of Kasassky's hand was later determined to be the original core of the sixth-level alliance creature killed by Kasassky, the Fire Spirit Essence.


It seems that Kasasky has not had time to completely swallow and absorb this flame crystal.

As a level six core, this flame crystal is also valuable.

But considering that the Fire Spirit died fighting for the Wizarding Civilization, it was also a member of the Wizarding Alliance.

In order to appease the plane groups behind the Fire Spirit Spirit, the wizarding civilization may have other considerations regarding the disposal of this crystal.

However, the income in other fields has already made the wizard civilization a lot of money.

The corpse of Kasaski, a level six peak creature, also contains a huge amount of value.

Thain was thinking about visiting his master sometime to see if he could get some specimen materials of this sixth-level peak apocalyptic creature from his master.

After the fall of Kasaski, the war in the ancient desert wasteland world group did not have much suspense.

As the most elite Apocalypse Legion was exterminated, the other vassal and threatening legions of the Gallente Federation could only retreat again and again.

The front line of the war once approached the star domain border of the Apocalypse World.

Taking another step forward means that the wizard civilization army will set foot in the territory of Apocalypse World and start a war of conquest of Apocalypse World.

In fact, before Kasasky was about to die, the seventh-level Apocalypse Master wanted to rescue him.

But he was stopped by Moraya, the master-level thinker.

Moraya's strength is superior to that of the Lord of Apocalypse.

If she hadn't tried to preserve her strength and minimize the loss of her own master soul, the war in the ancient desert wasteland world group might have been smoother.

Seeing his most effective deployment fall, the Lord of Apocalypse in the starry sky couldn't help but let out a silent sigh.

"There will be another update before one o'clock~"

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