The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1812: Peak combat power under the Lord

The method Piccolo has mastered is not a self-sealing technique, but a passive sealing and tempering technique.

As early as 20,000 years ago, when he found that his strength was difficult to break through on the original basis, in order to push the limit, Piccolo spent a huge sum of money to ask a sixth-level magician in the wizarding world who was good at alchemy to make these for him. Usually confine and limit your own equipment.

The clothes and accessories that Piccolo had previously worn not only weighed a lot, but also greatly hindered the circulation of elemental energy and the power of law.

It was under the suppression and torture of these equipment that Piccolo, who had not felt progress for many years, could feel the pleasure of breaking through the limits again in battle after battle.

"You are the first being in the past ten thousand years who can force me to take off my restraints." After twisting his wrist, Piccolo rushed towards Kasaski, the sixth-level peak weather expert.

At this time, Kasaski's appearance has been completely transformed into a molten volcano exuding a burning aura, and the rich power of fire rules penetrates from its surface.

This is also Kasasky's peak posture. When he is on a plane battlefield, the temperature of the entire world will rise because of him!

However, facing Piccolo who was freed from his restraints at this moment, Kasaski's overall impression was that he still lost a bit of the limelight.

This situation will also directly reflect the current strength of the two people.

When Piccolo and Kasaski fought, the legion led by Thane was not far from the central battlefield.

Therefore, Thain can deeply perceive the terrifying combat power of those two peak level six beings.

Thain had seen his master take action before.

What I have to admit is that Thane's master Cuilis is indeed far from the explosive limit of Piccolo and the other two.

However, what magicians are better at is leveraging higher magic levers with lower elemental energy.



Whether it was Piccolo or Kasassky, they absolutely couldn't bear to stand there and let Trilis use long-range magic to shoot.

But in this battle, Cuilis made repeated orders, asking the powerful wizards and civilizations in the surrounding battlefields not to need support from Bicker.

Regarding this situation, Thane couldn't help but pondered, "Is it to sharpen Piccolo so that he can find opportunities to break through to a higher level in dangerous and fierce battles?"

Thain's question was left unanswered.

But the battle between Piccolo and Kasaski indeed represents the pinnacle of the combat power of creatures below the Dominator level on this top civilized battlefield.

When Piccolo and Kasassky were fighting fiercely, the enemy opposite the legion led by Thane was none other than their old rival, the former Sea King Orm and his legion.

Arthur did not lead his legion to come to the ancient desert world to teach this younger brother a lesson.

Between seeking the future development of the sea planet and resolving personal conflicts, Arthur chose the former.

Attacking the ancient desert wasteland world group is not in the interests of the sea planet under Arthur's command. Only by following the sea army led by Bai Xing can Arthur lead his people and gain more benefits.

As time goes by, Arthur becomes more and more qualified as Sea King.

According to the latest information Thane received about the legions led by White Star, they seemed to have gone to the frontier battlefield where the wizarding civilization had penetrated into the hinterland of the Gallente Federation.

At this time, Neptune Orm no longer had the high spirits of his early years.

Even now he is "disgraced"

"Maybe it's because the scorching and dry environment of the ancient desert world is not suitable for marine creatures like him.

The world-class secret treasure, the Crown of the Sea King, is worn diagonally on Orm's head.

Looking at the fierce energy turmoil not far away, Orm did not know how many times he regretted getting involved in the war between the two top civilizations.

"The Wizard Civilization Legion is advancing towards us again."

"King, should we continue to retreat..." The fifth-level shark came to Orm and leaned over to ask.

On the battlefield of the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Group, the only ones that can really fight are the Apocalypse Great World Legion. Other combat legions, such as Orm's remnant army of the sea planet, and the native biological army of the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Group, are basically in a state of collapse. .

The elite Apocalypse Legion led by Kasaski had unparalleled combat power and thwarted the momentum of many wizard civilization attacking legions, allowing the situation in this medium-sized star field to become calm and stable.

But at this moment, when Kasasky is involved and suppressed by Piccolo, and most of his elite Apocalypse Legion are unable to move, the combat legions on the surrounding battlefields will inevitably be defeated by the wizard civilization army again.

Seeing that the front line in the distance had collapsed and Orm had fled with experience, he sighed, straightened his crown, and said, "Let's go."

Orm led his Sea Planet Legion to withdraw from the battlefield first, causing the Gallente Federation to collapse faster than expected on this battlefield.

Regarding this situation, no one on the battlefield can jump out and blame Orm for the time being.

Because the Gallente Federation has invested very little fleet strength in this star field battlefield, the Apocalypse World Legion cannot take care of it for the time being.

Orm and others don't need to achieve any war goals, they just need to run faster than others, that's enough.


Orm and his team, who have lost their mother plane, have nothing else to care about except their own lives.

"It's a pity that this guy Om ran away."

"His Crown of the Sea King and another technological secret treasure are both good treasures."

"He himself is Arthur's cherished rival."

"Forget it, let them run. I want to see where else they can run." Thain sighed as he looked at the defeated army of Planet of the Sea on the starry sky battlefield in the distance.

Although the front line that Orm and others were responsible for collapsed at the first touch, the elite army of the Apocalypse Great World, which was on the battlefield of the ancient desert wasteland world, was still like a hard reef, withstanding the impact of the wizard civilization army.

However, this war soon turned from a one-sided attack into a battle surrounded by all sides.

After winning the occupation mission of the starry sky coordinates in front of him, Thane did not continue to advance, but stayed in place, waiting for new combat instructions from the wizard civilization.

If at this time, Thain and others turn around to attack the back of the Apocalypse Great World Army.

Even if Kasasky and his Apocalypse Legion were able to fight again, they would inevitably be in dire straits.

Thane was waiting for an order, as were the other wizard civilization legions that had completed their assigned combat missions.

The God of Corruption, who had a good relationship with Thane, then led his Corrupt World Legion to the flank of the battlefield where Thain was.

I haven’t seen it for a while, but the true body of the God of Corruption seems to be much larger.

It seems that it is very moist under the civilized hands of Rose Dynasty.

At least on the surface, Thain couldn't see any traces of the guy being injured by Kasasky some time ago.

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