The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,776 Rich

Bond spent a lot of time with the Samirato scientists.

And before leaving, Matthew, a famous federal genetics scientist, also led his team to upgrade Bond's genetic bracelet to a mid- to low-grade world-class secret treasure.

Scientist Matthew is definitely a master of genetics in the Gallente Federation. Many of the Federation's well-known geneticists are considered Matthew's students.

In the minds of ordinary federal civilians, Matthew is even dead. The official library's description of him still remains in the last paper left by Matthew 70,000 years ago.

The reason why the Gallente Federation hid Matthew so much was naturally to protect his safety.

Not only Matthew, but also more than one federal antique that Bond saw at the National Science Center.

In the history of wizard civilization, there seems to be a specific eradication of scientists from the Gallente Federation. 🄼

Therefore, even before the civilized war broke out, the Gallente Federation began to intentionally protect and hide them.

After leaving the National Science Center, Bond did not immediately return to the front lines.

Ms. Gemma, the leader of the federal special department, an old lady with short silver-gray hair, approved that Bond can take some time off.

And because Bond has recently come into contact with the core secrets of the Gallente Federation, he is temporarily unable to apply for combat, let alone take the initiative to go to the frontier.

So what’s next?

As an orphan, Bond was a little confused for a while.

He first went back to the orphanage where he grew up to take a look.

This is a chain of welfare homes in many stars of the Gallente Federation. Many federal citizens who cannot afford to raise their children will send their children here.

Because the war with the wizarding civilization has broken out for more than two thousand years, the population of the lower class of the Federation has changed several times, and the situation on the front line is not optimistic. The orphanage where Bond grew up in his childhood seems to be more lively than it was back then. Now, there are more children.

Bond donated all his savings to the orphanage.

The net worth of a level five agent is still very rich. It is useless for him to ask for the money. Anyway, every time he performs a mission, the military is responsible for the equipment he uses.

After staying in the orphanage for a while, Bond suddenly thought of catching up with his friends.

Most of Bond's friends are agents from the same department or military personnel who have cooperated with him.

Although it is during the war and everyone is very busy, there are always a few people who are as free as him.

Bond remembered Ursula Anders, a female agent with blond hair and a very plump figure. Bond had a good memory with her.

There is also Daniela Bianchi, a little pepper who often has short hair similar to that of a man, and she once caused Bond a lot of trouble.

Thinking of these former friends, Bond couldn't help but feel a little better.

I don’t know how they are doing now. They probably didn’t die in the war.

Of course, among these friends, Bond also remembered Charlie Robert, who left a deep impression on him in the subspace battlefield.

Bond heard that when Charlie Robert left the subspace battlefield, he spent all his savings and used his general title as a guarantee to take away the "Dangerous Wanderer" that had been reduced to ruins.

I don’t know what’s going on with Charlie recently. It seems that he said that his hometown is in the Floodlight Galaxy. It just so happens that where Bond is now, it’s not far from the Floodlight Galaxy.

Thinking of this, Bond threw out the capsule spacecraft he carried with him.

In the field of solo travel in the cosmic star realm, we have to admit that the Gallente Federation is ahead of the wizarding civilization.

In the wizarding world, only those with level four or above can navigate the star sea, but here in the Gallente Federation, even some lower creatures can explore the stars with the help of accurate star maps.

Wizarding World.

Unconsciously, twenty-one years have passed since Thane returned to the wizarding world.

Over the years, Thain has never stopped for a moment in his exploration of the truth.

It was said that he returned to the wizarding world to rest, but in fact, Thain had not completely rested at all.

From this point of view, the group of knights in the wizarding world still live a cool life.

Many wizards and civilized knights who have returned from the frontline battlefield will spend their holidays being sensual, indulgent and enjoying life.

On the other hand, Thane, it seems that he has done nothing else in the past few years except for relaxing a little with Yuli and other girls after experiments.

This is because magicians and knights have different values. According to Thain, it is simply unreasonable to waste time chasing some low-level interests.

Only truth is eternal.

After finishing the experiment that day, Thain heard a report from the Grant family.

The small family that once had only two or three official knights has now developed into the number one knight family in the Land of Ashes.

There are now nearly 300 first-class knights and above in the Grant family. This does not include those knights from other families who are married to the Grant family, that is, they have certain Grant family blood.

Thain is pretty good to the family he was born into.

The low-grade potions he used to make were all internally digested by the Grant family.

No matter how low-level the potion made by Thane is, it is still a potion made by a level 4 or above magician.

In addition, Thain also used his research in the fields of human body, blood science, genetics and other fields to strengthen the members of the Grant family in various aspects from time to time.

It is difficult to say when the Grant family will give birth to a fourth-level knight.

Ulysses' talent is good and his understanding is not bad, but promotion to level four is not guaranteed.

The content of the report from the Grant family was mostly about the physical training results that Thain gave them a few years ago.

Thain has applied the body-refining secrets he has mastered to the growth of low-level knights of the Grant family. Looking at the growth data of these knights below level three can be regarded as Thain conducting experimental verification.

The final data results made Thain very satisfied, and in the information reported by the Grant family, it was also mentioned that a genius had recently appeared in the family.

"Oh? An eighteen-year-old first-class knight? It's really rare." Thain looked at the crystal ball in his hand with some surprise.

After handling the matters at hand, Vol'jin, the goddess of wealth, appeared in front of Thane and reported to him the financial status of the Ashlands in recent times.

Thain is rich now.

No matter how rich you are, just the magic currency funds that can be flexibly mobilized. According to Wojin's report, there are close to 1.2 billion.

This is not to mention the rare magical materials and collected specimens that Thane has on hand.

Whether it's the remaining fragments of technology-side secret treasures that Thain has on hand, or the level-6 apocalyptic biological specimen he captured in the subspace battlefield, they can be sold for a high price if thrown out.

The specimen must not be sold, it is Thain's private collection.

As for the remaining fragments of the secret treasure, Thain has not yet decided what to do with them.

Treasures of this level do not necessarily have to be sold, it is also good to keep them at the bottom of the box.

"By the way, give me 50 million magic coins in advance for backup. I may have to buy two more space fortresses." Thain said to Wojin.

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