The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,775 Chief Scientist of the Federation

After finishing the production of the golden apple liquid, Thain breathed a sigh of relief and was finally able to start his various magic research step by step according to the original plan.

Life in the wizarding world is quiet, peaceful, free and relaxed.

After experiencing the smoke and flames of the frontline battlefield, I can better understand the beauty and difficulty of the atmosphere of the mother plane.

The rewards that Klopp Knight promised to Thain have been gradually sent to Thain in recent years.

Including the huge war gains captured by the Ashes Holy Tower Legion on the frontline battlefields, part of them was also transported back to the Ashes Holy Tower.

The advantages and disadvantages of civilized war can be directly fed back to the wizarding world, and even to all aspects of the entire wizarding alliance. 🄳🄼

Take the academic magicians of the Holy Tower of Ashes as an example. Even if they have not personally participated in the civilized wars on the front lines, they can still benefit from the advantages gained by wizard civilization on the frontline battlefields and the outstanding war achievements of the Holy Tower of Ashes in recent years. Among the results, you get considerable benefits!

The current average price of energy crystals in the Wizarding World has declined instead of increasing compared to before the outbreak of the Civilization War.

Although the prices of restorative potions and related magic materials have continued to rise in recent years.

But comparing the benefits that magicians in the Wizarding World receive from the Holy Tower every year, as well as various other cheaper resources and materials, overall, the current economy, resources, academics, and strong atmosphere in the Wizarding World are better than before the war. Better.

And when everyone in the wizarding world can begin to enjoy the fruits of civilized war, including the overall strength of the wizarding world, which will also usher in a leap-forward improvement, it will inevitably be the day when the civilized war is won.

Although Thain is currently in the laboratory and has done nothing, in fact, in the process of exploring magic and truth, he is also contributing to the wizarding civilization.

While Thane returned to the Wizarding World to rest, Bond had already returned to the Gallente Federation.

He actually came back much earlier than Thane. When Thain was still fighting in the Star Territory of the Sea, Bond had already gone through special channels to the Federal Special-Level National Science Center in the deepest part of the Gallente Federation Star Territory.

And here, Bond was fortunate enough to meet the national treasure of the Gallente Federation-Samirato.

The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Master Michael Bay, only recognized four federal scientists, including himself, during his lifetime. They were Samirato, Ilo, and Sippnas.

Among them, Samirato is undoubtedly the contemporary academic leader of the Gallente Federation.

The Federation's ultimate doomsday weapon, the Endless Light, was successfully completed and tested under the leadership of Samirato scientists.

Scientists including Samirato were also the team leaders of the federal ultimate quantum computer design project that year.

After Pavlov, the previous academic leader, died for no reason, leaving only partial information about the "God's Domain".

It was the Samirato scientist who inherited the main legacy of his mentor and successfully carried forward the Gallente Federation's research in the field of God.

As a leader in the academic world and the chief scientist of the Federation that the Wizarding Civilization most wanted to kill, the reason why Samirato met with Bond who had just returned from the frontline battlefield was precisely because he brought back some scientific and technological information about the Aylland Butterfly civilization. .

Scientist Samirato does not have the exaggerated and determined spirit of sacrifice as the military generals, but he is willing to contribute his share to the Gallente Federation, the mother civilization.

If we can really discover something from the information about the Ai Youlan Die civilization ruins, maybe it will change the situation on the front lines of the civilized battlefield, right?

Who knows? Scientist Samirato is not a military scientist, so he can only do his best.

"Huh? Infinite energy device..." After seeing the information about the remains of the Orchid butterfly civilization that Bond brought back, the Samirato scientist at the science center let out a cry of surprise, and then showed great interest in it. appearance.

Scientists in the Gallente Federation are quite similar to magicians in the Wizarding World in some fields.

In the process of exploring truth and experimenting, they will show extremely crazy and morbid side.

It's just that federal scientists are generally weak and don't have as much destructive power as magicians in the wizarding world.

Therefore, within this civilization, the voice of these scientists is generally not high.

Only scholars at the level of Samirato can influence the general trend of civilization.

Because Bond personally participated in the exploration of the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization and had the deepest understanding of this prehistoric technological civilization, he did not leave the federal special-level National Science Center, but accepted Samirato's inquiry here, and Try to get as much useful information as possible.

In addition, while the Samirato scientist is right in front of him, and he seems to be easy to talk to.

Bond took advantage of the situation and made a very subtle plea to Marshal Rommel on the frontline battlefield, saying that Marshal Rommel had done his best in that top civilization relic.

To be able to reach the position of chief scientist of the Federation, Scientist Samirato is obviously not a nerd who only knows how to do research.

Just like the federal ultimate quantum computer development project, Samirato actually didn't dabble much in quantum computing. He mainly dabbled in the explosion of power in the realm of God.

But in the end he was still the leader of the project team, which shows.

Samirato, who adjusted his glasses frame and had gray hair, reassured Bond in front of him, "Don't worry, kid, Rommel will be fine. He is a young man who knows how to measure his sense of proportion. We all think highly of him." .”

"And I heard that he just led a fleet group and escaped an encirclement and suppression by the master of the wizard civilization." Samirato replied.

"Oh? Really?" Bond blinked in surprise. He didn't know that the fleet led by Rommel was almost dumped by the master of wizard civilization at the border of the Beholder World's star field.

"Yes, I see that you still have some traces of technology from other civilizations. Did it come from that ancient top cultivation civilization called the Black Yin Civilization?" Samirato asked, getting back to business.

"Yes, this is the 'gene bracelet' I obtained in the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization." Bond said, stretching out his right arm.

"It's a nice gadget. Before you leave, I can ask Matthew to help you upgrade and strengthen it." Samirato said after looking at it for a while with his glasses on.

In front of Samirato, who has produced the ultimate doomsday weapon such as Endless Light, a genetic bracelet that is just a low-grade, world-class secret treasure can indeed be called a "gadget".

Bond was stunned for a moment, then immediately replied, "Thank you, Master!"

"It's nothing. Civilized wars always require young people like you and Rommel to fight."

"Old guys like us can only make contributions to you in other fields." Samirato sighed.

Indeed, none of the federal scientists in this special science center looked young.

Even though the Federation's life technology has developed to this level, the appearance of these Federation scientists is still old, indicating that their true age is older than the last!

These old guys are the real treasures of the Federation in the field of science and technology.

No wonder the Gallente Federation protects them so deeply. Even Bond went through dozens or hundreds of checks when entering here.

This science center even has the ability to withstand short-term attacks from multiple masters.

After chatting casually with Bond for a while, scientist Samirato asked whether most of the current frontline wars with wizard civilization have retreated to the federal star field.

After receiving Bond's affirmative answer, Samirato sighed softly.

Many federal scientists in the science center also sighed.

However, no one showed obvious pessimism, and everyone was still completing every task seriously.

Bond, who was being examined by Samirato scientists, couldn't help but clenched his fists.

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