The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,717 Distribution

During this short period of siege, both the fifth-level reader and the fifth-level mecha warrior suffered certain injuries.

After all, they are just ordinary fifth-level creatures, unlike Thain, who has world-class secret treasures nearby.

This fifth-level sorcerer with short pink hair had many scratches and traces of corruption on the gauze she wore, which had been melted by the enemy's flesh and blood.

The two streaks of blood on his cheeks not only gave him a somewhat heroic temperament, but also made him look a little more fragile.

The body of the Rose Dynasty Civilization Advocate is indeed very fragile. This is a long-range profession whose defense power is comparable to that of wizards and civilization magicians.

Participating in this kind of sixth-level battle is also a big threat to this fifth-level reader of the Rose Dynasty civilization.

What's even more commendable is that she was the first to express her respectful farewell to Thane and others. The fifth-level mecha warrior was just following her orders.

Rose Dynasty civilization is dominated by those who read.

The wizarding world is still on the surface, using rules to explain that knights and magicians have equal status in wizarding civilization.

However, in the civilization of the Rose Dynasty, it was almost legal in form, clearly indicating that the status of the chanter was higher than that of the mecha warrior.

Because the civilized royal family of the Rose Dynasty is composed of those who read.

Mecha builders and mecha warriors were just ordinary civilians with low status tens of thousands of years ago.

Before a certain queen came to power in history, the civilization of the Rose Dynasty was actually called the "World of Readers".

It was the empress who was talented, forward-looking and wise, who gave certain rights to the new mecha manufacturers and mecha warriors, and changed the name of her own civilization to "Rose Dynasty Civilization".

That was the greatest Queen in the history of Rose Dynasty civilization.

However, for now, the mecha warriors of the Rose Dynasty civilization do not seem to be dissatisfied with the status quo.

The vast majority of mecha warriors obey the orders of the readers without complaint.

The ideas of giving priority to those who remember and the supremacy of the Queen have penetrated into the hearts of creatures from all walks of life in the Rose Dynasty civilization.

What Thain threw to the fifth-level reader was one of the few amethyst potions he had left, as well as some other pretty good restorative potions.

The opponent's injuries don't look too light. After Thane kills this level 6 apocalypse creature, he will most likely be able to return to the rear to rest.

And the fifth-level reader who had just come to support still needs to continue fighting.

These potions will obviously have the greatest value in the opponent's hands.

What was thrown to the mecha warrior were some energy amethysts stored by Thane.

Thain is also not sure whether the mecha warriors of the Rose Dynasty civilization can use energy amethyst to repair their own wounds.

But considering that the Flame Constructed Golem and robots such as the Eight-Winged Angel Fumila can be used, the mechas produced by the Rose Dynasty Civilization should also be used, right?

Thain didn't say a word on the battlefield, but his actions and the attitude he expressed made these Rose Dynasty civilized reinforcements feel it immediately.

The unknown fifth-level reader smiled slightly after receiving the potion from Thain.

She wasn't worried that Thane would harm her either.

The fifth-level reader did not drink the most precious amethyst potion, but put it away. She just drank an ordinary potion that Thain threw to her.

After smiling at Thain and nodding, the fifth-level telepathic user let out a scream of telekinesis, and then led the surrounding mecha and telepathic legions to rush to other battlefields.

The fifth-level mecha warrior of the Rose Dynasty civilization was standing there in a daze when he received a large piece of energy amethyst thrown by Thane.

I don't know if it was because this guy had never seen this thing before, or some other factor, that made him stare at the energy amethyst in his hand for a long time.

The fifth-level reader's scolding finally brought this guy back to his senses.

After hurriedly stuffing this large piece of energy amethyst into the storage space on the back of his mecha, he also left with it.

Before leaving, the fifth-level mecha warrior also nodded slightly at Thain, seemingly thanking Thain for his gift.

Although the Civilized Legion of the Rose Dynasty left, the God of Corruption and his Corrupted World Legion did not immediately withdraw from this battlefield.

According to the wartime regulations of the Wizards Alliance, since the Corrupt World is responsible for this area, the Corrupt World can get at least 60% of the final spoils.

The remaining 40% naturally needs to be handed over to the Wizards Alliance.

Under very special circumstances, some alliance planes can also obtain all the benefits on the battlefield.

This is also a way for wizard civilization to inspire the fighting will and initiative of the alliance plane legions.

The God of Corruption in front of us is one of the main forces attacking the sixth-level apocalypse creature. To be fair, it should get at least one-third of the profit from this sixth-level trophy.

Although the God of Corruption in front of him showed an attitude of working hard and not coveting the profits of loot, Thain still took the initiative to say to him, "This level six biological specimen is very important to me, but I will never be greedy for the share that belongs to you." .”

"How to allocate it specifically? I will contact you after the battle is over."

"For those gains that I really can't part with, please allow me to convert them into magic coins or other forms to compensate you." Thain said sincerely to the God of Corruption.

Thain's sincere statement moved the God of Corruption.

It replied in a dull and stuttering voice, "No... no need... that's fine, I just need to absorb a little bit of the corrupted atmosphere."

"How about that? It's yours, it's yours."

"Every one of our knights and magicians is a staunch defender of the rules of the Wizards Alliance and will not harm the vested interests of every alliance member." Thain said righteously first.

Then he asked curiously, "You said you need to absorb some corruptive aura? What is that?"

The God of Corruption didn't seem to be very good at communicating with people. For a while, it was difficult for him to express his precise meaning to Thane.

After stammering for a long time, it chose to show Thain with practical actions.

I saw the body of the God of Corruption branching off a tentacle-like thing, and then extending it to the surface of the corpse of the sixth-level apocalypse creature.

I don't know what the tentacles did specifically, but I saw a lot of gray gas and corrupt aura on the corpse of the sixth-level creature, which continuously converged towards the tentacles of the God of Corruption, and was eventually absorbed into the body by it.

"You can actually increase your divine power through this method. Is it because you absorbed the corrupt power of dead individuals?"

"Is it true that the stronger the deceased is and the deeper the power of corruption and decay he has accumulated, the greater the help he will have to you?" Thain couldn't help but ask one after another.

The God of Corruption looked at Thane for a long time, and finally said, "Yes...yes."

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