The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,716 Killed

The Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion that first came to support Thain was a mecha corps of nearly 100,000 people led by two brown-red mechas.

The two brown-red mechas both possess level four combat capabilities.

They should also feel that they are not qualified to participate in the siege of sixth-level apocalyptic creatures.

So after arriving at the nearby battlefield, he only joined the bottom battlefield, including the two brown-red mechas, and also went to other fourth- and fifth-level creatures targeting the Apocalypse World. 🄲

The arrival of the two brown-red mechas is just a prelude.

In the following period, millions of mecha legions rushed here one after another.

Many of them have passed through the war zones that Corrupt World is responsible for.

With the help of the Rose Dynasty's civilized reinforcements, the collapse and siege of the Apocalypse World became faster.

It stands to reason that the creatures of the corrupted world and the God of Corruption himself should be unpopular in the Wizards' Union.

Is it possible that because most of these rose dynasty civilized creatures are in mechas and are isolated from the unpleasant smell commonly possessed by creatures in the corrupt world, so there is no prejudice against them?

No, behind these mecha legions, there were soon a large number of legions of readers rushing to help here.

Many female practitioners of the Rose Dynasty civilization showed repulsion and frowned upon these corrupting world creatures, but they eventually followed their original marching trajectory and participated in the war in nearby areas.

It played a very key role in helping Thane and others destroy the Apocalypse World Legion in the surrounding areas.

In fact, there are not many legions that the Rose Dynasty civilization has invested in this subspace battlefield.

It should be said that there are not many existing legions of the Rose Dynasty civilization.

The mother plane was destroyed by the Gallente Federation, and most of the citizens and creatures above level four died. Even the previous queen died directly in the battle to defend the mother plane.

The number of survivors of the Rose Dynasty Civilization who fled to the Wizarding Civilization itself was not very large.

The Rose Dynasty Civilization Legion that supported the subspace battlefield this time accounts for about half of their current total civilization strength.

The other half is led by a Dominator-level mecha warrior, fighting on the front lines of the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation.

Although these combat legions of the Rose Dynasty Civilization are not large in number, their individual combat power is obviously greater than that of ordinary creatures in the plane world.

I heard that before the fall of the Rose Dynasty civilization, there were not only eight-level combatants in the civilization, but also several master-level individuals above level seven.

A large-scale world civilization like this is definitely at the top of the large-scale world.

Although the Great World of Apocalypse is also a large world, the performance of those Apocalypse Legions on the battlefield is obviously not as good as the mixed legions of readers and mechas of the Rose Dynasty Civilization.

Not to mention that they are still on the receiving end.

Thain became increasingly curious about these Rose Dynasty civilized legions.

Especially when there is a level 5 mecha and a level 5 reader participating in the siege of level 6 apocalypse creatures at close range.


The fierce battle for Thane lasted for more than a week after the arrival of dominator-level reinforcements from both sides.

This level 6 apocalypse creature, whose blood was almost drained, finally fell.

Fumila, holding a lightsaber, completed the final blow to this apocalyptic creature.

She first used her lightsaber to cut off the opponent's bloody head that was still half hanging around his neck, and then moved closer and penetrated his chest and heart with the lightsaber.

Let alone a sixth-level creature, even a fourth-level creature may not necessarily die if its head is moved.

But at this moment, the sixth-level apocalypse creature that had endured countless blows was finally dead.

When this guy died, his body was covered in bloody flesh and signs of corruption.

Even one of the two eyeballs exploded, and the other one was exuding thick gray gas and stench. This was the influence of the God of Corruption on it.

Judging from the appearance alone, this is just a pile of rotten minced meat. How can it have the grace of the once aloof sixth-level creature?

But when Thain looked at the carrion and pieces of corpses in front of him, there was a sparkle in his eyes.

In Thain's eyes, it is not only a corpse exuding a strong aura of corruption, but also a step for him to delve into a higher level of truth.

Using level six creatures as experimental specimens, how many people in the wizarding world can do this? !

After the sixth-level Apocalypse creatures completely lost their life breath, the two fifth-level Rose Dynasty civilization creatures who participated in the siege were the first to express their respect to Thain before leaving.

They were going to support other battlefields in the surrounding area.

What surprised Thain was that these two powerful men of the same level as Rose Dynasty civilization had no idea of ​​sharing the benefits of the spoils with Thain!

Including the God of Corruption, after looking at the corpse of the apocalypse creature for a while, there were signs of leaving.

Who doesn’t like eating alone?

But Thain didn't do that in the end.

He is a magician who has clear grudges and follows the principle of equivalence.

To the two Rose Dynasty civilization powerhouses, he first threw away some potions and special crystal stones.

There is no rush to divide up the spoils of this sixth-level creature.

There are still battles going on around, and cutting up and collecting the corpses of level six creatures is no small undertaking.

Only when the war ends or enters a period of rest can Thain properly process the corpse and distribute the profits to others with reasonable profits.

The value of this level six apocalypse creature is not limited to the research value of its corpse’s flesh and blood.

The weapons and equipment it uses, including the various inventories in its portable space props, are all objects of carve-up by Thane and others.

This is a big cake, and the profit is higher than any plane war that Thain has participated in in the past.

How to distribute it, and how much will be distributed to others at that time? This all requires careful consideration.

After that, it was not like he stopped cooperating with the Civilized Legion of the Rose Dynasty, the God of Corruption and others. Thain himself had no idea how long the war in subspace would last.

To make good friends with more powerful alliance players and gain access to more resources and connections, you must first learn to "pay."

It is difficult for selfish people to survive. After all, there are very few fools and purely selfless people in this world.

Only interests can bind people to each other.

The fifth-level reader in front of Thane, I have to say, is quite beautiful.

This is a young female nian with short wavy pink hair.

The age of creatures above level four cannot be judged solely by their appearance.

However, Thain still feels that the other party is not too old. For level five creatures, as long as they are less than 100,000 years old, they are considered "young".

Thane's masters, Bogaru Garu and Penas, are very "young".

Although Master Cuilis is over 100,000 years old, she is still considered "young" among sixth-level magicians.

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