The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,694 Experiment (Additional update)

As a magician, Thain follows the principle of equal transactions most.

Now that he has Fumila firmly tied up in his laboratory for research, he will naturally agree to help Fumila and awaken other angel-type robots.

It's just that Thain doesn't know where the group of angel robots brought by Fumila is yet. He needs to find the powerful wizard civilization he knows on the front line to find out.

Moreover, within the secret realm of subspace, the total number of combat legions on both sides has already reached hundreds of millions, and the legions of the Gallente Federation have always far exceeded the number of combat units on the side of the wizard civilization.

Let alone a fourth-level magician in the Wizarding World, he might face an entire Gallente Federation fleet on the battlefield.

Even those second and third level creatures often face the encirclement and suppression of several Gallente Federation attack ships, as well as many drones and low-level robot cannon fodder. .

Therefore, the Million Angel Legion is not eye-catching among the huge war clusters of the Gallente Federation.

The human wave tactic should be more appropriate for the Gallente Federation.

Or rather...a sea of ​​machines.

After receiving Thain's promise, Fumila raised her head and straightened her chest, lying upright on the experimental table to accept Thain's anatomical research.

The first thing Thain dissected and collected was Fumila's skin tissue.

This seems to be a kind of man-made fiber, which feels very smooth to the touch, but after entering the combat state, Fumila's skin is strong enough to be stronger than steel, comparable to the outer alloy of the Gallente Federation's sixth-level space battleship.

Immediately after the skin are the eight wings of Fumila.

In addition to providing extremely exaggerated kinetic energy blessings to Fumila on the battlefield, these eight wings are also the most important energy storage device on Fumila in peacetime.

As Fumila is a robot, Thain does not need to replace her energy source frequently.

The eight wings behind it basically allow Fumila to achieve an energy balance.

"Energy conversion science" is also a topic that Thain has always been interested in.

Knowledge and truth are interlinked. Even if Fumila is made using Gallente Federation science and technology, Thane can use his own understanding to transform it into the magical alchemy and related laws of the wizarding world.

After the Eight Wings, Thane conducted a shallower study and analysis of the internal structure of Fumila's body.

There are so many mysteries contained in level six robots, and it is impossible for Thain to study them in depth in a short period of time.

However, a situation he discovered recently made him extremely different.

It turns out that when Gallente Federation scientists made Fumila, they really made a 1:1 replica of the same type of angel.

Even though the deep inner structure of Fumila is that of a robot, her appearance and some basic organs are real.

For example, Fumila does have some characteristics of a female angel. It is no wonder that she has always defined herself as a female angel, rather than the "neutral" characteristics of ordinary robots‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏ ‏‏sign.

Influenced by Fumila's experiments, Thane went back and dissected several low-level angel robots under her hands.

The final result was surprisingly consistent.

Even low-level angel-type robots have obvious organ distinctions.

Although their intelligence level is far less high than that of Fumila, they have no obvious personality trends.

"It seems that the federal scientist who created you is a paranoid."

"If it is just to make some combat robots, eliminating those seemingly useless structural parts can save at least one-third of the material and energy consumption." Thain re-embedded an alloy steel plate on Fumila's chest. Finally, he said to Fumila in front of him.

At this time, the experiment was coming to an end, and Thain had obtained most of the data he wanted.

Anyway, there is a long way to go. With his current relationship with Fumila, if he wants to study anything, he can just recruit her.

The skin, which is extremely tactile, fits Fumila's body again.

Judging from her appearance alone, it is indeed difficult to connect her with a robot.

Fumila's feelings for her creator are obviously not as deep as those of the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron or the dead Michael Bay.

After all, Michael Bay gave Optimus Prime and others not only a body, but also wisdom.

And before Fumila gained wisdom, the federal scientist Sipnus who created Fumila and the others meant little to them.

is a code identifier.

Thane doesn't need to worry about these angel robots rebelling again.

"I heard that recently, a steady stream of alliance legions have arrived in this war zone, and the war is becoming more and more intense."

"Your joining the Wizards Alliance may have to be put on hold for a while. The higher-ups don't have the energy to do this right now."

"But you don't have to worry. Just come with me in the next battle. I will remember this." Thain said.

Fumila said a flat "hmm". After sitting up from the experimental table, she used energy elements to condense a white tight-fitting combat suit for herself. This is also the daily attire of most angel-type robots.

On the back of their combat uniforms, there are openings specifically for the wings to extend out.

These highly technological battle suits and the lightsabers they commonly use are probably the biggest difference in appearance between these robots and the angels of the Light Protoss recorded in history.

He reluctantly withdrew his gaze from Fumila. If time and energy allowed, he really wanted to study Fumila's deep structure in detail.

But obviously in this wartime state, it is impossible.

Thain may return to the frontline battlefield at any time, and he cannot keep himself locked in the laboratory for in-depth research.

Moreover, Fumila is not the only important research topic of Thain at this stage.

The secrets of the information obtained at the Hongguang Technology Center, the ongoing transformation of the Rubik's Cube, the qualitative change of fire element particles produced by the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapon strikes... these are all important topics that attract Thain's mind.

In addition to these important issues, there are also many secondary issues.

For example, regarding the research on inert crystals and the consolidation of body refining and alchemy, last time, his mentor Lu Lianman gave Thain a lot of research insights and experimental notes on pharmacy, but Thain hadn't had time to study them in depth.

Magician is really a complicated and busy profession.

"By the way, there may be Cybertronian robots among the Wizards Alliance army that will come to our aid in the near future."

"I will introduce you to you then." Thain suddenly remembered something and said to Fumila who was about to walk out of the laboratory.

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