The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,693 Fumila’s Request

Penas and others may not know the reason for Thane's ability to plot against the Gallente Federation's intelligent robots.

But Thain, the master, has close ties with the higher-ups of wizard civilization, so he should have received some news in advance.

Looking at the entire civilized battlefield, the betrayal of a level six robot like Fumila is not worth mentioning for the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization.

Because level six creatures are not as important as imagined in top civilizations.

But for the current subspace battlefield of the Aiyoulandie civilization, it is a big help.

With the addition of Fumila, the advantage of the wizard civilization over the Gallente Federation Legion in this local battlefield will be slightly improved again.

It was also from the mouth of his uncle Penas in front of him that Thane learned that after releasing the doomsday weapons, the Gallente Federation Army was blocked and interfered with by the wizard civilization army‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ .

Otherwise, it would not be easy for Thane and others to join the wizard civilization army.

The Gallente Federation will be the first and faster to arrive at the outskirts of the Ruins of Steel.

"The order was given by the master. She may have guessed what danger you are in." Penas said a little absent-mindedly. Most of her attention was now focused on Fumila behind Thain.

"Thanks to Master's strategizing, we were able to get out of trouble in time."

"Junior wants to rest for a while."

"As for the gains from various ruins in the subspace and the center of the Ruins of Steel, this junior will also compile records after this and finally hand them over to the wizard civilization." Thain said respectfully.

Although his life level is higher than Penas's now, his seniority is here. Thain has received a lot of care from Penas in the past, so he still calls himself "junior" in his words and shows great respect for Penas. meaning.

"Well, don't worry, you can go and rest first."

"If you need any pharmaceutical materials, you can apply directly to the logistics center."

"I heard that your Ash Fortress has also entered this subspace battlefield."

"In the short term, you won't be needed to fight anymore." Penas smiled.

Thain nodded, and finally said goodbye to Penas and left.

When leaving, the eight-winged angel Fumila was still following Thain.

Fumila didn't know enough about the Wizard Civilization Army, and the Wizard Civilization was not at ease with the powerful robots like her who had recently taken refuge.

This is a level six robot!

Just imagine

, if she suddenly rebelled in the hinterland of the Wizard Civilization Legion and destroyed any important materials or logistics nodes of the Wizard Civilization, it would also be a big trouble for the Wizard Civilization Legion commanded by Trilis.

Therefore, Fumila will not be able to move around freely among the wizard civilization army in the short term.

As her instigator and the introducer who would later bring her into the Wizards' Union, Thain had to bear some responsibility for Fumila.

Recently, Fumila needs to stay with Thane.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Thain would not take Fumila to some sensitive areas. The temporary resting place he chose was located on the left edge of the wizard civilization army.

There are many Alliance legions resting here, and there are plenty of supplies. Any special experimental materials Thain needs can be quickly replenished.

Also after returning to the depths of the Wizard‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏‏‏, Thain quickly contacted his Ash Fortress and the Ash Holy Tower Legion under his command.

Before this, the Ash Holy Tower Legion was mainly stationed around the battlefield of the wonderful plane.

But as Bai Xing, who was in charge of the battlefields around the wonderful plane, led a large number of legions under his command to arrive at this subspace battlefield, naturally Thane's Ashes Holy Tower Legion also moved in here.

Without Thain in charge, the Ashes Holy Tower Army has not had any problems in recent years.

The two fourth-level female knights, Lenna and Xia, ensured the stability of the upper level of the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Thain also has good connections in the Wizards Alliance. Whether it is the Kryptonian strongmen, the Huyan strongmen, Arthur, Gal Gadot and others, they have consciously or unconsciously protected the Holy Tower of Ashes in recent years. .

Even the size of the legion in the Holy Tower of Ashes had been partially expanded when Bisain left last time.

I heard that another wave of newly grown official magicians were sent to him, including Wojin, the goddess of wealth, who also supplemented him with a group of elite slave biological legions from nowhere.

The Ash Fortress finally arrived at Thane's area.

It's still your own fortress, it's more comfortable to stay there.

After returning to the fortress, through communicating with Meili, Xia Ya and other leaders, Thane learned that the Ashes Holy Tower Legion had not experienced any fierce battles in recent years.

On the one hand, Thain, the tower owner, is not here. What dangerous tasks can the Holy Tower of Ashes be given from above?

On the other hand, it is also White Star and Cuillis who take extra care of the Ashes Holy Tower Legion.

In recent years, the most tasks performed by the Ashes Holy Tower are responsible for logistics maintenance and resource transfer.

Thane used to

Having worked in logistics, he knows how much money there is in this.

After returning to the Ash Fortress, in addition to meeting several people in charge of the Holy Tower, Thane also settled down the eight-winged angel Fumila and the robot Wall-E.

As expected, Wall-E also followed Thain, and he showed great curiosity about all the things that were happening in the Fortress of Ashes and the Wizard Civilization Legion.

The eight-winged angel Fumila maintained her usual indifferent attitude.

Thain sometimes didn't even talk to her much, let alone other people.

The nearly 10,000 angel-type robots were all placed by Thane in the middle and lower floors of the fortress, where the slave creatures usually move. However, these angel-type robots are much freer than the slave creatures in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Thain is now not only full of desire to research WALL-E, but also has great interest in the anatomy of Fumila.

This is a level six combat power at his mercy!

Thain has studied many fourth- and fifth-level creatures, but has never targeted a sixth-level creature.

Fumila didn't know whether it was because of her stupidity or some other factor, but she didn't resist Thain's request at all.

As the contact deepened, Fumila gradually spoke more and more.

For example, in the laboratory that day, Fumila, who was tied into a "big" shape by Thain, mentioned two things to Thain.

One thing is a private matter, about Sean's uncle Penas.

Fumila accidentally mentioned that the fourth-level magician in the wizarding world looked at her in a very strange way. Fumila didn't like Thain's uncle Penas very much.

Thane didn't care much about this, and the robots had their own likes and dislikes.

It is impossible that just because Fumila obeys Thane's instructions, she will also love everyone around Thain.

Not only Penasi, Fumila also disliked the previous dragon Mo Yan.

When Mo Yan stared at Fumila with squinting eyes, she even showed obvious disgust towards Mo Yan.

On another official matter, Fumila mentioned the nearly one million angel-type robots that are still in the Gallente Federation army.

Fumila hopes that Thane can use the Rubik's Cube to give wisdom to those millions of angel-type robots and lift the federation's control over them.

Although there are many robots on this civilized battlefield, Fumila identifies more with the angel-type robots that are similar in appearance to herself, and they were once Fumila's subordinates.

As for other types of robots produced by the Gallente Federation, Fumila didn't even feel anything about them.

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