The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1590 Song of the Sea

The fact that thousands of Neptunes successfully tore apart the front line of the Sea Planet Legion in front of them and led the massive advance of the Sea Legion behind them was obviously a good thing in Thain's opinion.

However, Thain, who was sitting in the central position, inadvertently noticed that a trace of sadness appeared on the face of the giant mermaid Shirahoshi.

She might be feeling sad for those injured and fallen Neptunes, Thain suddenly felt something in his heart.

People will always die in war, Thain realized it long ago.

Those Neptunes obey Shirahoshi's words and can accept Shirahoshi's orders unconditionally. It seems that in addition to Shirahoshi's blood suppression on them, Shirahoshi himself also has true feelings for them.

The Neptune race is actually considered a "minority race" in the vast territory of the wizarding world.

Because of the harsh requirements for the living environment, the massive demand for food, and the extremely long growth cycle.

Compared with other races, the Sea Race, the number of Sea Kings is simply extremely rare.

Fortunately, the wizarding world is big enough and the background is there.

The collection of thousands of level three Neptunes is nothing.

As long as Shirahoshi is willing, she can continue to draw Neptunes from the wizarding world to join the war.

After these Neptunes broke through the vanguard of the Sea Planet army, the subsequent Sea Legion also decisively took advantage of the momentum of the Neptunes and rushed in.

Following closely behind were the Kryptonian Legion, the Huyan Legion, and the Wizards Alliance Legion.

Several fourth-level knights came to support, and the knight legion led by them was the last to rush to the battlefield.

Probably because the lives of knights and magicians in the wizarding world are generally more precious than the lives of aliens.

White Star is still very reliable. Thain had originally decided to put the alliance biological army at the front.

But Bai Xing said that the Sea Clan Legion could take the lead.

It's not that Bai Xing doesn't cherish the lives of sea creatures, it's just that she thinks that the sea legion, which is more numerous and more powerful, is more suitable to lead the charge.

It doesn't matter whether life is noble or not, it only cares about the final result of this war.

In a corner of the battlefield, Thain paid attention to the combat power of the Sea Planet Legion. Especially when he saw the giant metal sharks and the square pool platform, Thain had to admit that if those alliance creatures were at the front, it might not be possible. Withstand the opponent's impact.

It's for sure anyway

It is not as good as the Sea Legion, and it may even lead to immeasurable consequences due to emotions such as timidity and invincibility.

Fortunately, this didn't happen.

A crisp and melodious song gradually echoed in the battlefield, sung by Bai Xing.

A giant white conch appeared in Bai Xing's hand.

It was with this conch that Bai Xing spread his voice to every corner of the battlefield.

This kind of singing seems to be the unique singing of the sea tribe in the wizarding world, and Thain seems to have heard it before.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Bixi sometimes sits on a high chair in Thain's laboratory, kicking her legs and humming softly.

Thain didn't care at that time what kind of nursery rhyme Bixi was humming, he just thought she sang it casually and thought it sounded pretty good.

Now‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Only now do I know that I learned it from Shirahoshi.

For Thain, it was just a pretty song, but to the ears of the Sea Legion on this battlefield, it was a melody that could stimulate them to the maximum extent.

I saw more and more sea warriors, their eyes gradually becoming bloodshot at this moment, and they were thrusting straight into the middle of the sea planet army with more brave and fearless postures.

"It's a bit like the 'mad war song' of the orc world." Thain sighed.

When Bai Xing's song sounded, not only Thain noticed, but also the strong men on both sides of the battlefield paid attention.

Arthur, who used to be a vulgar person in Thane's eyes, but was much calmer now, looked at Shirahoshi blankly several times.

However, Arthur did not forget what he was doing. After coming to his senses, he shook his head, grasped the halberd in his hand, and rushed to the front line of the battlefield.

Most of the Sea Legion under Arthur have already rushed forward.

In the battle sequence of this star field, Arthur's family fortune is relatively low.

This comes from Thain's help and care.

What Than thought was that he might help Arthur restore his orthodox status on the sea planet in the future, and promote the "just act" of wizard civilization,

If Arthur loses too much combat power and doesn't even have many people to support him, how can he regain the position of Sea King?

Coincidentally, when Arthur looked back at the giant mermaid Shirahoshi, the sixth-level creature Orm, who was in the rear position of the Sea Planet Legion, also looked at Shirahoshi with eyes.

Before the sea planet

A fifth-level mermaid, trying to capture Hippolyta and her daughter from a strange plane alive and offer them to His Majesty the King of the Sea.

But Hippolyta, who is famous in the surrounding star fields for her aesthetics as a creature of the sea planet, how can she compare to White Star!

This is really a perfect woman... magnified thousands of times. Almost every sea creature who sees Bai Xing will think so in their hearts.

Sea King Orm, who was originally a little displeased because the frontline legions were scattered, felt inexplicably much better when he saw the white star at this moment.

"I want to capture her alive and make her my queen." Sea King Orm said to everyone around him.

The fourth and fifth level experts from the surrounding sea planets naturally agreed one after another. They also thought that the white star was beautiful and had a sense of holiness and majesty that was difficult to be strict about.

This is also one of the main reasons why White Star attracts Orm and other sea creatures.

Several impatient fourth- and fifth-level creatures from the sea planet had already volunteered, expressing their willingness to fight for the king and capture Bai Xing.

The fifth-level shark, who had received some verbal scolding before, was silent and extremely low-key at the side.

This approach was completely different from what he had done before when he wanted to capture Hippolyta alive.

Doesn't this guy like to help the king search for beautiful women?

Sea King Orm waved his right hand, suppressing the willingness of those powerful sea people to fight.

Orm, who was wearing the crown of the King of the Sea, held his chin with his right hand and looked at Shirahoshi in the distance for a long time. The focus was on the Trident of the Sea King in Shirahoshi's hand.

White Star's strength is really not something that ordinary fourth- and fifth-level creatures on the sea planet can handle.

I heard that the fifth-level sand crocodile in the ancient desert world fell under her hands.

"I'll go there myself!" Om said.

Having said that, regardless of the dissuasion from the powerful people on the surrounding sea planet, Orm stepped on the back of a giant silver metal shark king with a body length of more than two thousand meters, and flew straight towards the increasingly eroded battlefield front line.

Under the influence of Orm, the fourth- and fifth-level powerhouses from the Planet of the Sea who arrived on this battlefield also opened their divine bodies or true bodies of law and flew to the front line of the battlefield.

Around Orm, the most elite members of the Sea King's Guards naturally accompanied the king on his expedition.

The extremely large number of the central army and the rear army were also pressing forward with many strong men going out to fight.

The war between the two sides immediately entered a state of full-scale fighting at this moment.

And as soon as it comes up, it is a white-hot stage.

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