The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1589 Chaos

The Sea King class is charging, and the Sea Clan Legion is advancing in a big way.

Thain didn't care about sighing. He immediately commanded and mobilized other wizard civilization armies to enter the battle area.

The wizard civilization legion under Thane is very complex. There are several knight halls, including the Kryptonian legion, the Huyan legion, and the wizard alliance legion.

There was also Arthur, a level five strongman, and Hippolyta and others who came to help despite their serious injuries.

Even not long ago, Grandmaster Cuilis sent a powerful Holy Tower Magician Army to his side.

This is a holy tower built by a late-level fourth-level wind magician named Chakra, who comes from the Gate of Elements organization.

Even though his chakra strength is lower than Thane's, only at the late stage of level four, it has been sixty thousand years since he reached level four.

It’s true ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is an “old stick” in the fourth-level magician stage.

Such a long period of development has allowed the Dark Wind Holy Tower under Master Chakra to develop to an extremely high level.

There are more than 20,000 registered magicians in the entire Holy Tower, which is more than the number of registered magicians in the Flame Sigh Holy Tower under the command of Saint Bogagaru.

Master Cuilisi transferred the opponent to the battlefield of the mysterious plane, probably to make up for the shortage of magicians here.

Although Chakra is very old, as a member of the Elemental Gate organization, he is still respectful to Thane.

The Gate of Elements organization, founded by Master Thain Cuilis, generally has a relatively relaxed atmosphere, and not all the members of the organization are fire magicians of level four or above.

Just like the Flame Conclave, the top force in the wizarding world, when the seventh-level true spirit magician Saneses recruits fourth-level magicians, he doesn't just focus on recruiting fire elementalists.

Within the Flame Conclave, there are also a considerable number of magicians from water, earth, dark and other types of magic.

In Thain's deployment order, more than 20,000 official magicians in this starry sky battlefield were the first to provide elemental shields to their own legions.

Years of war experience have made the magicians participating in the wizarding civilization can be regarded as elites.

He was originally a first-level magician and above, and his foundation was good enough.

If you participate in two or three wars casually, you can basically gain experience.

The magicians were building elemental shields very quickly. In a very short time, several layers of large shields appeared around those legions.

Including the fastest rushing Neptune type, there are also appearing around the body

There are a lot of water elemental shields.

The sea creatures in the wizarding world, such as the mermaids, are naturally users of the power of the water element.

There are many mermaids holding coral staffs in the Sea Legion under Bai Xing.

The fighting style of these mermaids is very unique. They obviously do not meditate or explore the knowledge of truth.

But judging from the final expression of power, it is very similar to many water magicians.

For example, these mermaids are also providing various shields and blessings for the sea legions and sea kings in front.

If most of the mermaids are physically weak, they do work similar to that of magicians in the wizarding world.

Then the Naga clan, which accounts for a large proportion of the Sea Legion, are natural warriors!

Powerful Naga warriors will have four, six or even eight arms depending on their life levels and evolution levels.

With more arms, a stronger body, and thick scales, these powerful Nagas are like human-shaped meat grinders.

The only pity is that the appearance of the Naga clan is far inferior to that of the gentle and lovely mermaid clan.

Except for some guys with more serious tastes, most knights and magicians in the wizarding world, including Thain, still look at the mermaid family more seductively.

This may be one of the reasons why the mermaid family is called the "royal family" in the wizarding world.

Avril, the strongest person in the sea tribe and the dominant creature, is a mermaid.

Bai Xing, who was currently on the battlefield waving the Poseidon Trident and commanding the sea tribe's army, should have some mermaid blood in his body.

But she is obviously not a pure mermaid. There are two dragon horns on Bai Xing's forehead.

At first glance, her two dragon horns looked very similar to Tourmaline's dragon horns in human form, but they were obviously ten thousand times larger.

The faces of the two sisters have some similarities if you look closely.

However, Tourmaline is still a little girl, but Baixing has grown very mature.

The collision of legions on the front line happened quickly.

Those menacing sea kings almost smashed the giant metal shark that the sea planet was proud of into pieces with a brutal collision.

Of course, damage to the Neptunes will also happen next.

After all, he is the fastest and most powerful one.

Even with some shields

However, with their flesh and blood, the army of planets shook the sea, and then caused a huge wave of blood.

The tonnage of Neptunes is extremely large, which also results in an extremely high total amount of blood in their bodies.

Those giant Neptunes with outstanding anti-strike capabilities, after smashing into the giant metal shark of the Planet of the Sea, rushed straight towards the front and center of the legion of the Planet of the Sea with undiminished momentum.

Wherever he went, large amounts of blood and seawater splashed.

Some of this blood comes from the Sea King class, but more of it comes from the low-strength Sea Planet Legion.

As for the seawater elements that appear in this starry sky battlefield, apart from a small part that are manifested by the power of laws by creatures of level four or above, most of them come from the war platforms used by the Sea Planet Legion.

It turns out that the cube-shaped metal pools in which the creatures of the sea planet ride are not only responsible for transporting troops.

When thousands of giant sea kings charged towards them, these sea planet warriors also hurriedly activated the metal pool, releasing an attack similar to a "water cannon" from it.

It's just that this attack strength is a bit far behind the wizard civilization with its space fortress and the Gallente Federation with its space battleships.

Wherever the Neptunes went, large areas of blood and seawater elements overflowed.

"What kind of terrifying creature is this?!" A third-level fishman from the Planet of the Sea stood on the edge of the metal pool, staring dumbfounded at the demigod-level sea king that was chewing in front of him.

Demigod-level creatures also belong to the third level of life, but compared to the fishman in front of him and the Neptune creature that looks like a whale but has three sharp upright bone horns, the difference between the two is really not the slightest bit.

This murloc was holding a steel fork and was only less than two meters tall. He knew that even if there were four or five of him tied together, he would definitely not be a match for this terrifying beast.

Although this guy seems to be seriously injured now, a large area of ​​bright red blood spurts out from the lower end of the right bone horn of this whale and the sea king, as if there is a huge hole there.

The third-level fishman had not yet recovered from the shock caused by the impact of the sea king in front of him, and the surrounding space was darkened.

It turned out to be another Neptune with an even more astonishing size. It opened its huge mouth and swallowed the corner of the metal pool, along with thousands of sea planet creatures!

The war became extremely chaotic the moment the two sides clashed.

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