The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1586 The army presses the territory

The wizarding civilization suffered a huge defeat in the Cetus Star Territory. Hundreds of millions of legions were destroyed, and even master-level creatures fell.

Although the news was deliberately blocked by the Wizards Alliance, some of the content was still spread, and thus had a profound impact on the battlefields of various star fields in the Wizarding Civilization.

The same goes for the battlefields surrounding the Black Bat civilization where Thane is located.

At least Thain felt a little heavier when he heard the news, and even when doing experiments, he lost his usual patience.

This situation probably arises from a sense of powerlessness against things and forces that are difficult to resist.

Since the Gallente Federation can evaporate the entire Sethus Star Territory, it naturally also has the ability to completely reduce the Black Bat Star Territory to nothingness.

Erase an entire medium-sized star field? !

That was really terrifying, and the level of power involved was really unimaginable.

With Thain's current level 5 power, it would not be a big problem to destroy a micro-world by himself.

Even with some time and effort, low-level planes can be completely destroyed by him.

But the Sethus star field is a medium-sized star field with a relatively vast territory.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be able to accommodate so many wizard civilizations and wizard alliance legions!

Even the master-level creatures were killed in such a blow, which is enough to show that this secret weapon of the Gallente Federation has exceeded the power limit of the seventh-level master.

Is this the foundation of top civilization?

Thain sometimes had to sigh that he was lucky that he was not a participating magician in the Cetus Star Territory.

Otherwise, I don’t even know how he died.

Level 4 and 5 creatures are still a little helpless in the context of civilized warfare.

"The Gallente Federation's 'Endless Light' must have its usage restrictions."

"Otherwise, they could have taken it out and used it as early as the beginning of civilized war."

"And if it could be used without restrictions, the wizarding civilization would not be able to face up to its edge, and the frontline battlefield would have collapsed long ago."

"The star realm is still balanced after all. Judging from the battle situation in each star realm, the wizard civilization still occupies a larger dominant position in this civilizational battle."

"Those more knowledgeable, wise, and powerful higher-ups of the wizarding civilization didn't panic. What am I thinking about here?" In the Ash Fortress laboratory, Thain shook his head and said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

Sometimes standing too high may not be a good thing.


Currently, in the wizarding civilization, we are almost in the middle level, so we can see further when we get some information that is not available to low-level creatures.

Sometimes, Thane is quite envious of those first- and second-level magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

After performing war missions for more than ten years or decades, low-level magicians can obtain permission to return to the wizarding world to rest.

They do not need to consider the war situation at the plane or star level, they only need to complete the task at hand.

With greater ability comes greater responsibility, and Thain has more things to consider.

Not only does Thain have to think about himself, he also has to think about how to lead his Ash Tower and other creatures that are attached to him to survive the civilized war and gain more benefits on the battlefield.

The path of truth exploration is never-ending. The first thing that Thain needs to do now is to survive.

After getting rid of some meaningless thoughts in his mind, Thane received a report from the reconnaissance magician of the Holy Tower of Ashes from outside the magical plane - the alliance between the ancient desert wasteland world and the sea planet has made another obvious move!

The actions of the coalition forces of the large-scale wasteland world and the sea planet must also be caused by the events in the Sethus star field.

Even powerful wizards such as Thane know about the situation in the Sethus Star Territory. As the initiator, the Gallente Federation will naturally spread the word among its own civilization.

It’s not just the star field battlefield where Thane and others are.

In fact, on the entire civilized battlefield, the Gallente Federation's legions have been extremely active in recent times!

It was as if they could release a second wave of "endless light" and quickly conquer the wizarding civilization in front of them and occupy the star field.

Regarding the movements of the hostile forces of the ancient desert world and the sea planet, Thane was not panicked.

Because he knew that his master Cuilisi was rushing to the nearby star field.

Triris did not reach the vicinity of the wonderful plane. She ended up going to the front line of the Black Bat Civilization battlefield where Gargaru was located.

That is the center of the ancient desert wasteland world where the main force of the legion is invested. It is enough for the sea legion led by Bai Xing to support Thane in the wonderful plane.

Thain received news from his mentor Lu Lianman shortly afterwards.

Lulianman informed Thane that she had arrived around Blue Star.

Master Cuilisi considered Lu Lianman's mediocre combat power, so she did not transfer her to the front line of the civilized battlefield.

But stay

Around Blue Star, do some resource and logistics transfer tasks.

It was almost the same job that Thane did behind the battlefield of the Beholder World Starfield.

At the same time as the news about Lu Lianman, there were also more than ten high-level magic potions brought over by the strong men of the sea tribe.

These magic potions were all made by Lu Lianman in recent years, and even two of them were body-refining potions that Lu Lianman had never made before.

Lu Lianman didn't know much about the secrets of body refining. These body refining potions were new potions that she developed on her own in recent years after communicating with her senior brothers, sisters, mentors and others.

The effect is yet to be determined.

In addition to Thane, there are basically all members of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect.

Thain, who was on the frontier battlefield of a wonderful plane, thought for a while, sorted out some of the specimen materials he had collected recently, and then packed them into a In the space ring.

Then he called the constructor Yuli to his side and put the space ring into Yuli's hand.

"Go to Blue Star and give this ring to my mentor." Thain said.

The mentor can care about sending some high-level magic potions to the apprentice. As a disciple, Thain naturally has to show respect to the mentor.

Thain didn't know whether the elders and juniors of other sects in the wizarding world had such frequent contact and looked after each other.

But when he got the high-level potion Lu Lianman made for him, Thain felt warm in his heart.

Holding the space ring in her hand tightly, Yuli replied: "Yes."

When the coalition forces of the ancient desert wasteland world and the sea planet continue to press into the battlefields surrounding the Black Bat civilization.

What Thain and others didn't know was that a war of words had just broken out between the middle and high-level civilizations of these two seemingly united medium-sized world civilizations some time ago.

The general situation is that a level 4 expert from the ancient desert wasteland world who had a hard time escaping from the battlefield in a wonderful plane, after returning to the rear of the battlefield, angrily criticized the creatures on the sea planet for being unreasonable, and actually quietly escaped from the battlefield in the wonderful plane, which triggered the incident. A great defeat on the battlefield of a wonderful plane.

The fifth-level creature Sand Crocodile drank in the battlefield of hatred, and the fourth-level and above creatures who fell together on the battlefield of the wonderful plane were almost all strong men in the ancient desert wasteland world.

Although the bottom legions of the Planet of the Sea also suffered heavy losses, they managed to escape a little bit, and only two fourth-level creatures died.

Of course, the ancient desert wasteland world cannot tolerate this kind of escape from the sea planet!

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