The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1585 Endless Light

The blank starry sky around Blue Star is the place where Thain appeared when he first wandered into the nearby star field.

Most of them are demi-planes of light and fire and broken planes. The entire starry sky is dead and silent, and there are no intelligent creatures inhabiting it.

In that blank starry sky, the wizard civilization found several veins of inert crystal stones.

It's just that the reserves of those mineral veins are not as exaggerated as those around Blue Star.

But it’s pretty good, after all, no other place has this kind of special resource.

Compared to the inert spar veins discovered in the blank starry sky, what caught Thain's attention more was the news from Gilbert and others - while discovering those inert spar veins, they also discovered several civilization relics. .

Sure enough, there are big secrets surrounding Blue Star.

And like this top-notch civilization site, after discovering one site, if you carefully explore the surrounding areas, the second, third… sites will be explored one after another. arrive.

And based on the territory of the top civilization, it is very likely that it is not just around Blue Star. There are probably top civilizations in the wonderful plane where Thane is currently, the Black Bat civilization where Gargaru is, and even the star field where the ancient desert wasteland world is. Relics have been unearthed one after another!

After all, taking the wizard civilization as an example, we can see how vast the territory and power radiation area of ​​the top civilization is.

Although it has gone through tens of millions of years or even longer, there are still some relatively high-level and well-protected civilization sites that have successfully survived to this day.

One of the recent news that Thain has received is that among the discovered civilization ruins, the professional exploration team of the Wizarding Civilization seems to have found some information about the hostile civilization of the Aoi Orchid Butterfly Civilization.

Yes, the once brilliant top-level technological civilization, the Aiyoulandie Civilization, is now presented in front of Thain and others in the form of ancient civilization relics. This shows that the Aiyoulandie Civilization must have had a hostile civilization that was evenly matched with its own. .

Otherwise, where would the Aiyoulandie civilization go?

Thain didn't know much about the hostile civilization of Aiyoulandie Civilization.

He just knew that the other party might be a cultivating civilization, but Thain didn't even know what the other party's name was.

It may be that the exploration team of the wizard civilization has not yet received the answer, or it may be that the wizard civilization feels there is no need to tell Thane, a fifth-level magician on the frontline battlefield.

Regarding the information about the relics of top civilizations such as Aiyoulandie Civilization, currently in this frontline star field, except for those exploration teams with special missions, there are only a few

Don't let the strong know.

For example, in this star field, only Thane, Gargaru and Shirahoshi knew about it.

The other fourth-level knights and magicians who were dispatched knew nothing about this.

The civilization sites that have been explored range in size from large to small.

This does not mean that top-level civilization ruins must have some shocking secret treasures.

For example, the Aiyoulandie civilization is a technological civilization. The two small ruins discovered by the wizard world exploration team are completely the living residences of the Aiyoulandie people.

Apart from some prehistoric civilian technological artifacts, there are not many top-notch treasures that are of practical significance to wizard civilization.

That's how it is with ruins exploration. It's natural to expect to get rich overnight.

However, the Aiyou Orchid Die civilization is a top civilization. If you continue to explore, especially if you find their strategic and military resource points, there will definitely be great rewards.

But if in the process of exploring certain ruins, after all the hard work, it is concluded that the other party was only a micro or low-level civilization level a few years ago, then it is called a dog...

Thain is not sure whether the discovery of multiple ruins of the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization and the acquisition of information about the other's prehistoric hostile civilization will have an impact on the wizard civilization's subsequent war decisions around this star field.

But the next message he received was that his master was leading an army towards the vicinity of the Black Bat Civilization.

The Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory seems to be in charge of other sixth-level wizard civilization powerhouses such as Krug.

I don’t know if, in addition to Cuilis, the wizarding civilization has sent other sixth-level powerhouses near this star field.

Before Triris and others arrived, Thane received another message first.

This is bad news.

After the wizard civilization gained great advantages in the underworld star field battlefield and the beholder world battlefield, the Gallente Federation, which had been silent for hundreds of years, finally came to a big one.

It was a medium-sized star field named Sethus Star Field, which was originally a star field under the Gallente Federation.

However, after the civilized war started, the wizard civilization took the initiative in the battlefield of the star field and occupied the entire star field in one fell swoop.

Later, troops were added many times, making that star field gradually become another major battle area between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation on the front line of the civilized battlefield.

Near the Sethus star field, the wizard civilization invested not only the main battle legions of its two large world civilizations-the Norman Federation and the Amethyst World.

There are even powerful wizard-level masters who personally lead hundreds of millions of wizard-civilized armies to participate in the war.

In terms of the scale of war investment, the battlefield near Sethus Star Territory is almost one of the main battlefields of the two top civilizations after the battlefield in the Underworld Star Territory.

They are also medium-sized star fields, and the scale and intensity of the war there far exceed those around the Black Bat civilization where Thane is located.

It was on that main battlefield that the Gallente Federation, which had suffered a lot in the early confrontations, finally demonstrated one of their secret weapons - the endless light - in this civilized war.

This is the most powerful doomsday weapon ever developed by the Gallente Federation!

No one knows what the release subject of the endless light is.

At least the Wizarding Civilization can't find out the details for the time being, and the Gallente Federation's confidentiality work has also been done perfectly.

In the end, on the battlefield, the result was that a majestic torrent of blazing white energy directly engulfed the entire Sethus Star Territory.

Hundreds of millions of wizard civilization combat units were completely evaporated into particles at that moment!

The power of an individual seems so small in the face of top-notch civilization.

There must be a large number of fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-level powerhouses in the Sethus Star Territory, and the total number of space fortresses invested by the wizard civilization has reached thousands.

But the end result is the same.

That is, the Sethus star field has been completely wiped out, and everything from the plane to the basic ore particles has been reduced to nothingness.

And I heard that after the release of the Gallente Federation’s Endless Light, the wizarding civilization has also seen the fall of dominant creatures.

I just don’t know who the specific fallen master is.

The Wizarding Civilization may have also considered that such a war situation might cause panic and other emotions, so it did not publicize it in the alliance.

Only the name "Endless Light" gradually spread to the ears of Thane and other powerful wizards in the civilization.

Among the limited footage sent back about the battle situation in the Sethus Star Territory, there was a short video excerpt, which was well known to the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization.

——At the end of the starry sky, a flash of white light appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the surroundings completely fell into darkness.

The picture ends here, and there is only endless depression and terror, which makes people think deeply. -------------------

PS: I was not in good condition in the morning, so I wrote slowly. There are only two updates. Xiaodou will continue to work hard in the afternoon~

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