The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1555 Kao’s Attitude (Additional Update)

As soon as Thain finished speaking, the expressions of most of the fourth- and fifth-level creatures in Baihua World on the other side changed.

Plant creatures rarely leave their mother plane. Thain's request for King Qiongjing to go outside the plane to sign a contract is indeed a very excessive request.

This almost puts the initiative and one's own safety in the hands of the wizard civilization.

But how could these creatures of the Hundred Flowers World Group refuse Thain's request?

Through conversations and meetings over the past six months, it has been basically confirmed that the Hundred Flowers World Group will join the Wizards Alliance.

Now all it takes is the final step to sign the legal contract.

If King Qiongjing refuses, what will the wizarding civilization think?

How should those local fourth- and fifth-level creatures who have discussed and agreed to join the Wizards Alliance in advance? How should they deal with themselves?

The real body of Qiongjing Kao is a beautiful flower with white jade petals.

Plant-based organisms rarely have gender distinctions in their lower stages.

However, after they grow to a higher level of life, they will be dominated by factors such as personality and appearance, and their traits will gradually become more male or female.

Qiongjing King of Flowers is a sixth-grade male flower.

It is the king of flowers in the Hundred Flower World Group, and all flowers and plant creatures respect it as the leader.

Although the Hundred Flowers World Group has not established an imperial system or a unified civilized political power, the words spoken by King Qiongjing are the most influential in the entire star field.

Not long ago, it was King Qiongjing who announced to most of the fourth- and fifth-level creatures in the Hundred Flowers World Group in public that he had decided to join the Wizards Alliance. Thain and others were also present at that time.

At this time, the white jade-colored petals of Qiongjing King of Flowers were trembling gently in the breeze. After a moment of silence, it agreed to Thain's "rude" request.

"Since I have decided to join the Wizards Alliance, there is nothing wrong with me going outside the territory to sign the law contract."

"We can't let Master Cuilis of the wizarding civilization condescend to come to the World of Flowers again." Qiongjing Flower King said.

"Kao understands the general situation so well. I believe that the Hundred Flowers World Group will be able to develop even better after joining the Wizards Alliance and under the construction of the alliance's general environment!" Thain praised.

"This is what I should do, and I am also grateful to Master Lu Lianman for spreading the 'green elixir' to my sea of ​​white jade flowers not long ago to help the new generation of flowers thrive." Qiongjing Flower King said.

"Helping the development of the alliance world is the purpose of our wizard civilization in creating the Wizards Alliance."

"In addition to the 'Green Ying Potion', I have some other suggestions that are suitable for the development of your Hundred Flowers World Group, including that the Wizards Alliance will fulfill the resource support for the Hundred Flowers World Group recorded in the contract." Lu Lianman replied road.

Qiongjing Kao nodded, and then said: "Then let's set off."

When taking Qiongjing Kao and driving the space fortress out of the World of Flowers, Thane gave his mentor a thumbs up.

He had never thought before that his mentor was also a good person in the field of diplomacy and social interaction.

"Hmph, when you taught me, you could even deal with the earth element kings in the purple spirit crystal plane of the large world. How difficult is it for the spirits of flowers, plants and trees in a remote world group?"


During this mission to the Hundred Flowers World Group, Lu Lianman indeed played a major role, especially her temperament and some methods, which greatly eliminated the barriers between local creatures and powerful wizards such as Thain.

Lu Lianman deserves a lot of credit for being able to successfully establish a relationship with the Baihua World Group within half a year.

"Yes, yes, the disciple still has a lot to learn from his mentor." Thain said with a smile.

After taking King Qiongjing away from the World of Flowers, Thane and others arrived at the border of the World of Flowers and met Cuilis in the Fortress of the Green Fire.

Qiongjing Kao has a very good attitude. When meeting Cuilis, it chose to condense a humanoid biological entity that conforms to the human aesthetics of the wizarding world.

It was a handsome young man wearing a white petal costume.

In addition to signing the contract to join the Wizards Alliance on behalf of the Hundred Flowers World Group, Qiongjing Flower King also gave Cuilis two of its natal petals as a gift.

Obviously, as a sixth-level plant creature, Qiongjing Kao knows what is most valuable in him.

Its natal petals can be regarded as the hands and feet of ordinary humanoid flesh and blood creatures.

For Thain and others, it would be almost equivalent to cutting off a palm as a greeting gift to others.

From the perspective of Qiongjing King of Flowers and the Hundred Flowers World Group, its behavior is undoubtedly humiliating and groveling.

But Qiongjing King of Flowers and the Hundred Flowers World Group had to do this.

Today, King Qiongjing just paid

Just two natal petals.

If the wizarding civilization is displeased, the price it and the Hundred Flowers World Group will pay is more than this.

At that time, all life will be devastated and hundreds of millions of living things will perish.

The beautiful and vibrant world of flowers, like a fairyland, was completely reduced to a dead place.

The wizard civilization does not need to dispatch reinforcements from the rear. Just the tens of millions of combat legions displayed at the border of the Hundred Flowers World Group are enough to give this medium-sized world civilization a good look!

Especially Cuillis herself, who possesses level six strength and masters the mysteries of the Jade Fire element, gave Qiongjing Kao a great sense of oppression when they met.

Even though Cuilisi was talking to the King of Flowers in Qiongjing with a smile from beginning to end, this sensitive sixth-level flower could still keenly capture the surrounding space‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎ ​‏‏‎‎The suppressed power of the hot fire element.

Not to mention that the Qiongjing Flower King is no match for Cuillis on its own. Even if there is another copy of it, or if the Qiongjing Flower King's life realm is raised to a small level, it believes that it will never be able to defeat Cuillis. .

The conflict of attributes, the crushing power level, and the rolling forward trend of the surrounding civilization all forced Qiongjing Kao to make the most "correct" choice.

"It is a good thing that the Hundred Flowers World Group has joined the Wizards Alliance. It just so happens that our wizard civilization is about to have a war with the Gallente Federation and its vassals in the surrounding star fields."

"In order to prevent the Hundred Flowers World Group from being invaded and destroying all lives, our wizard civilization will establish a cross-star remote space teleportation array in the Hundred Flowers World Group to protect the safety of our alliance members at all times."

"Including the Wizard Civilization Expeditionary Corps under my command, there will also be four space fortresses and a certain number of combat regiments stationed here permanently."

"Qiongjing Flower King, if you have any needs in the future, you can directly tell our wizard civilization." Cuilis smiled and said to Qiongjing Flower King in front of her.

The two white jade sixth-level petals were also kept very safe by Cuilisi.

This level of plant-based materials is also a rare treasure for Cuilis, so much so that her eyes looking at Qiongjing Flower King became a little fiery.

King Qiongjing was a little scared when Trilis looked at him, but he still mustered up the courage to maintain his grace and replied: "Then thank you Master Trilis and the wizard civilization for their kindness."-------- ----------

PS: Chapter 78 needs to be added~

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