The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1554: Winning over the Flower World (additional update)

When the wizard civilization army arrived at the border of the Flower World Group, it aroused great fear among the indigenous plant creatures here.

Although Thain had made peace with the native creatures in this star field before, he also accepted the essence from the sixth-level creature Qiongjing Kao.

However, the arrival of such a large army of wizard civilization still frightened these plant-type flowers and plants.

However, these indigenous creatures of the Hundred Flowers World Group still have some sense of proportion. They only showed great fear and stopped to watch at the border. They did not directly gather into an army or attack more aggressively.

If that's the case, it won't end well, and the wizard civilization army may have to fight in this medium-sized star field first.

The Hundred Flowers World Group has a total of forty-four regular complete planes, as well as a large number of other demiplanes and broken ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏planes.

There is only one local level six creature named Qiongjing Kao.

There are about four level five creatures, and Thain has already seen level five creatures that look like willow trees and peach blossoms.

The number of fourth-level creatures is unknown, but probably no more than thirty.

This is a medium-sized civilization with low strength. In addition, plant-based creatures rarely have impatient individuals who are keen on fighting, so their overall combat power has to drop further.

This information was all collected by Thane when he and the Kryptonian Legion passed through the Hundred Flowers World Group.

Because the Hundred Flowers World Group also has occasional contact with the outside world, they probably know what kind of terrifying civilization the wizard civilization is, and they also know that the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation is currently breaking out.

All in all, this is a peaceful corner of the plant world. They never fight others, they just want to protect themselves.

When arriving at the border of the Hundred Flowers World Group, Thain received an assignment from his master, Cuilis, to go to the Hundred Flowers World with his mentor Lu Lianman and several other fourth- and fifth-level powerhouses from the Wizarding World to formally negotiate with these plant-based creatures.

This negotiation is an important meeting to determine whether the Hundred Flowers World Group will join the Wizards Alliance.

The Hundred Flowers World Group must join the Wizards Alliance!

Because Cuilis is the leader of the wizard civilization legion on a local battlefield, she cannot sit back and watch a world civilization behind her that has an unclear attitude.

If this wizard civilization war army officially starts a war with the Gallente Federation and its vassals around the Black Belly Civilization, the Hundred Flowers World Group will cut off the wizard civilization army.

Resource supply lines, what should we do?

Of course, this situation would almost never happen, and those plant-based creatures would not dare to do this.

But Trilis and the Wizarding Civilization are not the kind of people who are easy to talk to. They either choose to join the Wizarding Alliance and jointly build the prosperity of the surrounding star field, or they are destroyed by the invasion of the Wizarding Civilization.

There is no third way left to the creatures in Baihua World.

"Your master Bo Jia Jia Lu is too fierce. I'm worried that if he goes there, he will scare those flower and plant creatures."

"You happen to have dealt with those plant-based creatures, and Lulianman has a natural affinity for flower and plant creatures. With you two as the main envoys, the success rate of completing the mission this time is very high." Cuilisi privately The bottom said to Thain.

This is also Trilis giving credit to Thain and Lulianman.

Otherwise‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏There are so many fourth- and fifth-level powerhouses who can serve as leaders in the army of wizards and civilizations that they are traveling with, and some of them have mastered the laws of the plant system or the wood system. A powerful knight and magician.

Thain and others have attracted the Hundred Flowers World Group to join the Wizards Alliance, which will be another great achievement.

The value of a plant-based medium-sized star field to the Wizards Alliance is greater than that of an average medium-sized world civilization.

Winning the Hundred Flowers World Group to join the Wizards Alliance is not just to solve their worries.

"Yes, Master." Thain replied respectfully.

This is the advantage of having a backstage and a backer. When you go out to perform tasks, you don't need to take the initiative to fight for it. The master has arranged it in advance.

It's not like when Thain was used as bait by others inexplicably when he was in the Starfield battlefield of the Beholder World.

Riding on a space fortress, Thain, Lu Lianman and his party headed straight towards the World of Flowers as an envoy.

On the way, the indigenous creatures in the star field did not dare to intercept, but just walked along.

It wasn't until Thane and others arrived outside the World of Flowers that he finally saw an acquaintance - a fifth-level creature that looked like a willow tree.

It is difficult for plant creatures to move their bodies. This guy should be a clone of condensed divine power to meet Thane.

Compared with the last time we met, the willow tree's anthropomorphic face seemed to be a little more flattering and catering.

Seeing this, Thane whispered to Lu Lianman through mental power: "I didn't see any level 6 creatures in this world last time, but this guy and another level 5 creature that looks like a peach blossom know that I am

Their wizarding civilization is famous, and they seem to be willing to join the Wizards Alliance. "

"Whether the trip can go smoothly this time, in addition to the attitude of Qiongjing Kao, the fifth-level willow tree in front of me may also play a big factor." Thain said.

In response to Thain's words, Lu Lianman nodded calmly.

As expected, the fifth-level willow said hello to Thain and others. Under Thain's suggestion, the group went straight into the World of Flowers.

Thain is not worried about the disadvantages he will face when entering the Hundred Flowers World.

In fact, when he entered this medium-sized plant plane, he didn't feel much pressure from the surrounding plane environment. He looked at each other and knew that the matter was at least half done.

"On behalf of the wizard civilization, we want to meet with the sixth-level creature Qiongjing Flower King to discuss the joining of the Hundred Flowers World Group to the Wizards Alliance." Thain said to his side. The fifth-level willow tree said directly.

There was a hint of hesitation and contemplation in the other party's anthropomorphic tree trunk face, but Thain and his party didn't have to wait long before Level 5 Willow Tree arrived: "Okay, let's go to the White Jade Flower Sea now."

Thain and his team stayed in Baihua World for half a year.

During this period, I met the King of Flowers in Qiongjing several times, and also got to know other fourth- and fifth-level creatures in the Hundred Flowers World Group.

It is not a trivial matter for a medium-sized plane to join the Wizards Alliance.

Being able to determine the basic relationship within half a year is already extremely fast.

Thain, who had the experience of wooing the world of ghost crows, certainly knows how efficient it is.

Of course, the fact that the Hundred Flowers World Group was able to determine the general details of joining the Wizards Alliance in just half a year was also related to the fact that the tens of millions of combat legions led by Cuilis directly deployed on the border of the Hundred Flowers World Group.

I'm afraid that just after the rejection here, the other party will call directly!

The Wizarding Civilization can even annihilate most of the Gallente Federation's vanguard main fleet, so how can it spare a hand against the weak Hundred Flowers World Group?

"We hope that the Qiongjing Flower King can follow us to the outside of the Hundred Flowers World and sign a contract with my master."

"This is a major event that represents the establishment of friendly relations between our wizard civilization and the Hundred Flowers World Group, so I hope King Qiongjing can go there in person." Thain said. -------------------

PS: There is one more chapter, try to update it within an hour~

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