The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1544 Duality (Additional update)

In the tower master's lounge.

After a brief gasp and groan, Irene fell down weakly from in front of Thane.

The joy after not seeing each other for a long time is a great way to relax your mind.

Although Thain has occasionally done this with Yuri over the years.

But being with Erin and Selena is a different experience.

Each of Thane's partners is independent and different, and Thain values ​​them very much.

"Are we too useless?" Erin, who lost her strength, asked while sitting in Thane's arms.

In terms of length, this is indeed Thain’s shortest one in recent years.

But this kind of thing cannot be judged entirely in terms of duration, but mainly in terms of the intersection of emotion and soul.

All in all, Thain is still very happy.

If you want to keep pursuing her for a long time, Thane should go to Lenna as soon as possible after returning.

Lenna, who has been promoted to the fourth level of knighthood, can definitely arm-wrestle with Thain in bed now.

"No, you have actually done a very good job." Thain said while touching Irene's long hair.

Selena's performance on the other side was even worse. She was still in a comatose state.

Thain has a certain degree of intimacy with his woman.

Selena's importance and favor in Thain's eyes must be greater than that of Irene, so Irene had to bear the whipping for a longer time just now, and she still hasn't recovered yet.

"I know that our growth rate is getting harder and harder to catch up with you."

"I heard you say before that you have been promoted to level five?"

"I'm afraid if you just release the normal elemental pressure around you now, Selena and I will be in danger."

"You don't have to say anything against your will for us. We want to hear your true thoughts." Erin drew circles on Thain's chest.

All along, although Irene was not the most favored one, she was the boldest one, and she would say some things directly to Thain's face.

Including when she needed any potions and magic materials, Irene was never polite to Thain. She knew that Thain was good at this.

Irene's question made Thane think in a daze, remembering when he was a magic apprentice, when he had just joined the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

I still remember that Thain went to Irene's class. At that time, Irene taught the "Fire Element Advanced Course". In the class, Thain even had a conflict with a direct descendant of the other family.

The past events are vivid in my mind, and they have become Thain's most precious memories.

As Thane advanced to level five, he discovered that climbing to a higher level of life was not the only meaning of a living being's existence in the astral realm.

Sometimes, it’s fun to stop, look back at the past, and savor the most cherished scenes in your memory.

Thain said: "If I disliked you, I wouldn't be here to accompany you now."

"Lenna and Xia Ya have just been promoted to level four. I am very interested in their current physical condition, including some experimental data, which should be retested." Thain is not very good at saying love words to the opposite sex. He has always been pretentious. Facts and truth.

Fortunately, Selina and Irene are both magicians, and they understood the meaning of Thane's words almost instantly.

If Thain is really tired of the two women, he should find Lenna and other women instead of spending time with them.

Thain continued: "The secret of the Ember Fire that I have mastered is not suitable for the path of flame exploration that you two have."

"Not to mention a fourth-level magician, even a demigod-level magician still needs to explore the truth and find his own path."

"Lenna, Xia Ya, and Meili have all achieved this, so they can reach a higher realm."

"You‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎There is no need to put too much pressure on yourselves. Among the hundreds of thousands of official magicians, even a fourth-level strongman may not be born."

"As long as you live happily, pursue your own meaning in the exploration of truth, then life will be perfect." Thain said to the two women.

"After you were promoted to level four, what you said became more and more profound and philosophical." Irene muttered.

Thain smiled slightly and did not continue to say anything on this matter. After leaving two potions, he said: "You guys should rest for a while. These two potions are the essence of the sixth-level creature Qiongjing Kaohsiung that I used. Refined."

"It is good for improving your skin and increasing your cell activity and lifespan."

When Irene heard this, her eyes lit up and she immediately grabbed one of them.

"Okay, I'm going out for a while."

"Again, you don't need to put too much pressure on yourself, especially Selena, you have already done a good job." Thain turned his head and said, then turned and left.

On the bed, Selena, who was originally sleeping, could not help but shrink slightly.

It wasn't until Thain left that her neck twitched slightly, and large tears wet the sheets.

"I knew he wouldn't leave us alone."

"Sister, don't worry. Thain has advanced and grown so fast. Maybe he can help us reach level four in the future."

"Now we are growing step by step, don't put too much pressure on yourself." Erin comforted Selina.

"But I want to help my cousin, just like Lenna." Selena said with red eyes.

Erin patted Selena on the shoulder and sighed: "Oh."

After leaving the Wenrou Township, Thain did not rush to another Wenou Township, nor did he immediately start researching Lenna and Xia Ya's physiques.

Instead, he flew straight towards the outside of the space fortress. He wanted to visit his master, Cuilis.

Trilis' Jade Fire Fortress is larger than Thane's Ash Fortress!

When he participated in the Poison Fire Green Flame World War for the first time in his early years, Thane discovered that his master's space fortress was very different from his uncle and others.

Now that he has seen a lot of the world, Thain has to admit that looking at the entire Wizards Alliance, Master's Space Fortress is definitely at the top.

In terms of value, Grandmaster Cuilis's space fortress is not much different from a world-class secret treasure.

He is worthy of being a well-known level six powerhouse in the wizarding world and the founder of the Jade Fire series.

Thane was able to achieve great achievements in the fields of Ember Fire and Body Refining Mysteries because he stood on the shoulders of giants (referring to Trilis).

After receiving Thain's request to visit, Trilis immediately stopped her experiments and met her most outstanding disciple on the top floor of the fortress.

Master Cuilis was very rare today and was not wearing magic robes. Instead, she changed into a pair of green home clothes.

This kind of clothing reduces a lot of formality and makes it a little more easy-going.

Although Master Cuilisi has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, she looks extremely young from the outside.

Anyway, standing together with Lu Lianman is more like sisters than master and disciple or mother and daughter.

But the obvious difference from Lu Lianman is that Cuilis has a very calm temperament and always behaves calmly. Thain has never seen her have any major mood swings.

But it was such a sixth-level magician who gave people calmness, gentleness, and reason, who actually created an extremely radical system of truth like the Jade Fire Magic and the Mysteries of Body Refining.

Except for Lu Lianman, it seems that all members of the Jade Burning Fire Master's performance in the war were quite exaggerated...

Not to mention Master Jiagaru, Penas and Elide were also madmen on the battlefield.

Because they are all involved in the secrets of body refining, these powerful men from the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect are all "close combat mages"!

Not to mention Thain himself, his Demon Law True Body and Ash Demon Form have brought fear to countless weak and alien creatures.

But in normal interactions, few people would see the crazy and terrifying side of Thain.

This may be the dual nature of human beings.

Perhaps Thain's master was not always a calm, gentle, and rational sixth-level magician like the ones Thain had met in the past.

"Sean, if you don't want to stay with your mentor for a while, why do you come to my place?" Cuilis said with a smile.

"Junior came to visit Master today. I really have something to tell you." Thain respectfully bowed to the junior and said to Cuilis.

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