The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1543 Death Plague Magic and its Benefits

Lina and other black magicians have gone behind the Gallente Federation lines in recent centuries to perform sabotage missions behind enemy lines.

At the beginning, the tasks of these black magicians were relatively secretive, and the wizarding civilization did not deliberately publicize them.

But later, these black magicians made more and more noise, and the damage they caused to the federal hinterland became more and more heavy.

The Federation regarded them as a major enemy, and the wizarding civilization saw no need to cover up, so it simply publicized the remarkable achievements of these black magicians.

There are not only level four and above black magicians who go to the Gallente Federation's rear to carry out sabotage missions.

Including third-level and semi-god-level black magicians, basically all were dispatched.

That's why Spider Queen Rose said at that time that there were no people in the Black Realm...

As the war continues to heat up, it is estimated that in the future, those first and second level black magicians will also be of great use.

While the black magicians are wreaking havoc behind enemy lines, the battlefield of the underworld star field is in the most critical encirclement stage.

The fact that the wizarding civilization was able to eat up most of the Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet in just a few hundred years was largely due to the contribution of the black magicians on the battlefield behind enemy lines.

For this reason, after experiencing this civilized war, the image of the black magician group in the wizarding civilization has obviously changed a lot.

Thain's proposal during the Wizards Alliance conference that year was not entirely whimsical or nonsense.

If this proposal is discussed after the civilized war with the Gallente Federation is over, it is estimated that there will not be so many people who will oppose and ridicule Thane by then.

On the battlefield behind enemy lines, those black magicians of level four or above who performed extremely well naturally received great attention from the higher-ups of wizard civilization.

Just as Thain has gradually entered the high-level vision of some wizard civilizations, some level four or above black magicians with extremely outstanding talents and relatively qualified qualities will also receive strong support from wizard civilizations.

The black magician's bleaching process, although difficult, is doable.

Some of the fourth- and fifth-level knights and magicians on the frontal battlefield probably did not make more contributions on the battlefield behind enemy lines than the black magicians and black knights of lower levels than themselves.

Thane's wife Lina is one of the most outstanding groups among all the black magicians above level 4 in the Black Domain.

So much so that Meili, who was on the frontline battlefield, had heard a few words about Lina.

"I heard about Lina 172 years ago."

"She seems to have teamed up with other black magicians to blow up a federal star-level military fortress, and spread the 'Death Plague Demon' on many federal life planets.

Law’, spreading the undead virus. "

"Because it caused such a big sensation, the news came back," Meili said.

The Federation's war fortresses and military fortresses are divided into too many levels. Even Thane doesn't know how many types of war platforms the Gallente Federation has, and how their ship models are specifically divided.

But since it is marked as a "stellar level" military fortress, the power level of that fortress can be equated with level five or even level six creatures.

Lina was able to team up with other level four and above black magicians to blow up such a war platform, so her achievements were naturally extremely remarkable.

As for the "death plague magic" that Meili mentioned, Thain really didn't know much about it.

Thane knows about the undead virus.

This is a contagious necromancy element.

Undead natural disasters generally refer to this kind of undead virus, which begins to spread among flesh-and-blood creatures on a large scale, and sometimes even corrodes elemental creatures. .

The creatures of the Gallente Federation are generally weak in constitution. Even if there are genetic medicines to adapt to them, in the face of countless vicious black magicians, spreading viruses in the mainland, those Gallente Federation creatures will never be able to take advantage of them. Walk.

The Gallente Federation Legion performed relatively weakly when attacking the borders of the underworld star field in recent hundreds of years.

It is because there are a large number of combat legions that they have transferred to the rear to extinguish the tide of undead that breaks out on the major living planets.

Of course, don't exaggerate the effects of the deadly plague viruses and undead natural disasters created by the black magicians on the battlefield behind enemy lines.

The Gallente Federation has its own unique experience in attacking the undead.

Whether it is the historical lessons of the past or the modern wooing of undead worlds, including the pioneer world of the Bone Tomb, it is a sign that the scientific and technological civilization of the Gallente Federation is actively looking for ways to restrain the undead world.

The final results fed back from the front line also show that what really determines the direction of the war between the two top civilizations is the result of a head-on confrontation on the front line battlefield.

The achievements achieved by the black magicians have indeed helped the wizarding civilization win the war in the underworld star field, and played a role that cannot be ignored.

But if you really want to win this civilized war, you won't be able to rely solely on the sparse number of black magicians and black knights.

"Unexpectedly, not long after I returned from the hinterland of the Gallente Federation to win over the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, Lina would sneak into such a dangerous place again."

"Hopefully she's safe," Thain said.

After chatting with Meili for a while, Meili took Thain to accept the recent delivery of the wizard civilization.

Resources for the Legion of Ashes.

"These are sent by the Ebalut Empire. Some of the resources are of too high a level and require your personal approval." Meili said, pointing to the recorded information in the crystal ball.

The resources sent by the Ebalut Empire include body parts of creatures above level four, rare law materials, top-quality special crystals, etc.

These resources should be the compensation that the mentor said the master asked him for.

Because judging from the final result, it is indeed not very "authentic" for the Ebalut Empire to use Thane as a bait without knowing it.

The entry of these resources into the account is quite pleasing to Thain.

In particular, Thain's wealth should be more than this.

It won't be long before Thane's achievements in wooing the Kryptonian Legion and Blue Star creatures, and introducing worlds such as the Black Bat Civilization to join the Wizards Alliance, will also be converted into magic coins. Or reward him with corresponding benefits.

In the future, when the wizard civilization develops their dimensional resources around the Blue Star and Black Bat civilizations, some of them should flow into Thane's Holy Tower of Ashes.

Only in this way can the strong wizards and civilizations be inspired to continuously expand externally and increase the civilization's territory and civilization's influence.

"The Ashes Holy Tower Academy, which is far away in the wizarding world, I heard from you that it has developed well in recent years. There are more and more new generations of outstanding apprentices and new formal and above-level magicians?" Thain asked.

"Yes, the development in the past two hundred years has been very good. Master Ping Keman, the vice-president who stayed at the Holy Tower Academy, has been responsible for the recent academy wars. The final results of the apprentices are very good." Mei Li replied road.

The fingers of Thain's right hand unconsciously tapped the transparent window of the space fortress in front of him. After pondering for a moment, he seemed to be considering the issue of replenishing the resources of the Ashes Holy Tower Legion. He said: "Inform the Holy Tower to increase the recruitment of apprentices. .”

"Especially from the direction of the Ebalut Empire, in addition to normal exchange students, apprentices can also resume their work on the transport ship."

Meili knew about some of the gray areas involved in the Holy Tower of Ashes, but she had never delved too deeply into it in the past. She was mainly responsible for her one-third acre of land at Holy Tower College.

Seeing that Meili's eyes were a little strange, Thane explained: "I am not seeking revenge on the Ebalut Empire, but we do lack the source of magicians now, don't we?"

"Especially in the near future, I plan to persuade the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire and the Holy Tower of Jade Source to carry out a more far-reaching war plan, and I need sufficient support from the legion." Thain said.

Meili nodded in understanding. She never refuted Thain, she just said: "Well, you are right."

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