The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1519: The Survivors of Krypton

In the vast star realm, a large-scale battleship and spacecraft sailed in it.

Finally embarked on the road back to the Wizarding Star Territory.

But before that, Thane needs to go with the Kryptonian strongman Karazo and others to pick up other members of their Kryptonian survivors.

"We Kryptonians have been living in the Sea of ​​Chaos star field for the past tens of thousands of years."

"Just from the name of this star field, you should be able to know how bad the environment we are in is."

"Various disorderly rules and phenomena, frequent interstellar bandits, and other wandering groups competing with us Kryptonians for living space..."

"Chaos, that's the only theme there."

"But it is precisely because other wandering races and interstellar caravans often come to the Sea of ​​Chaos star field, so we can find out some news about the starry sky further away from the outside world."

"For example, the war between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization is the news brought by a small interstellar wandering group hundreds of years ago." Level 5 Kryptonian Karazo said.

Thain heard this and nodded. He then asked: "There are also interstellar caravans that have come here? What are they called caravans?"

"Alibaba Chamber of Commerce." Karazzo twisted his eyebrows and replied after thinking for a while.

"But that was almost three thousand years ago, and that Chamber of Commerce did not stay in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory for too long."

"It seems because our place is too chaotic and too poor." Karazo shook his head and said.

"Then have they been to the star field where Blue Star is?" Thain asked calmly.

"Probably not. Blue Star is a plane world we just discovered."

"Including those subsequent Black Bat civilizations, sea planets, etc., we have never had direct contact with them before."

"I didn't expect that beyond that star field, there would be so many medium and small world civilizations." Karazzo sighed.

After all, the star world is a place where strength is supreme. The Kryptonians are not strong enough, so naturally they suffer a lot in the development of the ethnic group.

Only by joining the wizarding civilization in the future will it be possible to have a relatively smooth path of civilization development.

And the wizard civilization’s help to the Kryptonians is not free.

Nowadays, the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation is ongoing.

Not only to develop and strengthen the ethnic group, but also to take revenge on former enemies.

There is no need to question the Kryptonian's decision to join the Wizards' Union.

Don’t forget who destroyed the Kryptonian civilization in the first place.


The Lunt Federation's massacre of Kryptonian creatures and racial hatred are engraved in their bones.

When Thane went with Karazo to the planet where the Kryptonian survivors were, Bruce, Arthur, Gal Gadot, Barry and others also accompanied him.

They also showed some interest in the wizard civilization mentioned by Thane and the wizarding alliance's wooing.

Any creature with brains, foresight, and a normal IQ of level four or above, when suddenly hearing about a world civilization that is thousands of times more powerful than itself, will definitely be surprised at the first moment, and consider how to interact with it at the second moment. Contact the other party to find out whether it is really as exaggerated as the rumors say.

Those who bury their heads in the sand, pretend not to see, or take the initiative not to have contact with the other party are those who have no enterprising spirit and are short-sighted.

Fortunately, none of the civilized creatures from all directions who supported Blue Star this time were such people.

Including Arthur, who looks extremely vulgar and impulsive. Since he will inherit the throne of Sea King in the future, he will command the entire Planet of the Sea and all the people under his command. noodle.

If he doesn't take the initiative to contact the powerful wizard civilization, will he be able to secure his position as King of the Sea?

Regardless of the war between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization, who won in the end.

Those worlds that live around the two top civilizations and have heard of each other's names must make plans in advance.

It is worth mentioning that the Black Bat Civilization’s bottom legion, the Neptune Guards, and the Amazon female warriors from the wonderful plane brought by Gal Gadot did not go with them this time, but stayed around the Blue Star as a precaution The main force of the Kryptonian Legion stationed there.

It can be seen that they are still wary of the Kryptonians.

Because they have never been in contact with wizard civilization and do not understand how much wizard civilization attaches importance to contracts, these powerful people from different civilizations believe in themselves more than they believe in the law contract drawn up by Thane himself.

A small crimson planet, Thane met the low-level Kryptonians living here.

This is a low-level plane whose rules and environment are incompatible with the Kryptonian body.

The people living at the bottom of Krypton here are all "weak" in Thane's eyes.

The number of Kryptonian survivors is not large overall.

Excluding the 700,000 Kryptonian warriors with qualifications above level one, the total number of Kryptonian creatures below level one is approximately 40 million.

This number, compared to the creatures in other worlds, is simply extremely low!

But based on this, the Kryptonians can actually have 700,000 first-level and above warriors. Such an evolution rate is really exaggerated.

"This is because Kryptonians with insufficient genetic strength find it difficult to complete even the embryonic pregnancy process."

"Because of the lack of enough inert crystals, many of our tribesmen have perished before they were even born."

"According to the gene sequence stored in the gene bank, I should have a sister, but I have never even seen her face."

"Do you know how difficult it is for us Kryptonians to maintain the reproduction of our species?" Karazo suddenly turned around and asked before leading Thane into the crimson planet.

"How do you maintain it?" Although Thain already had a guess in his mind, he still asked humbly.

"Haha, for every Kryptonian warrior who dies normally or abnormally, we will take out the kryptonite from their body and integrate it into the gene pool to ensure that the benign genes in it can be successfully activated."

"In addition, almost every Kryptonian warrior has left his or her own genetic code to the tribe."

"This process has gradually become a tradition among our Kryptonian survivors."

"Many Kryptonians, myself included, believe that our will will be extended in this way."

"The future of our tribe will be better." Karazo looked at Thane and said seriously.

From the perspective of Blue Star creatures, the Kryptonians are undoubtedly the bad guys who brought war and invaded their homeland.

But in the star realm, there are no absolute good guys and bad guys.

Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. In fact, Kryptonians also live a very hard life.

At least many of the blue star creatures who arrived on the crimson planet suddenly discovered that they had been much happier than the Kryptonians before.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!" A series of air waves came from the crimson planet. It was the Kryptonian warriors stationed here who discovered that Karazo and others had returned.

The way of survival of these Kryptonians still seems extremely difficult. Thane noticed that many low-level Kryptonian warriors had damaged armor.

The Kryptonian Legion that went to Blue Star this time should be all the elite forces assembled by their tribe.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Drew."

"Krypton's decision to join the Wizards Alliance cannot be decided by me alone. Drew's suggestion is also very important." Karazo said.

Drew, another fifth-level creature among the Kryptonian survivors, is also the oldest being among the Kryptonian survivors.

Many low-level Kryptonian warriors, including Kryptonian warriors of level four and above, including Kram and Karl, almost all grew up under Drew's care.

After nodding, Thane followed Karazo and flew to the center of the crimson planet.

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