The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1518: Competing and winning over

What was originally a fierce war that was about to break out finally turned into a private battle between two groups of fifth-level creatures. This was something that no one expected.

However, for these two battles, most of the powerful people above level 4 watched with fascination.

Carl and Arthur are not weak among level five creatures, and Thain and Bruce are even more powerful.

Among them, the most exaggerated performances were those of the Blue Star creatures.

They actually want to record these two battles between level five creatures, and then make them into videos to show to the creatures on their own planet for entertainment.

What a special plane world...

The concepts and codes of conduct of these blue star creatures are different from most of the plane worlds that Thain has come into contact with in the past.

Over the course of several months, Carl and Arthur fought neck to neck.

Arthur was dissatisfied with this result.

Because Arthur's life level is obviously higher than Carl's, and as the son of the Sea King, Arthur has a powerful bloodline and has always been the darling of the sea.

In the end, it was hard to tell the difference between him and a Kryptonian strongman who was a little lower than himself. For Arthur, this was a flaw in his historical record.

Arthur is indeed powerful, but how can Carl take it easy?

As the most outstanding leader among this generation of Kryptonian warriors and a direct descendant of the strongest Kryptonian warrior at that time, Carl really shouldered too many burdens.

And from a bloodline perspective, Arthur is at best the descendant of a sixth-level creature, while Carl is the blood descendant of a sixth-level peak Kryptonian strongman, and is of a higher origin than Arthur!

It's just that Carl has a much gentler personality than Arthur. The longer he is in contact with Blue Star creatures, the more his mood tends to be peaceful like that of Blue Star creatures.

Facing Arthur's indignation, Karl said: "Actually, I lost this battle."

"We fought in the starry sky around Blue Star. The water element around the battlefield is not active."

"If we were fighting on a water plane, I would definitely not be your opponent." Carl said sincerely to Arthur.

After all, Arthur led 200,000 Neptune Guards to support Blue Star. Carl must give the opponent this face.

Faced with Karl's generous performance and sincere resignation, Arthur, who had been shouting and quite angry before, blushed, then closed his mouth and said nothing more.

After the battle between Carl and Arthur ended, the battle between Thane and Bruce lasted longer.

It's not that Thain and Bruce are competing against each other, it's more like they are competing for growth.

Bruce was curious about Thain's mask, and Thain was amazed by the secrets of the sonic laws that Bruce had mastered.

In this battle, there is no strict distinction between superiority and inferiority, victory or defeat.

Both Thain and Bruce hit the mark.

In addition to his extremely special and powerful sonic law method, Bruce also showed an ability similar to "mirror clone" in the battle with Thane.

In the Black Bat Civilization, this ability is also called "Fission Venus" and is considered a unique racial ability of the creatures of the Black Bat Civilization.

The weaker black bat civilization creatures can only display two or three clones, while the stronger ones may have dozens of clones.

Bruce Wayne is undoubtedly the leader in the Black Bat civilization. During his discussions with Thane, the total number of clones he revealed was close to a thousand.

These clones have extremely strong confusion properties, and even ordinary fourth-level creatures have difficulty distinguishing their authenticity from fake ones in a short period of time.

But because Thane has the Mask of Formlessness, Bruce's special ability has only a mediocre effect on him.

After the discussion with Bruce, Thane mentioned that he knew a powerful man in the orc world named Panda Brewmaster, who also had the ability to clone himself, but could only be divided into three.

Unlike Bruce Wayne who has nearly a thousand clones, Panda Brewmaster has only three clones, but each one can inherit part of the power of the original body and can be treated as an independent fourth-level creature.

The "Fission Venus" ability of Black Bat Civilization is more of a phantom that confuses the enemy. It is essentially a different way of using power from the secret technique of Panda Brewmaster.

"This ability of yours should be borrowed from the effects of sound waves and light illusion."

"Although it is not very powerful in terms of actual damage, it can actually reach the level of confusing ordinary fourth- and fifth-level creatures. The achievements of your black bat civilization are really impressive." Thain praised.

Facing Thain's praise and the final result of the discussion, Bruce seemed a little dissatisfied. He said: "In addition to following the path of individual evolution, our Black Bat civilization has also reached great heights in the field of science and technology."

"If I drive my phantom chariot, Master Thane, you may not be able to do it so easily." Bruce said.

Faced with Bruce's excuse, Thane smiled and said: "Our wizarding civilization is not a simple elemental demon.

The path of law. "

"Including myself, I have also dabbled in other fields."

"Bruce, although you didn't use the phantom chariot, I didn't use other methods either."

"If you drive your own phantom chariot, how about I call her out?" Thain pointed at Yuri, who was driving the Flame Constructed Golem at the edge of the battlefield.

The appearance of the Flame Demon Puppet made Bruce hold back all his words.

He admitted that Thain was indeed very powerful, including becoming more curious about the wizarding civilization behind Thain.

"Master Thain, you said before that the Panda Brewmaster who also has the ability to clone is also a member of the Wizards Alliance?" Bruce asked.

"Of course, Panda Brewmaster is an alien god registered in our Wizarding Alliance."

"Not only ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏, including the world of orcs behind it, it is also the world of members of our Wizards Alliance. It is a large world." Thain raised his head and said confidently.

Under the black mask, Bruce's brows can clearly be seen frowning slightly.

He first pointed at the Raging Flame golem not far away, then looked at the Kryptonians and Blue Star creatures who had decided to join the Wizards Alliance, and then sighed and said: "Then I will follow you, Master Thain. Let’s go and see the wizarding civilization.”

Bruce, the fifth-level powerhouse of the Black Bat Civilization, is obviously a being seeking change.

It is not easy for the Black Bat civilization to promote what they consider "order" in the surrounding star fields.

The ancient desert wasteland world that is just getting stronger is not easy to deal with.

Taking the initiative to contact wizard civilization is actually to avoid being pushed into the wizard alliance camp in the ancient desert wasteland world in the future.

As Bruce expressed, he will not make any decisions for the Black Bat civilization, he just goes to take a look first...

The exchange and alliance between the two world civilizations is a very complicated process.

When Thain won over Hengsha World and Ghost Crow World, it was not done overnight.

The current situation looks very good.

If both parties can take the first step in a friendly manner, the road ahead will be much easier.

If Thane can help the wizarding civilization and win over the world of this star field to join the Wizarding Alliance, it will definitely be a great achievement. -------------------

PS: Xiaodou is still writing the third chapter this morning, and will try to finish it within an hour.

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