The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1510 No matter the cost

"Holy war?" Sitting high on the black throne, Salem, the strongest man in the ancient desert world, stepped on the black crystal floor with a big foot with two barbs.

Salem definitely doesn't have a good reputation in the surrounding star fields.

Since he was promoted to level six, he has led the ancient desert world and annexed hundreds of planets, bringing disaster to countless groups of living beings.

This is a powerful world with great potential to grow into a large plane!

And although the ancient desert wasteland world is extremely domineering in its external affairs, the fourth-level strong men in this world, under the leadership of Salem, are very cunning and insidious.

In the early stages of civilization development, they would never provoke civilizations from other planes that were stronger than themselves or close to them.

Instead, they focus on bullying those weak plane worlds.

With the development over hundreds of thousands of years, the ancient desert wasteland world has no suitable targets to invade.

Therefore, in the past tens of thousands of years, the ancient desert wasteland world has frequently clashed with the Black Bat Civilization, and sometimes even fought with the Planet of the Sea.

All this indicates that these medium-sized world civilizations will have a battle.

Any large-scale world civilization is built on the corpses of other medium-sized world civilizations.

The ancient desert wasteland world has only annexed one medium-sized world so far.

Judging from the current development of the plane, if they want to advance to the large world, the nutrients they absorb are far from enough!

The Black Bat Civilization, the Planet of the Sea, the Wonderful Plane, the Blue Star... and all the plane worlds that have been discovered in the surrounding star fields are all targets that the ancient desert wasteland world is eager to devour.

Including not long ago, a level 4 lightning man was intercepted by a level 5 powerhouse in the ancient desert world, and the electro-optical world discovered by extension was also a stepping stone for the ancient desert world to grow to a higher level in the future!

At this critical period for the growth of civilization, a sixth-level creature from the Apocalypse World actually proposed to win over the ancient desert wasteland world to participate in a "holy war." Isn't this nonsense?

Based on the character of Salem, the lord of the ancient desert wasteland world.

If he is willing to serve as a "gun" for the Gallente Federation and the Apocalypse World, his brain will definitely be blocked.

Salem had heard a lot about the war between the two top civilizations.

This is the norm in most plane worlds surrounding the two top civilizations.

As long as you reach a certain level of strength and are well-informed, you can basically find out about the war between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization.


More than a thousand years ago, when the war first began.

I heard that the Gallente Federation was advancing with great success, and the wizarding civilization was defeated one after another, showing a trend of crushing and advancing.

But starting hundreds of years ago, the wind seemed to have changed again, and this time it was the Gallente Federation that suffered a big loss.

But how is the war between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization going?

Which one is better and worse between the two sides?

Very few powerful people above level four in the middle and low-level plane worlds would know the details.

Perhaps deep in the surrounding star field, there are several large world civilizations that are neutral and know the inside story.

However, those large world civilizations are tight-lipped and will never reveal their attitudes easily before the situation of civilized war becomes clear.

Apocalypse World is a loyal supporter of the Gallente Federation. Its status under the Gallente Federation is equivalent to that of the Tris Civilization and the Shi'ak Empire.

Salem has no interest in participating in the "holy war" proposed by Apocalypse World.

What is justice and evil? If the word "holy" is included, does it mean that it is justice?

However, Apocalypse World always likes to flaunt that its wars are just.

The word "holy" is often added in front of everything, which is a characteristic of the apocalyptic civilization.

However, before Salem could refuse, this sixth-level powerhouse from the Great World of Apocalypse gave Salem an unimaginable gift.

"The Gallente Federation said that it can help the ancient desert wasteland world be promoted to a large plane."

"In order to prove our sincerity and highlight the powerful technological power of the Gallente Federation, the Federation said that it can help you advance to the peak level six."

"This is a completely free life transformation. Even if you don't want to get involved in the war between the two top civilizations, there is no harm in trying it now." The messenger of the Apocalypse World said in a very coaxing and seductive tone.

With his pitch-black nails, he lightly tapped the metal armrest of the throne. The Lord of the Ancient Desert Wasteland did not immediately express his stance this time.

The battlefield of the underworld star field.

Fierce melee happens here every moment.

Since the encirclement was completed hundreds of years ago, the wizard civilization has launched a fierce attack on the Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet stranded in the underworld star field from all sides.

Due to this large star field, there are currently too many dominant-level creatures descending.

Even the Gallente Federation’s Dominator-class fleets, war fortresses and giant mechas have the ability to directly destroy

Even with the ability to split across space, it is difficult to escape from such a complete confinement of time and space.

And on the front lines of a civilized battlefield, escape is not a decision that can be made casually.

Both the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation call this a "retreat" rather than "escape" or "rout".

Collapse and escape are involuntary. When the time comes, the army will be defeated like a mountain, and the billions of legions will be in ruins, and the losses to the Gallente Federation will be even greater!

Therefore, in recent years, the Gallente Federation's fleets trapped in the underworld star field have been encouraging support and rarely retreated.

Besides, the wizarding world army will not allow them to escape.

In addition, the Gallente Federation also dispatched large armies from other star fields in an attempt to support the federation's main vanguard fleet that was besieged in the underworld star field.

Including ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏Some plane worlds that are neutral and previously difficult to win over have recently been roped in to join Gallente Federation at all costs. Special federal army camp.

However, the wizard civilization and the underworld firmly blocked the internal and external counterattacks of the Gallente Federation, vowing to eat up all the vanguard fleets surrounded in the underworld star field!

As time goes by, the effective forces of the Gallente Federation in the underworld star field become less and less, but they also become more hysterical.

Especially those fleets that are comparable to fourth-level creatures and above, as well as powerful technological fleet groups that are comparable to dominator-level creatures. Even if they are beaten to pieces, they are still extremely threatening.

According to the established war plan of the wizarding world, in another four hundred years, they will eliminate most of the remaining federal forces in the underworld star field.

In other words, it took about a thousand years for this big pocket of the underworld star field to be entrenched and finally complete the war goal.

This is indeed a big deal, and in the past few hundred years, the Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet group has experienced at least two large-scale fleet explosions and crashes similar to the fall of master-level creatures.

Beyond the underworld.

The Grand Commander of the Blood River, Nevinrink, and the God of Orcs, Campas, stood here together, looking solemnly at the endless Gallente Federation Fleet Legion coming from beyond the stars in the distance again.

"I'm so unlucky, how could I be trapped here with you." The orc god Campas said to himself with a very sad look on his face. -------------------

PS: There should be two more chapters in the afternoon~

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