The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,509 Jihad to win over

When setting off from the sea planet, he was so conceited as the great prince Arthur, but he didn't even bring a fourth-level creature from the sea planet with him.

He only brought about 200,000 Neptune Guards with him!

The reason why he only brought so few legions was because Arthur learned from the Blue Star Civilization's request for help that the Kryptonian legion that invaded them only had 700,000 combat troops...

Arthur is a level 5 creature with blond hair and unusual boldness.

He doesn't care at all about the so-called "short-lived curse."

He even had a vague sense of mission in his heart. The unprecedented transformation of the sea planet would be completed by his own hands.

Just like the first Neptune, the ancestor who pushed the sea planet to the medium-sized plane level.

He wants to achieve greater achievements than his ancestors.

Carrying ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ Holding the artifact golden steel fork in one hand, Arthur stood on the back of a giant metal shark, facing his father, younger brother, and the sea who saw him off. The other subjects of the planet waved their hands.

The old Neptune wearing a heavy crown, his thin younger brother with pale skin, and other subjects of the Planet of the Sea knelt aside in respectful obedience.

Taking one last look at his home planet, Arthur set off.

"Let's go!" The golden steel fork pointed directly in the direction of the coordinates of the starry sky where Blue Star was located, and Arthur ordered the Guards Corps under his command.

Wonderful plane.

This is a low-level plane with a level of development that is not much different from Blue Star Civilization.

The strongest person in the wonderful plane is Amazon Queen Hippolyta, who has level five strength.

The wonderful plane advocates freedom, wildness, and activity.

Unlike the Black Bat civilization, this place has developed technology and has institutions such as parliament to establish rule.

There is also no so-called royal family or unified social structure here.

The wonderful plane even maintains a situation where various races and tribes live in separate places, and no one has direct jurisdiction over anyone.

For example, the Amazon Queen Hippolyta, her influence can only radiate one-third of the wonderful plane.

She is recognized as the strongest person in the wonderful plane, but that does not mean that all creatures must listen to her, including Hippolyta herself, who has never thought of controlling or restricting the freedom of other people.

This is a wonderful world, just like the name of her plane.

Most people in wonderful planes like to travel around. Low-level creatures travel the whole world, and high-level creatures above level three can try to travel around the near plane.

Wandering on the side.

And almost all the creatures above level four in the wonderful plane have traveled through the surrounding star realms, and some warriors have not even returned yet.

Gal Gadot, the daughter of Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, is the princess of the Amazon tribe in the fantastic plane. She has level four strength and is the sole heir to the throne of the future queen.

Gal Gadot has been an excellent female warrior since she was a child. She has a cheerful and lively personality, and she especially likes to help the weak.

In his early years, he traveled to Blue Star and formed a good friendship with the creatures of Blue Star.

When Gal Gadot left, the Blue Star creature gave her many specially cultivated seeds.

After these seeds were brought to the mysterious plane, they greatly increased the prosperity of species in this plane.

Especially food seed crops, Queen Hippolyta promoted them to the entire wonderful ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​‎​‏‏ plane, reducing a lot of famine, and the vegetation of the wonderful plane The coverage rate is also higher than in the past.

After receiving Blue Star's request for help this time, Gal Gadot went to Blue Star to help without any consideration.

Queen Hippolyta did not stop her, but assigned her a fourth-level assistant and 150,000 Amazon female warriors.

There are male creatures in the wonderful plane, but the dominance of this low-level world seems to be mostly in the hands of females.

Not only the Amazon tribe, but also other tribes in the wonderful plane are also dominated by women.

"Then I'm going. Mother, please wait for my good news." Gal Gadot hugged her mother, then walked out of the forest with a shield and weapon in hand.

The level of technology and creation in the Wonderful Plane is very poor. Not only is it far inferior to the Black Bat Civilization, it is also far behind the Planet of the Sea.

The flying vehicle for these Amazon female warriors to go to Blue Star is a large piece of stone platform that looks extremely simple and simple.

Fortunately, the people Queen Hippolyta handed over to her daughter were all elite, with average life levels above level one.

This also shows the importance and care the Wonderful Plane attaches to Blue Star creatures.

Watching her daughter and others gradually go away, Queen Hippolyta, who was wearing a white gauze skirt, suddenly frowned slightly and looked at her curled fingers.

It seemed like there was a bad premonition about to happen.

The edge of the control star field in the electro-optical world.

Barry, a level four electro-optical world expert, saw the signal coming from the direction of Blue Star.

The special life essence of creatures in the electro-optical world gives them the innate ability to analyze electromagnetic and other signals.


From the perspective of magicians in the wizarding world, the native creatures in the electric world should be regarded as electric elemental creatures.

So far in the wizarding world, we have come into contact with fire elemental creatures, water elemental creatures, earth elemental creatures, wind elemental creatures, etc. There are also thunder and lightning elemental creatures, but their numbers are extremely rare.

There are more special creatures with the ability to control lightning. In the thunder world battlefield that Thain once participated in, those Gaz were born with a keen sense of thunder and lightning elements.

The control star domain of the Electro-optical World is very large.

This is because the lightning people in this world generally have extremely exaggerated flying abilities.

And lightning people above level four also like to travel around the star world. Wherever they go, they will mostly leave some influence on the world of lightning.

The person who traveled through ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ Blue Star was another level four lightning man. Now the other person has probably returned to the home plane, or has gone deeper into other star fields. Travel everywhere.

The familiar Lightning Man signal convinced Barry, who had just arrived, that their "friend" was in need of help.

Not all Lightnings love peace, and some enjoy killing and conquering.

But fortunately, Barry is not like this. He is extremely young and is still in the stage of traveling and growing up.

After thinking for a moment, Barry flew towards the direction of Blue Star.

In the starry sky, a yellow lightning flashed across.

Barry, who was alone, was the only one among all the strong men who supported Blue Star who did not carry a legion.

When one party is in trouble, all parties support it.

Blue Star creatures are indeed weak and can be bullied, but they also have their own survival wisdom.

However, when these powerful people went to support Blue Star, the strongest person in the distant ancient desert world, Salem, a late-level sixth-level creature, welcomed a distinguished guest.

"I come from the Great World of Apocalypse. On behalf of the greater Gallente Federation, I extend an invitation to the Lord of the Ancient Desert Wasteland World to join us in our 'holy war' against the evil wizard civilization!" This six-year-old from the Great World of Apocalypse super creature, said to Salem in front of him.

Apocalypse World, one of the large world supporters under the Gallente Federation.

At this time, the war between civilizations was intense. Somehow, the Great World of Apocalypse actually represented the Gallente Federation and contacted the ancient desert wasteland world. -------------------

PS: There is one more chapter, one o'clock ago~

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