The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,470 New Mission

After returning to the special meditation room specially arranged by himself in the Ash Fortress, Thane adjusted his breath and entered a deep meditation state.

There is no war in the radiation arc world, and it is unlikely that any further turmoil will occur in the surrounding area.

Thain entered a deep state of meditation at this time, and no outsiders would disturb him.

Cultivation takes no time.

The higher the level of a magician, the more time it takes to conduct a meditation or experiment, and the time it takes will unknowingly become extremely long.

Even Thain himself did not expect that he would enter deep meditation this time, and it would take three years before he woke up again.

In the meditation room rich in elemental power, Thain reopened his eyes and could already feel the magic power filling his body.

Including his mental strength, he has recovered quite a bit during this period. Even though his body is still a little tired, and some injuries have not been fully recovered.

But the current situation is almost the same.

Thain can exert at least 70% of his strength in his heyday and is worthy of a battle.

Taking a deep breath, Thain stood up, first changed into a clean and ordinary ordinary magic robe, and then went straight to the laboratory next to the meditation room.

Thain is not a person who indulges in enjoyment. He just finished his meditation state and he was thinking about his magic experiment.

The experiment that Thain conducted this time was still related to the research of blue fire.

In the previous battle, Thane had some new ideas about the combination of blue fire and the use of light elemental laws.

Now was the time for him to set out to verify it.

Thain entered the experimental research state, but this time it did not last long.

After just one month, he was forced to discontinue his experiments.

The wizard civilization issued a new combat order, and Thain had to go to a certain frontline of the Beholder World to participate in the attack.

It is estimated that the wizarding civilization will only assign tasks to Thain after several years of rest and recovery.

This mission is a solo mission for Thane, and there is no need to bring his Holy Tower Legion with him.

And it doesn't seem to be a mandatory task, and Thain has the right to refuse.

However, Thane did not refuse the wizard civilization's war order. After receiving the news from the crystal ball, he immediately prepared to leave.

In the past few years that Thane has been in the meditation room, all rewards from the wizard civilization to all combat legions in the radiation arc world have been distributed.

Not only the knights and magician legions, but also the alien slave creature cannon fodder, all received a lot of benefits.

Rewards for Thane,

Naturally more abundant.

Thain didn't ask for magic coins. All he applied for from the wizarding civilization were those rare and expensive magic materials.

The magic materials used by Thane at this stage are almost non-mundane.

For example, because experiments on the fusion of blue fire and the power of light elemental laws are being carried out recently, some of the materials that Thain applied to the wizard civilization may not be available in ordinary medium-sized planes. Only a few large alliance planes with special attributes can. There is a small amount of output.

With Thane's achievements, it shouldn't be a big problem for the Wizarding Civilization to agree to his application.

After all, only those who can get it, and precious materials can only exert their greatest value when they are in the hands of a strong person like Thain.

After leaving the laboratory and walking towards the fortress combat headquarters, Thane met Xia Ya, Lenna and the other girls.

The place where the girls usually live is very close to Thain's private laboratory.

In the Holy Tower of Ashes, this is also a sign of being valued.

Ordinary low-level magicians are not qualified to live near the tower owner.

Xia Ya and the girls must have just completed their daily training, and there are still a lot of sweat stains on their bodies. These female knights never mind such details, and no other outsiders can see them in this place.

The only "outsider" who might walk around here is Mei Li, the dean of Ashes Holy Tower Academy. She also has a residence specially arranged by Thain nearby.

The war in the Radiant Arc World that lasted for more than twenty years was also a big test for them.

With Thain's help, they have not carried out any dangerous combat missions, but in this battlefield, there is no absolutely safe place.

Fortunately, the women were only slightly injured at most and did not die.

Suddenly seeing Thain walking out of the laboratory, the women were a little surprised.

Because according to their understanding of Thain, Thain should still be conducting experimental research at this moment.

In addition to Red Scales who was wearing red armor and following behind, Thane also saw the two sisters Gamora and Gamora. It seemed that they got along pretty well with each other during this period.

Among these women, the one with the deepest relationship with Thain is Lenna.

She still had her hair braided upwards, but Lenna's current physique was much slimmer and slimmer.

Among the women in Thain, Lenna, who has lost weight, has the best figure, including her skin, which is also the whitest.

It is really strange that both Natalya and her mother Xia, who are also knights, have healthy skin due to years of training and physical exertion.

Wheat color.

Only Lenna's skin was so white that it made people sick.

And it feels the best to the touch, without the rough feeling that is common among other female knights.

Since Natalya fell into a coma, many of Thain's feelings have been diverted towards Lenna.

At the same time, Lenna can also make Sean happy every time.

Noticing Thain's gaze, she stared at her cool black tight-fitting training clothes on her chest. Lenna's cheeks turned red when she realized something, and she whispered: "I'm going to clean it first. I just finished training. It’s all sweat.”

Lenna's words caused several women around them to glance back and forth at her and Thain.

Lenna's emotional intelligence is still too low, and she can say some things so straightforwardly.

Thain couldn't help coughing twice and said calmly: "I will leave the radiation arc plane next and go to ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ to perform other combat missions. You continue. Stay here, if you need anything, you can tell Meili and the others directly."

Sean's answer made Lenna breathe a sigh of relief.

The fat woman was actually a little scared of Thain now. She didn't know if it was because her best friend Nataya was missing and there was no one to help her share the firepower, so she was a little unbearable when she had close contact with Thain.

After saying goodbye to the girls, Thane met Mellie again.

After telling Meili some things, I got a large piece of snow-white crystal silkworm slough about ten meters in length from Meili.

A trace of rich power factors of ice and snow law appeared on the surface of this piece of crystal silkworm slough.

This thing can only be regarded as raw material now. If you want to process it into a magic robe, you still need many steps.

Putting away the remains of the crystal silkworm, Thain called Yuli and flew out of the plane together.

This time, Thain only took Yuri with him to carry out the task assigned by the wizard civilization.

There is a Rubik's Cube to repair the Flame Golem. Yuri's condition is the same as Thain's, and most of it has recovered.

Beyond the mirage world.

Thane met Jim Carrey Donald, the fifth-level magician in charge of the battlefield in this dimension.

This is a fifth-level magician with a long face and short light blond hair.

When he met Thain, the other party said in a very friendly manner: "Master Thain, you have been transferred to the front line again just three years after finishing the war mission. It's really hard."

"To be honest, I made a special trip to Master Claire, the True Spirit Mage, to apply for your transfer to this battlefield."

"I hope you won't have any complaints against me." Jim Carrey said frankly.

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