The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,469 Allocating Resources

When he returned to the radiation arc world, this low-level plane was already in a completely different situation than when Thain had just left.

Because this low-level plane has never been lost from the hands of the wizard civilization after Thane entered.

Therefore, as the army of wizard civilization began to launch a powerful attack on the beholder world, this low-level plane gradually became an important transit point for resources from the wizard world to the frontline battlefields of the beholder world.

When they were stationed on the battlefield of the Radiant Arc World, the knights and magicians in this world were poor in resources.

Sometimes when you are injured, you are reluctant to drink the whole potion. You can only drink half of it first and save the other half.

Now, the Ashes Holy Tower magicians and other knights participating in the battle obviously have no shortage of resources.

Because the rewards of the wizard civilization have not yet arrived, before Thain left, he asked Meili to attack all the magicians participating in the war in the name of the Ashes Holy Tower. Magic coins and holy tower combat points will be awarded.

Not only Thain did this, but the other two knight halls did the same.

The fourth-level strong men still have quite a lot of wealth, especially after fighting several plane wars. The wealth they possess is definitely beyond the imagination of lower creatures below the third level.

At this time, two of the three star rings on the periphery of the radiating arc world have been completely shattered, and the only remaining inner star ring has also been split open by Thain.

Many knights and magicians from the wizarding world who arrived at the battlefield of the radiation arc world also heard about the reputation of Thane, the master of the Holy Tower of Ashes, because of the defensive battle that had just ended in this low-level plane.

When asking the magicians stationed in this low-level plane about the powerful Ashes Tower Master, some busybodies directly pointed to the broken star ring outside the plane and explained to others the power of the Ashes Tower Master.

From time to time, war airships rise and land from inside and outside the radiation arc world.

The low-level plane that was dilapidated and depressed due to the war has now regained some vitality and order.

At this time, there are no extra wizard civilization level four or above creatures in the radiation arc world.

Those level four wizards from the Wizarding World who had previously arrived for support had already led their legions to the front line of this star field battlefield.

Those who stayed were all the old faces stationed in the radiation arc world with Thane.

However, there are now several large space fortresses dedicated to transporting supplies.

In order to avoid suspicion, the Huyan king has led his Huyan army and left the radiation arc world. In this low-level

A meteorite belt outside the plane is resting.

Thain is not worried that the Huyan King and others will harm the radiation arc world and accumulate more baggage.

After such a bitter battle, their interests have long been tied together.

Considering that the Huyan clan also lost a large number of tribesmen warriors and two level four experts in this war, Thain did not forget to instruct the Holy Tower to send some supplies to the Huyan people.

After returning to the Ash Fortress, before Thain could take a breath, Meili came to the door again.

Meili has really helped Thane a lot over the years.

It is responsible for the management and construction of the Holy Tower Academy, and it is also the combat headquarters that helps Thane coordinate the Ashes Holy Tower.

Although the Ashes Holy Tower has also seen the emergence of many talents in various fields over the years.

But Thane still trusts Mellie the most.

Also‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is more inclined to leave various more important matters to Meili.

And Mellie almost never let down Thane.

At this time, Meili came to Thain, of course not because she hadn't seen him for a while and missed him, but because she had serious business.

"The magicians of the Deep Blue Summoning Holy Tower also suffered a lot in this war, including many of our underlying magical powers, which all rely on those summoners."

"So I made the decision and divided some of the magic coins left by you, Tower Master, and gave them to Casillas, the semi-god summoner of the Deep Blue Holy Tower, to appease their magicians who summoned the Holy Tower," Meili said. .

"Although the magicians of the Deep Blue Summoning Holy Tower are not my magicians, they have also contributed in this war. There is nothing wrong with your approach, Meili."

"It's just a part of the magic coins. Think of it as my reward for thanking the summoners of the Deep Blue Holy Tower for helping us defend the radiation arc world." Thain nodded.

The magic coins allocated to the Deep Blue Summoning Holy Tower are approximately two million.

Today, Thain really doesn't take this money seriously.

After the outbreak of the civilized war, the combat mission rewards distributed by the wizarding world to major holy towers and knight halls were no lower than the benefits brought by launching plane wars in the past.

This is an era of war where resources are crazily plundered and people can become rich in a short period of time.

As long as you can survive and basically complete various combat tasks assigned by the wizard civilization, you can become extremely rich.

In addition, the impact of the war also gave many low-level life forms the opportunity to climb to higher levels.

For example, during these years of war, Thain felt that his body refining process had accelerated a lot.

Every serious injury allowed him to tap into some of his physical potential.

And those truth issues that have troubled him for a long time will sometimes be inspired when he frequently uses the power of elements on the battlefield.

After Meili reported to Thane about the recent events in the Holy Tower of Ashes, she was about to leave.

Although creatures above level four are revered as "gods" by lower creatures, Thane knows that they are not gods.

At least Thain himself will feel tired, and he will also have emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and he will not be able to achieve the so-called omniscience and omnipotence.

Mellie has been with Thain for a long time, and through some details, she also knows that Thain is not in a good state right now and he needs to take a rest.

However, Thain did not let Meili leave, and ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ brought up another thing.

"The Alliance's alien god Ice and Snow Crystal Silkworm, who is stationed with us in the radiation arc world, should still be alive. Where is it?" Thain asked.

"It seems to be recuperating in a meteorite belt outside the plane. I heard that it is now in a state of 'pupation'." Meili said.

"Give it some resources as well."

"It and the tribes under its command also suffered a lot in this war."

"Just give them... about one million magic coins in supplies."

"By the way, let me tell you something about the Ice and Snow Crystal Silkworm. I am very interested in the pupa shell it sheds." Thain said.

"Yes." Merry replied.

Seeing that Thain had nothing else to say, Meili slowly left.

The alien god of the Alliance, the Ice and Snow Crystal Silkworm, was able to survive until the end of the Radiant Arc World Defense War, not because of its strength, but because of its ability to transform into a cocoon when seriously injured and on the verge of death.

This ability, according to Thain, is a bit like the nirvana method possessed by phoenix-like creatures.

Of course, compared to the Nirvana of the Phoenix Clan, this method of the Ice and Snow Crystal Silkworm is far behind.

But the final result and the role played are not much different.

Thain was very curious about its ability.

The pupa shell is the final shedding of the ice and snow crystal silkworm. It seems that it contains many secrets of the opponent's pupa and cocoon.

And as Thain is an alchemist, that thing can be considered a treasure based solely on the value of alchemy.

It would be perfect to use it to refining several sets of magic robes for Thain.

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