The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,458 Federal Marshal

The adjutant had followed Marshal Seedorf for many years, so he naturally knew that the marshal might have other things on his mind.

However, the adjutant did not clarify, but agreed with the same approval: "Yes, our star system, the source of floodlight, is much warmer and brighter than the underworld star field. After all, this is just one side behind the wild star field."

"And in the previous war, because many planets were destroyed, there were fewer stars and living planets in this star field, which is why it is so dead." The adjutant said.

No matter what kind of war it is, as long as it hits the mainland, the damage to the creatures in this star field will be huge.

The Underworld Star Territory expressed sincerity to the Gallente Federation early on, but due to the war, a large number of planes were destroyed.

Of course, these planes were not destroyed in vain.

Based on the losses of the underworld clan, the Gallente Federation still compensated the underworld creatures for many benefits.

After all, those underworld legions and the blood river commander Nevin Erink are indeed very powerful.

In terms of strength, among the two large world civilizations that have taken refuge in the Gallente Federation, the power of the Underworld is much greater than that of the Beholder World.

Looking at the lonely starry sky in the underworld in front of him, Marshal Seedorf didn't say much.

When seeing the wreckage of damaged planets, the old marshal accidentally crossed his mind and thought that most of the Gallente Federation had taken out star cores from these planets to reserve raw materials for building more war fleets.

War is the fastest way to plunder resources and wealth.

So far, the Gallente Federation has plundered nearly thousands of star cores from the wizarding civilization.

Because the higher the level of battleships, fortresses, and mechas, the higher the energy level they require.

Therefore, these stolen star cores will serve as war potential for the Gallente Federation to continue to conquer the star realm.

The entire federation has a positive attitude towards achieving the fruits of victory in the War of Civilization.

Otherwise, the follow-up army will not be pushed into the underworld star field, seeking a decisive battle with the main force of the wizard civilization at the border of the Thanoras star field.

Suppressing some doubts in his heart, Marshal Seedorf issued an order, requiring the surrounding fleet groups to be on alert and advance slowly. Each fleet must send a sufficient number of reconnaissance aircraft to pay attention to the surroundings.

In the Gallente Federation military, Marshal Seedorf was famous for his "stability".

He is known as the "God of War" because this old man spent his entire life in the military and rarely suffered defeats.


Almost all the favorable factors must be taken into consideration before he would choose to take action.

Completely opposite to Marshal Seedorf's character, Marshal Okanochi, another leader of the Federation's Dominator-class fleet, has been advancing bravely in recent years. He has continuously led his fleet to pursue the wizard civilization legions and broke through many wizard civilizations. The painstakingly arranged defensive front is now famous within the Gallente Federation.

Not only is the power and prestige of the military growing, but also among the people of the Gallente Federation, Marshal Gonkanoch has also gained considerable fans and supporters.

It is foreseeable that if Marshal Gonkanochie abandons the army and enters politics in the future, he will probably be able to accomplish something.

Some federal chaebols who have close ties with the military are even preparing documentaries and movies based on Marshal Gonkanochi.

The military marshal's momentum will be even greater.

The name of the "Invincible Fleet" under his command has spread to every star field controlled by the Far Easing Federation.

For the Marshal to do this, Gonkanoch should be satisfied.

What scientific and technologically civilized creatures generally pursue is nothing more than fame and fortune.

The other federal fleet groups that sailed into the underworld star field were so aggressive. They were probably stimulated by the great achievements of Marshal Gonkanoch.

The war between the Gallente Federation and the wizarding civilization will undoubtedly be a grand war that will shine through the annals of history in the future.

Many details of this war are estimated to have been passed down among the two top civilizations for hundreds of thousands of years.

The lifespan of the small group of beings who stand at the top of power in the technological civilization is still a little shorter than the top powerhouses who cultivate civilization.

In a limited time, achieve unlimited great achievements.

And winning the admiration and admiration of future generations is generally respected by scientific and technological civilized creatures.

So much so that in the Underworld Star Territory, Marshal Seedorf's Dominator-class fleet is now the slowest one.

The fastest ones, including the two Dominator-level mechas, have long been pursuing them to the border of the Thanoras star field, and they have probably fought against the wizard civilization army several times.

At this time, the Dominator-class fleet led by Marshal Seedorf has approximately arrived at the center of the underworld star field, and the straight-line distance from the large world-the underworld plane is not too far.

The underworld plane also suffered a lot of losses in the previous war.

There are even many battles that are started directly

Born in the plane of the underworld, a large area of ​​the underworld was reduced to a wasteland.

"Hometown of Dead Souls" is well deserved.

Before this, the Wizards' Alliance had two large worlds under its jurisdiction, which contained the most undead, undead souls and dark creatures. They were the Underworld and the World of the Undead.

After taking a look at the star map location of the underworld plane, Marshal Seedorf suddenly said: "The war with the wizard civilization is a war that our Gallente Federation has to fight for."

"Just the many large and medium-sized plane worlds under the Wizards Alliance, I don't know how many Dominator-level war fleets can contribute to our federation in the future."

"The huge wealth possessed by the wizarding civilization and the vast star territory will also be important nutrients for the prosperity and development of our Gallente Federation and its immigration expansion."

"This‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ This war is related to the rise and fall of the entire Gallente Federation in the next hundreds of thousands of years. All soldiers and ship commanders should be united. , use all your strength to win the civilized war!" Marshal Seedorf said solemnly.

"We will work with the Marshal to build the glory of the Federation!" The adjutant was the first to express his position, and then other generals in the flagship also agreed.

The morale of the Gallente Federation combat legions is generally very high.

In the war with the wizard civilization, so far, few fleets and commanders have defected on the battlefield, or are afraid of fighting.

The two top civilizations are colliding with each other.

The two consecutive defeats of the wizard civilization in the underworld star field were not all signs of "acting".

If the acting is too fake, it will arouse the suspicion of the federation.

The real details are actually that the wizard civilization used its second- and third-line alliance legions to actively fight against these elite first-line legions of the Gallente Federation. Coupled with some "command" mistakes on the battlefield, how could it be invincible? .

That’s why the Gallente Federation’s supercomputer gave feedback—in fact, the main force of the wizard civilization was not damaged.

The good atmosphere in the flagship made Marshal Seedorf's originally relatively silent and doubtful mood improve a lot.

But just when his flagship had just completed a short-range space jump, a reconnaissance fleet suddenly sent a report.

——A large group of underworld star domain creatures suddenly appeared on the flanks of their fleet group.

Upon hearing this, Marshal Seedorf twitched his brows.

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