The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,457 Pocket (additional update)

The attacks from the Gallente Federation and the Beholder World came very quickly.

Of course, they will not allow Thane and others to safely build a defensive front around the radiation arc world.

It is estimated that more than four million beholder world legions and a larger number of federal battleships will appear outside the radiation arc plane, covering the sky and the sun.

After receiving the blessing of the technological power of the Gallente Federation, these beholder-type creatures with already outstanding long-range firepower have become higher in attack power and their range has been increased further.

This is not an easy war. When the wizard civilization gathers enough power here, it is destined to be a protracted war.

"How much is the foundation of the Beholder World? It's just a large world at best. Can it be compared with our entire Wizards Alliance?"

"How far is the Gallente Federation from our current star field? I don't believe that those federal fleets can jump here without restrictions across space. Starfield, fight fiercely with us."

"As long as we persist, victory will definitely belong to us!" Before colliding with the enemy's army, Thane said to the powerful wizards on the left and right.

Tex and Martini, as fourth-level knights, did not see as far as Thain in terms of some strategies and tactics, so they naturally agreed with his remarks.

The Huyan King and others had just joined the Wizards Alliance, and they were in a humble position. They didn't say anything at this time. Anyway, they just wanted to follow Thain's orders.

The lizard man elder, who had been a member of the Wizards' Alliance for a long time, opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask something, but under the signal from the Ice and Snow Crystal Silkworm's eyes, he swallowed the words in his mouth.

In fact, what the lizard man elder wants to ask is that the overall strength of the Wizards Alliance exceeds that of the Gallente Federation, so why are they close to the enemy in strength on this battlefield, or even slightly inferior, and are in a defensive state.

Where are the other wizard civilization legions, where are the reinforcements, and when will new support troops arrive?

If the lizard man elder had raised this question on the spot, I am afraid Thane would have replied in his heart: "I know shit! I also want to know where the main army of the wizard civilization is!"

But thinking about it carefully, Thain guessed that the main army of the wizard civilization should still be near the Thanoras star field.

After all, the focus of that large star field is relatively large. If there is another big defeat, the wizarding civilization may be driven in by the Gallente Federation and invade.

Alliance heartland.

In addition, there are many warring star fields bordering the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation.

When Thane returned to the wizarding world, the transverse star field he passed through was one of them.

In these long warring border star fields, the wizard civilization has also accumulated a large number of combat troops. I heard that some war legions have entered the Gallente Federation star field.

The battlefield where Thain and others are located is just an inconspicuous point on the vast map of civilized war.

"Okay, let's follow our previous arrangement, alternate fire cover, and pay attention to the defense ratio."

"If you really can't stand it, you can abandon the outermost starry sky defense front of the plane, drag the battlefield to the alien ring of the radiation arc world, and fight them to the death!" Thain said.

When Se‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎En and others were fighting fiercely with the Beholder World and the Gallente Federation coalition forces around the radiation arc world, in the relatively distant underworld star field, Billions of federal legions slowly moved in and jumped in time and space in the direction of the Thanoras star field.

These are the elite combat legions of the Gallente Federation.

Under the leadership of the central flagship, the infinitely dense space battleships sailed through the starry sky like silent metal beasts, which was intimidating.

Countless drone fleets are scattered around these giant space battleships.

The number of these drones is simply difficult to calculate, and they are only a small part exposed.

Among the warships of the Federation, there are basically an exaggerated number of aircraft ships on standby.

A giant mecha that could easily reach tens or even hundreds of meters in size was also slowly flying around the Gallente Federation's giant space battleships, seemingly acting as a guardian to protect these giant space battleships.

Such a huge fleet, such amazing strength, this is the torrent of steel that the Gallente Federation relies on to frighten the surrounding civilizations and maintain the cornerstone of civilization!

In such an orderly and repressive march, in the core area of ​​the Gallente Federation's huge fleet group, in a specially built flagship, Marshal Seedorf, known as the "God of War" of the Gallente Federation, frowned. Wrinkle, looking at the star map in front of him, has been silent for a long time.

In fact, Marshal Seedorf has been in this state since he led his Dominator-class fleet to the underworld star field.

Throughout his life as a soldier, his character tends to be

The prudent Marshal Seedorf was one of the few in the Gallente Federation military who opposed the full force of the invasion of the underworld star field battlefield so early.

In Marshal Seedorf's view, false advantages will indeed bring a huge increase in the morale of his own army.

But in fact, so far, the Gallente Federation has been at war with the Wizarding Civilization, but it has not yet severely damaged the main legion of the Wizarding Civilization!

Even the federal supercomputer gave an answer to this point.

But unfortunately, computers are still controlled by humans after all.

When facing two huge victories in succession, the vast majority of federal military generals still chose to pursue the victory and actively seek a decisive battle with the Wizard Civilized Legion.

The weakness of the wizard civilization legion seems to declare that this top civilization is no longer good, and they are only superficial.

The so-called magic fighting civilization will eventually be ended by the power of technology!

Science is the only right path in the astral universe!

"Marshal Seedorf, what are you thinking about?" the adjutant couldn't help but ask after observing the marshal for a long time.

This adjutant is not an ordinary person. There are no ordinary people who can attack the marshal.

In terms of military rank, this adjutant has reached the level of lieutenant general.

In other words, as long as he is released outside, he can at least be in charge of a powerful fleet group that is comparable to the fifth-level biological combat power.

Marshal Seedorf also said that he could be given a trial with his main fleet group to prepare for his future promotion to admiral.

However, the adjutant said that he still had a lot to learn from Marshal Seedorf, and he was not in a hurry to leave the flagship and command a fleet of his own.

"It's nothing. I see that the environment of the Underworld Star Territory is very dark and depressing, and the number of planets is relatively small. It is far less prosperous than the Floodlight Source Star Territory of our Gallente Federation." Marshal Seedorf said while looking out the window.

The war decision has been made, and now even billions of legions have entered the underworld star field. Of course, it cannot be changed by Marshal Seedorf's suspicion.

And as a marshal, he is not suitable for making remarks that affect morale and established war goals.

Therefore, Marshal Seedorf did not point out what he was worried about, but instead talked about what was right and left, and brought up some irrelevant topics. -------------------

PS: Chapter 103 needs to be added~

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