The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,406 Instigating Rebellion

Sitting in the main seat of an empty hall, Clint, a fifth-level knight, looked at the seriously injured Hulk leader in front of him, as well as a ball of yellow sand element floating in front of it.

The injuries to the leader of the third-level Hulk were not superficial. They were caused by a federal warship in the sky, until a hole was blown out of this guy's stomach.

The leader of the Hulk was still alive, his intestines were blown out, but he was still alive. In the end, he successfully brought Sha'er, who was also badly injured, to the frontline command of the wizard civilization. land.

This empty hall is actually the command hall of fifth-level knight Clint. He doesn't like commanding the legion in the space fortress.

The pain caused by the physical injuries was far less frightening to the leader of the Hulk than the fifth-level knight in front of him.

After entering this hall, it was obvious that Knight Clint had not said a word, but the leader of the third-level Hulk was trembling with fear and did not dare to move for a long time.

If Sha'er hadn't brought the will of another distinguished fourth-level magician in the wizarding world, and given the leader of the Hulk three more courages, it would never have dared to approach here rashly!

Level 5 knight Clint didn't pay attention to the panicked Hulk leader. After glancing at him, his main gaze turned to the sand. On the child.

Compared with when she just left Thain, the color of Sha'er's appearance was obviously lighter at this moment.

This is proof that it is deeply injured.

In such a fierce battlefield in the Black Tide Plane, even if Sha'er is focused on avoiding danger and resolutely carrying out Thain's orders, there are some dangers that cannot be avoided by just hiding.

Even if it is just undifferentiated range damage, if the amount is accumulated, it is enough for an ordinary third-level life form to drink a pot.

Facing the gaze of a fifth-level peak knight, Shaer acted extremely calm and calm.

When it first condensed into a body, it followed Thain to the Hengsha World and received gifts from the Lord of the Hengsha World.

Later, when he was in the Holy Tower of Ashes, he often played with Bi Xi, and he didn't know how many good things Bi Xi fed him.

The gaze or pressure of a high-level life form can scare the Hulk leader next to him, but not Sha'er.

It has a more agile personality and even swayed from side to side, seeming to be looking at the many facilities in this empty hall.

Regarding the origin of Sha'er, Level 5 knight Clint was more confident, although he still found it a bit unbelievable.

A fourth-level magician has lurked deep in the Gallente Federation's position opposite, and he has returned from a mission in the star field where the Gallente Federation is located?

It may be Shaer's appearance that aroused some affection from Clint Knight.

Because the Kingdom of Jahana is located deep in the desert, it is also the largest desert area in the wizarding world.

Including Clint Knight himself, he also controls the power of earth law.

He has a natural affinity for sand energy, a variant branch of earth and wind magic.

However, Knight Clint did not immediately believe the words in front of him.

As for Thain's identity and the token he asked Shar to bring back, Clint Knight needs to wait for them to be verified before taking the next step.

Not long after handing over Thane's identity and elemental crystal, Clint Knight received a reply from the rear.

The Wizards Union is very efficient in handling this matter.

It’s surprisingly high!

They confirmed the authenticity of Thain's identity, and notified Clint and all the powerful people above level four participating in the war in the Black Tide Plane that they could consider cooperating with Thain as appropriate.

However, compared to the "trivial matter" of instigating rebellion against the Huya people, the deeper purpose of the Wizards Alliance's senior management is to ask Clint and others to bring Thain back safely no matter the cost.

Level five knight Clint also admires from the bottom of his heart the powerful wizard civilization who dares to sneak into the depths of the Gallente Federation to perform infiltration missions!

It is understandable that the wizarding civilization wants to bring Thane back safely no matter the cost.

After the war with the Gallente Federation, the secret forces arranged by the wizard civilization to penetrate into the depths of the Gallente Federation were successively eradicated by the other side.

Although the wizard civilization also sent out as many response troops as possible during this period.

However, the vast majority of creatures in the wizarding world who performed infiltration missions still died or were captured, and only a few were rescued.

If this mage Thane can escape by relying on his own ability without relying on the support of the troops, then he is also a valuable asset to the wizard civilization.

No wonder the higher-ups asked him to be brought back safely "regardless of the cost".

After confirming Thain's identity, Knight Clint immediately contacted other holy tower masters and knight hall masters participating in the Black Tide Plane, and even called back a fifth-level magician who was on the front line.

With the special magic circle that Thain asked Sha'er to bring over, Clint and others finally contacted Thain who was still waiting for news.

"If you don't contact me, I might have to try to break through." Thain smiled and said to the light yellow elemental light screen in front of him.

At this time, Thain's feet also carved an extremely complex magic array diagram. He is now in a hidden fortification under the Huyan fleet.

It was with the help of these two corresponding magic circles at his feet that Thain was able to successfully contact the powerful man in the wizarding world on the opposite side.

However, the special shielding signal in the Gallente Federation position where Thane was located was still very strong. The elemental light curtain in front of him was not stable and would flash from time to time.

On the other side of the light curtain, Clint Knight briefly introduced himself and several other powerful people in the wizarding world around him.

Thain glanced at an old man with a gray beard. His name was Simak. He was the only fifth-level magician on the battlefield in the Black Tide plane. He was also the one who supported the communication link with Thain on the other side. Magic circle.

"Mage Thain's ability to learn formations is impressive. He was able to establish contact with us despite the Gallente Federation's signals being concealed." Old Man Smucker admired.

Thain's formation knowledge was stolen from the Spider Queen Rose. Master Smucker's words actually reminded Thain of Rose.

Then Thain shook his head and said: "If you hadn't set up a benchmarking array on the other side, Master Smak, I wouldn't have been able to contact you by myself."

"Let's not talk about this for now. What do you think of the rebellion proposal I asked Sha'er to bring?" Thain asked.

The instructions received by Clint and others were to consider cooperating with Thain as appropriate and to make every effort to bring Thain back safely.

Compared to instigating rebellion against the Huya people, the priority was obviously to get Thain back safely.

Therefore, Clint said calmly: "I don't think you need to take risks, Master Thain. It's better to withdraw first, and we will do the same."

I will do my best to support you. "

"The details of those Huya people are unknown. If they are unwilling to surrender, wouldn't they put you, Master Thain, in danger?" Clint said.

When Thain heard this, he shook his head and said, "I know the Huya people quite well. I think they have a very high rate of instigating rebellion."

"The question now is, I want to know what kind of preferential treatment the wizard civilization will give to the Huya people. This will determine whether I can successfully complete the rebellion."

"Furthermore, once the Huya people are instigated to rebel, the war situation in the Black Tide Plane and the Feramo World will definitely be greatly reversed. This will be of great benefit to our wizard civilization's war in the entire Transverse Star Territory."

"Clint Knight, you can think more about it." Thain said.

As a frontline knight and the main commander of a plane, it is impossible for Clint Knight not to be greedy for merit.

As Thain said, capturing the Black Tide Plane as early as possible will be of great benefit to Clint and other wizarding world legions.

Considering the upper echelons of the league, it was also mentioned that Clint and others could consider cooperating with Thain as appropriate.

After communicating with several fourth- and fifth-level knights and wizards around him, Clint nodded and agreed to Thane's plan.

Since the Wizarding Civilization requires Clint and others to rescue Thain "at all costs", Clint and others also gave Thain great freedom of choice regarding Thain's promise to the Huya people.

He has the right to try his best to meet the Huya people's requirements and ensure the success rate of instigating rebellion.

After completing the communication with Clint and other powerful people in the wizarding world and learning the general situation of the surrounding star planes, Thane took a deep breath.

Next, it was time for a showdown with the King of Huya.

Clint and other knights have their own mission considerations, and Thane also has his own considerations.

In addition to repaying his gratitude to the Huya clan, Thane's other deeper idea is to quickly resolve the war in the Black Tide plane and then immediately cooperate with the Wizard World Legion here to attack the Noqi planet he passed through before!

Planet Nuoqi serves as a transit point for materials and legions that supply battlefields across the Star Territory. One can imagine its importance there.

In addition, there is a level 4 intelligent robot from the planet Noki, which is also Thane's primary target.

Thain went to the Gallente Federation to perform a mission behind enemy lines. The main purpose was to instigate the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

Nowadays, the life and death of the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron are unknown. Thain guessed that the entire army was probably wiped out. After all, the firepower of the Federation fleet group was so exaggerated at that time.

Even if the Decepticons were immune to the Gallente Federation's secret weapons at that time, the road to breakout might not be easy.

Not to mention, even the entire planet Cybertron was destroyed by the Gallente Federation!

If Thain doesn't bring back a level four intelligent robot to return to life, will his mission be considered a success or a failure?

Thain didn't want to go out with his head and find nothing when he came back.

That level four intelligent robot is trapped on the Nochi planet. Thain must save it!

The opponent is also an important token for Thain to successfully complete his mission behind enemy lines in the Gallente Federation. The other token is the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand.

Thain had to act quickly because he was worried that as the attack of the wizard civilization across the star field became more and more fierce, the level four robot would be sent away.

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