The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,405 Local Theater Advantages

"Go, take this back." Thain touched the sand element in his arms. A crystal engraved by the power of the element was placed in the center of the sand element by Thain.

This crystal is condensed by the power of Thain's ashes, and it also stores certain information. It is an important tool for Thain to prove his identity.

In addition, there are some words in it that Thain wants to say to the commander of the opposite wizard civilization.

If possible, Thain hopes to try to instigate the Huya people.

Thain still has a good impression of the Huya who saved him.

Although the King of the Huyans does not know the character of Thain yet, Thain feels that relying on his understanding of the Huyans and the current overall war situation across the Star Territory, the success rate of instigating the Huyans to rebel is still quite high.

Galen ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏The special federation will use metal buttons implanted in the body as a deterrent to control creatures below level one. He wants to control creatures above level four and the entire Huyan fleet. There will be more means.

But Thain isn't worried about that.

Because as long as we get the help of the wizard civilization and the active surrender of the Huya people, we can always find a way to solve those constraints.

The foundation of wizard civilization itself is deeper than that of the Gallente Federation.

The sand element in his hand was floating in the wind on the extremely fierce battlefield.

It is a special elemental life form that Thain obtained in the White Sand World in his early years. When he broke out in the Gallente Federation star field before, Thain also used some of its abilities with the magic tool White Sand Fan.

At this moment, what Thane valued was not Sha'er's combat power, but the hidden mobility of his special life form.

Yuri in Thane's space equipment has indeed recovered from her injuries during this period, but her combat effectiveness has not been restored.

The silver-armored golem driven by Yuri suffered heavy losses in the previous breakout battle, and was later hit by the Gallente Federation's secret weapon.

Thain can quickly recover with the help of golden apple potions, and Yuri herself can also slowly recover under the influence of Thain's other potions. However, the severely damaged silver-armored golem is not so easy to repair.

During the time when the Huyan ship was hiding, it was impossible for Thane to take out the silver-armored golem, whose size and elemental response fluctuated greatly, for repairs.

Sha'er flew towards the depths of the battlefield with Thane's ardent expectations.

It also has the element of wind

The agility of living things, as well as the excellent resistance to strikes of earth elemental creatures.

Thain also considered that Sha'er might not be able to successfully deliver the elemental crystals he had condensed to the commander of the wizard civilization on the opposite side.

The saturated coverage of the Gallente Federation's firepower network in the center of the battlefield, or any accident on the battlefield, could cause Sha'er to fail or even die.

Regarding this situation, Thain's decision was that if he could not get in touch with the higher-ups of the wizard civilization on the opposite side, then he would give up the idea of ​​communicating with the King of the Huyans and start seeking to break out on his own.

Because there is no way to reach an agreement with the top leaders of the wizard civilization, Thain's success rate in instigating rebellion against the Huyan King will also become extremely low.

Only with support from the wizarding world can Thane go ahead and do it.

At the same time, in that Yuan ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏, there is also a way for the two parties to get in touch.

When Sha'er left, Thain contacted Gamora and asked her to help increase the attack on the wizard civilization army on the battlefield in front of them.

The dense energy rays set off a large wave of blood in the Hulk Legion in front of them.

Including Gamora himself, he was also driving an aircraft, flying straight towards the leader of the third-level Hulk.

Thain's soul control magic was also activated silently at this time.

With Thain's deliberate help, although the Hulk leader was beaten in pain all over his body, he actually did not suffer any serious fatal injuries.

On the battlefield of the Kuroshio plane, at this time, there were three holy towers and six knight halls responsible for the war.

In addition, there are five alliance gods with life levels above level four participating in the battle.

In terms of the ratio of high-level combat power invested, the Wizarding Civilization far surpasses the Gallente Federation!

The battle situation in the Black Tide Plane is also a microcosm of the war pattern across the entire Star Territory.

The wizard civilization, at least in this star field, is in a great advantage and initiative.

Of course, in the war with the Gallente Federation, not all wizard civilizations were at an advantage.

Due to the sudden rebellion of two large alliance planes, the wizarding civilization's war situation around the underworld star field was at a great disadvantage.

The Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet has even passed through two-thirds of the underworld star field, driving straight into the heart of the Wizards Alliance.

An alliance of the same large plane level

The member plane - the Burner World of Sanoras, has started emergency mobilization at this time.

And on the border of the star field, accept the resource tilt of the wizard civilization and form a second defense front.

Because once all the front lines in the underworld star field fall, the star field where the Sanoras family is located will be the bridgehead for the Wizards Alliance to face the main force of the Gallente Federation in this direction.

Therefore, don’t judge the battlefield situation of the entire civilization just by looking at the fact that the wizard civilization has the upper hand in the Hengduan Star Territory.

This is just a local battlefield.

On the battlefields of other star regions, the two top civilizations have their own advantages and disadvantages.

At least for the time being, it's not clear who has the advantage.

The commander of the wizarding civilization with the highest say in the Kuroshio plane, unexpectedly, is not one of the three holy tower masters, and it cannot be one of those three tower masters. He is not an alien god from the alliance, but a fifth-level peak knight with a beard and wearing dark yellow armor.

Clint, a fifth-level knight from the desert kingdom of Jahana in the wizarding world.

The Kingdom of Jahana has always had a low reputation among the many forces in the wizarding world.

But it is indeed a top force, and it is also one of the holy places of knights on par with forces such as the Western Islands, the Belen Empire, and the Ely Knights Alliance.

In the foreign wars of wizard civilization, especially in the early stages of the war with the top civilization of the Gallente Federation, the elite legions of wizard civilization who were the first to reach the front row must be the direct descendants of the top forces!

Because the war happened so suddenly, it is estimated that many ordinary holy towers and knights and magicians from small and medium-sized forces have not yet reacted. It is impossible for the wizard civilization to mobilize all the people to participate in the war as soon as it comes up.

The war potential of a top civilization needs to be slowly unleashed. There is still time to fight this war.

At the same time, the direct legions were mobilized to fight in order to reverse the decline caused by the Gallente Federation's sudden move and to demonstrate the elegance and strength of the wizard civilization.

Not only the Black Tide Plane, but also the entire Transverse Star Territory is mainly in charge of the legions of the Kingdom of Jahana.

Most of the holy tower and magician troops participating in the war came from affiliated organizations around the Kingdom of Jahana, and some came from the Belen Empire.

The Kingdom of Jahana has always had close ties with the Beren Empire.

I don’t know where the main battlefields that the Flame Conclave is responsible for are.

Have Lu Lianman, Cuilisi and others participated in the battle?

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