The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,386 Forced Advance (Additional Update)

Thain didn't know if anything happened to the mentor and others.

But he knew something was going to happen to him.

Before arriving at the Alpha-007 star field, Thane and others finally encountered a federal fleet group of sufficient magnitude.

This is an extremely large mixed army.

There are various types of federal warships, as well as giant mechas that Thain has come into contact with before.

At the same time, in the outer area of ​​this fleet group, Thain also learned that the opponent had deployed a large number of defensive fronts and massive mechanized projects.

Fighting defensive warfare has always been the specialty of technological civilizations.

Thane was fortunate enough to briefly taste the methods of the Gallente Federation when he was in the Wild Orangutan World Battlefield in his early years.

Because the top combat power of the Gallente Federation is mainly based on fleets, giant mechas, and interstellar fortresses.

From the appearance of these man-made technologies, it is difficult to intuitively judge the specific strength possessed by the opponent.

At the same time, Thain did not have enough information about the federal military to accurately estimate the strength of all the fleet groups he encountered.

But since the other party dares to stop in front of Thain and others, he must have two brushes.

Based on the current strength of the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, and by analogy with the Gallente Federation, the opponent's lineup is probably no less than one hundred with level four or above combat capabilities.

What makes Thain and others look solemn is that this is only the lineup displayed in front of them.

In fact, there was also a large number of federal fleets following and lingering around Thain and others.

Especially from the rear, the federal fleet is always following.

The rear is also the direction where the most Gallente Federation power is accumulated, apart from the frontal battlefield.

Without in-depth consideration, one can easily judge that the Gallente Federation must be trying to encircle and engulf their large army of defecting intelligent robots.

"There is no other way but to charge forward in one go!"

"Tear open the pockets laid by the Gallente Federation on the front battlefield so that we can hope to break out!" Thane said to the Decepticons and others.

At this time, the Decepticon's eyes were looking at Thain quietly. It seemed to want to ask where the wizard civilization's support force that Thain mentioned before was.

If there is another force from the wizarding world to respond and they cooperate with each other, it is very possible to break through the blockade of the Gallente Federation.

But the Decepticons never mentioned the matter to Thane after all.

Because if Thane had something to say, he would naturally say it without waiting for the Decepticons to ask.

After getting along for a while, not only did Thane get to know the Decepticons and other intelligent robots better and better, but these intelligent robots also probably figured out Thain's temperament.

The light in his eyes became more solid. The Decepticon took a deep breath and said to Thane and all the advanced intelligent robots around him: "Okay, let's rush out from the front!"

The intelligent robot family is a whole, their cohesion is very high, and the voices within the family have become more unified since the destruction of the planet Cybertron.

At least for now, no one will dream of returning to the arms of the Gallente Federation.

No, it should be said that they have never been integrated into the Gallente Federation since they were born out of my wisdom.

After giving the tough order to break out from the front, the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron quickly mobilized.

Since these smart robots lack strong ships and cannons, they certainly cannot have such a solid lineup like the Gallente Federation, and they also do not have the offensive weapons as powerful as the space fortresses of the wizard civilization.

These intelligent robots only have their own chests.

After confirming the charge order, those in the first row were still those advanced intelligent robots of level four or above.

Although the Decepticons and Optimus Prime also arranged many ordinary cannon fodder robots to attract firepower in front, but if they want to break through the hard barriers of the Gallente Federation, these advanced robots of level four or above are needed.

As the only Wizard World magician in this robot army, Thain was placed in the front and middle of the entire attacking team.

This is a position requested by Thane himself, and the Decepticons and Optimus Prime have no objections.

If you rush too fast, it will simply block the muzzle of the gun.

Thane doesn't have such a great dedication, and he also has a relatively clear understanding of the Gallente Federation's fleet firepower.

The reason why they did not choose to stay in the middle of these robot legions, or even in the seemingly safer rear.

It was because Thane judged that if the intelligent robot army on the planet Cybertron were consumed until the first half, they would never be able to break through the blockade of the Gallente Federation.

Then there is no need to continue rushing forward, as death is inevitable.

On the contrary, the front and middle sections are the most promising to break out, while the troops at the back need to face threats from the flanks and the rear federal fleet.

And when the Decepticons placed almost all their elite advanced intelligent robots at the forefront of the breakout legion, it further aggravated Thane's judgment.

It didn't take long for the battle to begin!

The advantage of intelligent robots lies in their momentum and people's hearts.

Thane has experienced many plane wars and has seen people who are not afraid of death, but he has never seen intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron like this. Faced with a rain of death-like energy sloping down, they can charge with a normal expression.

Perhaps it is because intelligent robots rarely have subtle changes in facial expressions.

The level six intelligent robot Decepticons are still the tyrannical beings who spearheaded the battle.

However, in this war, the Decepticons did not immediately start to transform into a shape that reached a height of one thousand meters.

The Decepticon, which only maintained a height of several tens of meters, was like a silver-black pop, rushing straight towards the Gallente Federation's intensive firepower area.

In this starry sky battlefield, there is no so-called area with sparse firepower, everything is as dense as rain!

The Gallente Federation Legion seems to have been prepared for a long time. In addition to an astonishing number of warships, spacecraft and interstellar fortresses of various types, they have also deployed an extremely dense self-propelled fire network on some meteorite belts in the surrounding starry sky.

Behind the Decepticon, most of those who charged with it were its advanced intelligent robots, and some of them were under Optimus Prime.

These advanced intelligent robots can almost all be called by Thain's name now.

Being in the front and middle section, he could see the specific situation more clearly because he was closer to the front battlefield.

In just an instant, three high-level robots whose strength was rated to reach the level of fourth-level combat power were blown up by dense federal rays!

The vast majority of federal rays have relatively low power levels.

Ordinary rays at the first to third power levels can be easily blocked by those advanced intelligent robots even with their outer metal shells.

Not to mention, most of them have activated several different energy shields.

The reason why they were killed instantly was because there were too many federal rays hitting their bodies at that moment, and they had reached the point where they could penetrate even a drop of water.

And not all Federation rays are at lower levels.

Among the densely packed Gallente Federation fleet in front of them, there are many main attack ships of the fleet. The power of their main guns is enough to rival a full-strength strike from level 5 or even level 6 creatures.

And none of the giant federal fortresses lingering in this star field battlefield looked like they were in bad shape.

The gallente federation's interstellar fortresses are no less than the space fortresses of the wizard civilization in terms of size, and some are even larger.

The firepower unleashed by those interstellar fortresses should not be underestimated. In just a few moments, it was almost the turn of the robot legion near Thain to attack.

Thain took a look at his surroundings. There were two advanced intelligent robots closer to him. One was comparable to level 5 combat power, and the other was comparable to level 4.

The names seem to be Golden Iron Beast and Shockwave respectively.

"Thanks to the leader of "Book Friends 1666883552" for the reward, and all readers for their voting support!

It’s the first day of the month, 300 votes so quickly~”

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