The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,385 Chaos behind enemy lines (additional update)

Not long after, Thane arrived at the forefront of the breakout force on Cybertron outside the transport ship.

The Decepticons are already standing here, and no battle is happening.

The source of the turmoil is a star field far away from Thain and others.

"That should be the Bokman Starfield." Thain said.

Even without a star map at hand, Thain was familiar with the federal star fields they encountered on their breakout route.

In response to Thane's words, the Decepticon nodded.

The Bokman Star Field is also a small star field, but it is not on the route of Thane and others.

The Bokman star field is an immigrant star field with a relatively dense population of the Federation. Although there does not seem to be too many federal fleets stationed there, if Thane and others choose to go there, they will inevitably be greatly suppressed by the Gallente Federation. resistance.

More importantly, that was not the direction they were going to the Alpha-007 star field. If they went to the Bokman star field, they would go far away, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

"To be able to transmit turbulence so far away, the situation there must be quite big."

"Should we go there and take a look?" The Decepticon looked into the distance and couldn't help but ask Thane beside him.

In the eyes of the Decepticons, Thane is still very smart.

What's more important is that the violent turmoil in the Bokman Star Territory, and the power shock wave can be transmitted here, is probably caused by the wizard civilization behind Thane.

The Decepticons wanted to hear what he, the plenipotentiary representative of wizard civilization, meant.

Not long after, Optimus Prime also flew here.

It was just taking care of things at the rear of the fleet, where there were a lot of damaged lower-intelligent robots to take care of.

Optimus Prime also looked at Thane. The backbone of this team was not the two of them, but Thain.

Because it was Thain who initially proposed going to the Alpha-007 star field and mentioned that there would be a response force from the wizard civilization there.

Faced with the inquiring attention of the two robot leaders, Thain pondered for a moment and finally shook his head.

Although he is sure that there are definitely not just one or two powerful wizards and civilizations who have sneaked into the Gallente Federation.

But before carrying out the infiltration mission, Klopp Knight and others did not disclose any information about other lurkers to him.

Firstly, Thain had no way to confirm the identity of the other party, and secondly, there was no need to take the initiative to contact the other party.

Moreover, the movement in the Bokman Starfield at this time was so loud that it probably attracted a lot of attention from the Gallente Federation.

Leaving them hastily may lead them to fall into a deeper crisis.

Let me tell you a more selfish reason.

Thain even felt that if the Bokman Starfield was really caused by some lurking personnel from the wizarding civilization.

So the other party's "high profile" at this time is equivalent to helping Thane and others attract more attention and firepower from the Gallente Federation.

In this way, their journey to the Alpha-007 star field will indirectly reduce some resistance.

In essence, Thain still has some egoistic ideas.

If it comes to the point where he has to sacrifice himself for the sake of wizard civilization, Thane will probably choose to sacrifice.

But it is still far from reaching a level where the safety and survival of civilization is in danger.

If the opponent is just a level 4 or 5 expert from the Wizarding Civilization whom he has never met before, there is really no need for Thain to put his life on the line just to contact or connect with him.

If it was easy, Thain wouldn't mind helping his compatriots.

But now it's obvious that when disaster strikes, they all fly away, and Thain himself can't even care about himself.

"Let's move forward at full speed and leave this place immediately. The target is still the Alpha-007 star field!" Thain said to the two intelligent robot leaders.

The Decepticons and Optimus Prime looked at each other, but neither said anything in the end.

After leaving the current star field, it didn't take long for a reconnaissance intelligent robot to discover that the federal fleet that was originally chasing them diverted part of it and headed for the Bokman star field, which seemed to be in an emergency situation.

After staying in the Gallente Federation for so many years, Thane felt that the Gallente Federation still valued its lower class people.

Although there are not many permanent fleets on duty on each living planet in the Federation, there are large military bases around them that can provide timely support and shelter.

The Bokman star field is a relatively densely populated federal immigration star field. Now that there is such a big turmoil, the Gallente Federation cannot ignore it.

And when Thane planned the route to the Alpha-007 star field, he also deliberately avoided all living planets in the Federation.

It's not that Thain is compassionate and doesn't want to cause too much harm to the lower levels of the federation.

Instead, it passes through and destroys those federal life planets, which is not worth the loss for Thane and others.

They are not a hidden force in the wizarding world that specializes in sabotage. Their top priority now is to escape.

On the contrary, if the Gallente Federation causes too much damage and pushes the Federation into a desperate situation, allowing the Federation to gather fleets to surround and suppress them at all costs, or even send a vast fleet group with the combat power of the Dominator, then they will really survive. No way!

After spending so many years in the Gallente Federation, Thane was not wasting his time. He found that his understanding of all aspects of the Gallente Federation was quite deep.

Thain and his team accelerated their journey again. As expected, the average interference and blocking power of the Federation they encountered during the rest of the journey was greatly reduced.

And when passing through the Federation Star Territory before the Alpha-007 Star Territory, Thain and his team discovered three more turbulent and chaotic events with varying energy levels on the way.

In the vast starry sky, the chaos and fighting incidents in the three places did not appear to be that frequent.

But this is only the journey that Thain and others have traveled.

If you compare this probability to the entire Gallente Federation, you can imagine how much trouble it caused to the Gallente Federation in the early stages of the war with the wizard civilization.

Although these troubles will all be solved by the Gallente Federation in the end as expected, they will certainly consume a lot of energy from the Federation in the process.

In the same way, the Gallente Federation is estimated to have caused quite a stir within the wizarding civilization.

This is the normal operation of the two civilizations in the early stages of the war.

However, it should be impossible for the Federation to penetrate into the home plane of the Wizarding World, just as it is difficult for the Wizarding World to penetrate into the Gallente Federation's Dominator-level or above fleet group.

In addition to these rear issues, Thain is also more concerned about the situation of the frontline fighting.

It has been several months since the Gallente Federation went to war with the Wizarding Civilization.

Looking at the overall progress of the Civilization War in a few months, it is not worth mentioning.

Even if Thane and others invade and conquer a low-level plane, it will take several years, or more than ten years, a few months is nothing.

However, a battle between two top civilizations is definitely different from a war of conquest of an alien plane launched by a few level four creatures.

Although it only lasted a few months, even if it involved dozens or hundreds of planes changing hands, it was considered normal in Thane's eyes.

"I wonder if the mentors and others have participated in the war?"

“I don’t know if the development of the Holy Tower of Ashes has been affected since the start of the Civilization War.”

"I hope everything is okay." Thain couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the starry sky in the distance.

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