The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,379 Fragmented

General Lambos felt that the federal military's instructions and the support from other fleets were too slow, but Thane and others felt that the Gallente Federation's response was too fast!

It’s so fast that it’s difficult for them to prepare in time!

Although Thain and others don't know yet, the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons have already set their sights on this place.

However, the frequent fleet mobilization outside the Cybertron star field has not concealed the fact that there are many Decepticons and other intelligent robots monitoring satellites living in the outer periphery of the Cybertron star field.

"We can't stay here any longer, we must set off from the planet Cybertron immediately!"

"No need for those materials and mechanical props that are difficult to carry. Once you arrive in the star field where the wizard civilization is located, the Wizards Alliance will meet all your needs!" After returning from the BHR678 space station, Thane said to Optimus Prime and others with great urgency. .

Since arriving on the planet Cybertron, the pressure in Thane's heart and the sword hanging faintly above his head have not disappeared for a moment!

Gains such as a giant mecha with level 5 combat power and a semi-finished world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube did not improve Thain's mood much. 🄼

What's the point of having so many treasures and research materials if you end up helpless in the end? !

Thane's eagerness also affected the Decepticons and Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime did a very good job in the short time it took for Thane and the Decepticons to go to the BHR678 space station.

A large number of spare robots and basic materials suitable for the robot family have all been put to excellent use by Optimus Prime.

Compared to fighting, this guy is more of an internal affairs talent. The Decepticon's Shockwave is far from Optimus Prime in this aspect.

Thain and others obtained a large number of bonus parts suitable for advanced intelligent robots from the BHR678 space station, which can be regarded as a wave of supplementary supplies for the intelligent robots that left this group of people with a somewhat helpless fate.

In particular, many advanced intelligent robots suffered great damage in previous battles with the R7 fleet group on and off the planet Cybertron.

The emergence of these parts can allow many of them to restore their combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

Faced with Thane's request, Optimus Prime acted decisively and immediately agreed to set off from the planet Cybertron. He had to abandon the resources, materials and ordinary robots that could not be taken away.

Maybe it's because in the concept, there is always a bit of a black magician's style of acting.

Thain often judges certain people not by what they are thinking, but by what they ultimately did.

Although Optimus Prime was criticized by the Decepticons more than once for being indecisive and naive.

However, through a series of actions taken by the other party after being coerced into joining the wizard civilization camp, Thain's understanding of it has changed a lot.

At least in terms of general decision-making, as well as the overall command and responsibility of the group, Optimus Prime is indeed much more versatile than the Decepticons.

These two level six robots, both civil and military, if they can always unite as one, there is still a lot of hope for the intelligent robot family on Cybertron in the future.

"Father left you an exoskeleton transplant, which seems to be able to support your third transformation. Just wait and see." The Decepticon said at this time.

Optimus Prime naturally knew who the "father" the Decepticons were talking about.

Unable to help but look in the direction of the BHR678 space station again, Optimus Prime nodded and replied: "Yes, but I'd better hurry up and load the energy blocks and transport ships first."

M667 meteorite domain.

As a very large meteorite field within the Gallente Federation, the M667 meteorite field has always been a military restricted area marked by the Gallente Federation.

Not only are all civilian and commercial space ships unable to approach this place, but even many low-level military ships cannot pass here.

Deep in the M667 meteorite field, an extremely large gray meteorite suddenly slowly opened a circular deck on its surface.

A dark hole immediately appeared on the surface of the meteorite.

The diameter of the cave entrance is nearly a kilometer.

Its black abyss gives people a sense of absurd horror that their whole soul will be sucked out and swallowed up just by looking at it.

At the very bottom of the abyss, a blue and white spot of light gradually appeared.

These light spots then became brighter and brighter until they surpassed everything!

A blazing white light pillar finally broke out of the black hole drilling and shot straight into the depths of the starry sky.

The tiny meteorite blocks that were originally densely packed around them were all washed away and a blank passage was opened under the power of this light beam!

The white beam of light seemed to have the power to tear apart the space. Some small black cracks and special starry sky phenomena appeared on its path.

As the final target of this beam of light, the planet Cybertron has also received an all-out attack from the Gallente Federation fleet group!

Federation four-star general Rambos obviously saw the intention of Thain and others to break out.

Unable to wait for support from other fleet groups, General Lambos ordered his fleet to stop all intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron at all costs.

Most of the advanced intelligent robots with level four or above combat power had already taken the lead and rushed out of the planet Cybertron, taking the initiative to engage in close combat with the federal fleet that initiated the blocking attack.

Although these intelligent robots born from my own wisdom are very reluctant to leave the planet Cybertron, they know that their departure at this moment is for a better future for the intelligent robot family.

And it’s uncertain whether they will be able to come back one day in the future?

The advantage of the Federation fleet group is its unified firepower, and the intelligent robots on the Cybertron planet are very powerful, but this is just a mechanical production planet, and there are not many Federation fleets stationed there.

Therefore, the carrying forces mobilized by Optimus Prime are ordinary transport ships with less outstanding combat effectiveness and defensive capabilities.

Some transport ships were even temporarily modified.

There are also many talents in the intelligent robot family.

This is a war in which we sacrifice our lives to withstand enemy fire in exchange for freedom.

I don’t know how Optimus Prime and the Decepticons were mobilized. In short, Thane observed that the advanced intelligent robots were very powerful.

Until... Thain saw a blazing white beam of light, shooting from the distant star field!

"What is that?" Sene, feeling extremely frightened, couldn't help but ask with a pale face.

The Decepticon is in combat mode at this time. It is a smart robot that rushes fiercely. It is already some distance away from the planet Cybertron.

After also seeing the blazing white beam, the Decepticon in a fighting posture couldn't help but be stunned.

This beam of light was not directed at Thane and others, to be precise, it was directed at the planet Cybertron below them.

At this time, there are at least a dozen advanced intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, and a larger number of ordinary robots that have not rushed out.

Many transport ships are still waiting for departure!

Including the level 6 advanced intelligent robot Optimus Prime, which has not yet come out, it is still responsible for logistics operations.

The rapid analysis of the Phaseless Mask made Thain dare not stay for another second, and he flew directly towards the safe direction deduced by the Phaseless Mask.

The magic tool White Sand Fan quickly condensed a storm wing on Thain's back, but before Thain could fly far, a terrifying shock wave and rule turmoil came from behind him.

Thain, who has a fourth level of life, a lot of defensive equipment on his body, and a good physical condition, was stunned by this terrifying shock and spit out a mouthful of blood.

When Thane's body gradually lost strength and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

The picture he vaguely saw was the shattered planet Cybertron, and the BHR678 space station, which was easily swept away like a speck of dust in this terrifying shock shock.

For some reason, Thain felt a little relaxed at this moment.

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