The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1378 Doomsday Weapon

"Can't fire!"

"Dr. Michael and the others are still at the BHR678 space station! Most of our academic efforts over the past ten thousand years are also there!" Dr. Black stepped forward excitedly in the flagship of the R7 fleet group.

If two federal soldiers hadn't held him back, Dr. Black, who was in an agitated state, would have been able to rush forward and grab the four-star general Rambos by the collar to stop him.

It's a pity that Dr. Black is just a federal scientific researcher, and he is also an old man with little strength.

In peacetime, scholars like him are respected and have a high status in the Gallente Federation, and they usually receive high scientific research salaries and financial support.

But at this time, in a state of war, federal researchers like Dr. Black will have their voice severely reduced.

This is a battlefield after all, and the battlefield is a place where soldiers are responsible.

Dr. Michael's words will not affect the war decision-making in the slightest.

In fact, Dr. Black and others were also part of the R7 fleet group that arrived not long ago. 🄲

After escaping from the BHR678 space station, in addition to bringing back about 20% of the limited scientific research results, they also brought more detailed information about the planet Cybertron and its surroundings.

For example, the degree of self-consciousness awakening of intelligent robots, various data on all advanced robots on the planet Cybertron, and the third layer of command shackles on the BHR678 space station for intelligent robots such as Decepticons, etc.

All this information was compiled by General Lambos and submitted to the Federal Military Department.

As a result, it didn't take long for Admiral Lambos to receive an order to completely destroy the planet Cybertron, and the federal military stated that it would use the "doomsday weapons" deep space drilling in standby mode on the frontline battlefield to provide long-range support.

In addition, other major federal fleets located around the planet Cybertron also began to mobilize and gather in the Cybertron star field.

However, the time expected by General Lambos was slightly later.

"What on earth did the military do? Such a small order requires such a long reaction time!"

"And what are those fleets doing? Why can't they arrive at the designated combat area at the time I requested!" General Lambos punched the screen in front of him angrily.

In fact, General Lambos usually has a good personality and rarely gets angry.

The impatient mood at this time is probably related to the big loss he suffered on the planet Cybertron.

General Rambos believed that there was nothing wrong with his command.

The reason for the decline and retreat is entirely because the information given by the military department is wrong!

And he seriously misjudged the actions of the wizard civilization infiltration personnel on the planet Cybertron.

The intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron have awakened a sense of rebellion, but the Federation was not aware of it before!

This is a major dereliction of duty by the supervisory department and has nothing to do with the military.

In addition, General Lambos, the federal scientist Blake who was still chattering away, also looked a little displeased with him.

The Decepticons and other intelligent robots awakened from their own wisdom. General Rambos did not believe the second scientist of the BHR678 space station because he had not seen the signs before.

Why didn't he explain this situation to the federation so that the federation could be prepared in advance!

General Lambos has always adhered to the principle that "soldiers must obey orders as their bounden duty."

It cannot be said that one looks down upon Black and other federal scientific researchers. It can only be said that these scientists have too lively minds and think too much.

Federation scientists such as Michael and Black value their academic achievements over thousands or tens of thousands of years, and even regard these achievements as more important than their own lives.

But General Lambos is more concerned about the orders of the military and the national security of the Gallente Federation.

After complaining and blaming the military and the mobile forces in the nearby star field for being slow to respond, General Lambos pointed at Dr. Black not far away and said to the soldiers on the left and right: "Take him out!"

"Also, the thousands of scientific researchers who have been evacuated from the space station will all be transferred to the rear planet Flemish 8 on transport ships. Remember to notify the troops stationed there to do a good job of registration and spy screening." General Lambos ordered.

"No! We can't launch an attack on the BHR678 space station. Dr. Michael and the others are still there. It's our academic hard work! This is a scientific research result that hopes to usher in another revolutionary technological upgrade for the Federation!" Dr. Black was still shouting.

But the two federal soldiers who obeyed the order had already carried him to the flagship control room.

Dr. Black, who had lived for tens of thousands of years and had an old look on his face, was crying like a child without any image.

With his body restrained by two federal soldiers, he couldn't help but beat his white research uniform and cried, "I was the one who harmed Dr. Michael and the others... Our academic research is completely over..."

From some perspectives, Dr. Black really did harm his colleagues.

Because it was he who brought back all kinds of information from the BHR678 space station. This information was handed over by General Rambos and processed by the supercomputer of the Federal Military Department, and finally the decision was made to completely destroy the planet Cybertron.

To this end, the federal military also gave General Lambos the authorization for a doomsday weapon.

Seeing Dr. Black being dragged away, General Lambos snorted coldly. He may have said this to Dr. Black who was dragged outside the door, or to other people in the flagship control room. General Lambos said: "War At present, everyone must have the consciousness to sacrifice themselves!"

"A mere hundred or so scientists who failed to evacuate from the space station are nothing!"

"If necessary, all of us, even the entire R7 fleet group, must have the consciousness of sacrifice to win the war of civilization!" General Lambos angrily yelled.

General Lambos' words aroused the awe of all the soldiers, technical and command personnel on the ship.

After Dr. Black was completely dragged down and General Lambos's anger had calmed down a little, the adjutant who had been with General Lambos for the longest time said softly: "The response speed of the military headquarters and other fleet groups has been slow. This is probably related to the complex and ever-changing war situation on the front lines and the chaos that has arisen in our civilization during this period."

After hearing this, General Lambos, although he somewhat agreed with the adjutant's explanation, he still snorted and said nothing more.

How can a war involving two top civilizations be that simple!

The wizarding civilization is not a small role that can be manipulated by others!

Although it was the Gallente Federation that took action first, the Wizarding Civilization also launched many subsequent retaliations and counterattacks. The supercomputers located in various war zones were already operating to their limits.

Even the Federation's current top-notch ultimate quantum computer is now estimated to be operating at saturation.

Under such premise, it is very normal for some instruction delays to occur.

As for what the adjutant said, General Lambos also heard about the chaos that occurred in the Federation during this period.

As the War of Civilization begins, problems arise not only in the Cybertron star field, but also in other star fields in the Federation.

This also signifies that not only the Gallente Federation has been preparing for war against the wizarding civilization for a long time, but also the wizarding civilization has been planning against the Gallente Federation for a long time, otherwise there would not be so many infiltrators.

These chaos that appear in this civilization are just "small diseases". They only need to be eliminated one by one and at designated points. They will not cause any big troubles.

What truly determines the general trend of civilized war is the situation on the main battlefield on the front line.

General Rambos was a little anxious at this time. He also wanted to solve the trouble on the planet Cybertron as soon as possible, and then led his fleet group to join the battle on the front line of a larger civilized battlefield.

After taking another look at the surrounding star map and the general movements of other supporting fleet groups displayed on the crystal light screen in front of him, General Lambos asked the adjutant beside him: "How long will it take to prepare the doomsday weapons?"

"The preparation time is 137 quantum hours, and the launch time is 24 quantum hours." The adjutant replied after looking at the display board in his hand.

"Yes." General Lambos nodded expressionlessly.

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