The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,370 Blue Fire

By this time Thane had reached the depths of the planet Cybertron.

The intricate metal passages gave Thain a higher feeling than when he went to the City of Steel.

At the beginning, Thain was progressing smoothly.

With accurate map guidance, Thain can just fly straight.

But when he reached the last third of the journey, the R7 fleet group outside the planet Cybertron had already locked his position.

In addition to continuously releasing ground-penetrating energy rays to attack Thane, he also began to rely on various existing defense facilities on the planet Cybertron.

Fortunately, the planet Cybertron is just a robot manufacturing and production base, not a military restricted area. Even if there are some defense measures, it is not too exaggerated. 🅆🄼

Outside the earth, the Decepticons and other intelligent robots were still buying time for Thain. With the elemental true form of the fourth-level creature and the storm flame wings blessed by the magic weapon, Thain finally arrived at his destination after flying for a period of time.

The first thing you see is a huge metal hatch.

Even with his level 4 strength, it would be difficult for Thain to force his way through the closed hatch.

The Gallente Federation has sealed off all surrounding passages. Thain intends to use some powerful magic to blast open the metal hatch, but he is worried that the violent elemental turbulence occurring deep in the earth's core will cause unpredictable events. as a result of.

After all, this is an artificial mechanical planet. In terms of the plane's ability to withstand strikes and self-repair, it is far from being comparable to those planes with complete rules that are naturally formed in the star realm.

Thane was not worried that the hometown of those robots would be destroyed as a result. He was worried about causing any damage to the core control room, which would affect his mission.

What's more, there is a violent turbulence in the center of the earth. If the entire planet is brought into the process of collapse, he, a fourth-level creature, will not be able to do well.

Maybe it will go into destruction together with this planet!

Methods are thought up by people, and what magicians are best at is thinking.

With the current time pressure, Thain probably has no chance to analyze the structure of this special metal hatch and then find a way to break in.

And according to the information provided by the intelligent robots, the core control room of the Cybertron planet is an independently designed closed cubic space because it is extremely involved and involves many functions.

Except for the main entrance in front of Thain, there is no penetrable space in other directions.

"Rumble!" The energy explosion and the ground shaking sound continued to reach Thain deep in the center of the earth.

Being able to travel such a long distance is enough to show how fierce the battle outside is going on.

Then again, this is the first time that Thain has seen the war game between hundreds of level four or above intelligent robots and the federal fleet group in his long life.

Although he can be said to be used to seeing a lot of big scenes, the plane wars he has experienced in the past, at their highest scale, were only about a dozen creatures of level four or above fighting against each other.

When it comes to civilized wars, it is estimated that even a battle between hundreds of level four and above creatures is nothing.

Thain, who recently participated in the 25th Fifty Alliance Conference, clearly understood how deep the wizarding civilization was.

And that's just the strength displayed in front of him on the surface. Who knows how many backup methods these two top civilizations have hidden behind their backs.

Single-target attack forbidden spells, elemental decomposition magic, specific explosive magic devices... Thain was thinking about solutions that could be quickly solved.

However, these plans are either too powerful and difficult to control, or the preparation time is too long, and they may not achieve the expected results.

The urging voices of the Decepticons and others had been transmitted to him through the red ball of light in Thane's hand.

Seeing their former partners crashing and falling one after another, the Decepticons not only felt the injustice of fate, but also hated the callousness of the Gallente Federation humans even more.

The high-intensity external pressure caused Thain's mental consciousness to move rapidly, and suddenly he pulled out a special blue flame that his Ember Flame had absorbed from the corner of his horn - it had extremely high ability to decompose metals.

The characteristics of this flame were of great help to Thane's alchemy for a period of time.

But as Thain's later flames became more and more powerful, when conducting general alchemy experiments, there was no need to deliberately show the nature of blue fire, which was enough for Thain to decompose and process any material.

"Wow!" A ball of gray-black flame emerged from Thain's hand.

Since the end of the Worm World War, Thane's Ember Flame has increased in power.

The path of law that Thain takes is more like an inclusive fire law.

Looking at the gray-black flame in his hand, gradually, the appearance of the flame turned into pure blue.

What changes is not only the color, but also the deep essence.

Thain placed his hands burning with blue fire on the metal wall in front of him, like ripples on the water. The alloy barrier that was originally indestructible and able to withstand the impact of level four and level five creatures now looked like a melting candle. The same, slowly decomposing in front of Thane.

Sensing the effect, Thain hurriedly increased the intensity again.


After much effort, Thane finally entered the core control room of the planet Cybertron.

The dense display screens and mechanical creations in front of him made Thain feel dazzled.

It is said that lines are like mountains apart. As an explorer of truth and magical elements, Thain couldn't help but feel dizzy when he looked at these technological products in front of him.

Fortunately, he does not need to rely on technology and command input to help the Decepticons and others gain freedom.

After glancing at the red light ball of law in his hand, Thain shot it straight into the huge main console in front of him.

The originally silent control room suddenly burst into red light.

Off the surface.

The Decepticon, which was at high altitude near the ground, supported a federal warship that was more than two thousand meters long with its hard metal arms.

At this time, there were fierce battles and explosions all over the planet Cybertron, and thick smoke was floating all over the mechanical planet.

Since it was always difficult to break through the desperate resistance of these rebel robots, General Rambos finally authorized the mobilization of ordinary robot legions inside and outside the planet Cybertron.

Standing above the ground and looking down, you can see that this war is a game between robots and robots, robots and the federal fleet.

And as time goes by, minorities such as the Decepticons, who represent intelligent robots, are gradually being eroded by the power of the federal military.

"Do you regret it?" the Decepticon asked Optimus Prime, who was not far away from him.

In fact, Optimus Prime is considered a high-level intelligent robot that was forcibly dragged into the water. Now that it has reached this point, even if it wants to join the Gallente Federation camp and fight for the freedom and independence of the intelligent robot family through peaceful means, it will be difficult to do so.

Faced with the Decepticon's inquiry, Optimus Prime responded with silence.

The Decepticon liked Optimus Prime's silent statement, so he laughed "haha" and threw the federal ship raised in his hand to the ground.

The huge battleship fell to the ground amidst the mournful sound of "squeaking" metal.

During this period, many federal soldiers quickly escaped from the declining battleship with the help of individual escape pods.

But more federal soldiers still became the grave goods of the crashed battleship.

In terms of individual strength, these federal soldiers wearing combat uniforms are "weak" and pitiful, but they can serve as leaders of the robot family.

Seeing their former "masters" fleeing like ants, the Decepticons couldn't help but let out an arrogant laugh.

The arrogant laughter didn't last long before a deep purple beam of light engulfed its body until it knocked the Decepticon underground.

A huge ravine and indented basin appeared near the ruins where the Decepticons fell.

Immediately afterwards, another series of tens of millions of dense energy rains hit this place in an attempt to completely wipe it out.

The Decepticon deep in the ground was still laughing. Although its body was already weak and the power it could mobilize was getting smaller and smaller, it still couldn't control itself from laughing.

The Decepticons have gone crazy, no, it should be said that all intelligent robots are already in a moment of madness when this group is about to be destroyed.

Optimus Prime, who still had a trace of reason, could not help but slowly close his metallic eyes.

But soon, a red light came from deep in the earth's core, suddenly making Optimus Prime open his eyes again.

At the same time, the area where the Decepticons were, which had been hit underground like a dog by the dense energy ray rain and could not move, suddenly erupted with a burst of brilliant light!

Among the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, the Decepticons are originally the strongest!

"Hmm hum ha ha ha! Go to hell!" The Decepticon, which broke out of the surface again, used its body to directly penetrate a federal attack ship that was in a state of constant fire, and then went straight to another Gallente Federation planetary fortress!

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