The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,369 Attack

Of course, General Lambos of the R7 fleet group did not know the details of what happened on the planet Cybertron underground.

Because although they can know the location and general status of the Decepticons and other robots, many areas of Cybertron are actually within the blind spots of their federal surveillance probes.

The location where Thain and others are located happens to be a blind spot.

Moreover, the failure of many advanced robots to respond has brought General Lambos's patience to its limit. 🄼

When 41 advanced robots, including Optimus Prime, also have a vulnerability in the outer firewall!

General Lambos did not hesitate and directly issued the attack order!

"The robots on this mechanical planet have been eroded by viruses by the infiltrators of the wizard civilization."

"Shoot down all abnormal units and order two mecha corps to dispatch!" General Lambos ordered.

The r7 fleet group is a large-scale top federal fleet. It has the ability to encircle and suppress peak level six creatures.

To put it bluntly, it already represents the ceiling of combat power below the Dominator level in the star realm.

More importantly, the r7 fleet group is not just a simple attack fleet. The huge fleet is so large that when dispersed, it can be compared with dozens of level four or above creatures.

However, there is still something wrong with the algorithm of the Gallente Federation.

Because the problems that arise on the planet Cybertron are not just the infiltration of wizards and civilizations, but also include the rebellion caused by intelligent robots awakening to their own wisdom and judgment!

The situation of the omnic crisis has been raised by some in the scientific community of the Gallente Federation, but there has never been a similar case in history, so no one paid too much attention to it.

It's like the wizard civilization has become accustomed to its own army of slave creatures. If one day, those slave creatures can suddenly get rid of soul control, I'm afraid the wizard civilization will be caught off guard.

At this time, the Decepticons and others can only fight on their own behalf. The hundreds of millions of ordinary robots on the planet Cybertron have just been disarmed and on standby under the order of the four-star Admiral Rambos of the R7 fleet group. .

Even major robot heavy factories have stopped operating.

This is the biggest status difference between humans and robots in the Gallente Federation.

In the eyes of the Gallente Federation, robots are just "tools" or "slaves", and one word can determine their fate of life and death.

Unable to refute, unable to break free, extremely desperate!

Only the intelligent robots, including the Decepticons, who have awakened to their own wisdom, can resist the orders from the depths of the federal code instructions to a limited extent.

When hundreds of advanced robots of level four or above rushed out of the surface, and each of them seemed to be in combat status, they instead brought four-star admiral Rambos and many generals of the R7 fleet group, as well as middle and high-level federal commanders at the school level. Startled.

Since when have robots been able to disobey federal directives?

It must be the work of that wizard world infiltrator!

General Lambos immediately gave the order to fire. He did not feel any distress at all because many of these robots were branded as Gallente Federation.

If these robots can still be used, they are still good "tools".

If controlled by an enemy, they are just a pile of metal garbage!

The only thing that surprised General Rambos, who was in the flagship, was that the leading Decepticon level six robot shouted loudly to the surroundings when it was about to rush out of the planet Cybertron.

The sound shouted by the Decepticons is an "electronic sound" that belongs uniquely to the intelligent robot family. This is how many low-level intelligent robots initially distinguish themselves from each other.

After this series of majestic electronic sounds was converted into federal code, the words presented to General Lambos and others were "For freedom!"

Seeing the words in front of them, General Lambos and his subordinates looked at each other, not knowing why.

The advanced intelligent robots headed by the Decepticons below have entered into a firefight with the Gallente Federation fleet.

Sure enough, there are still two layers of command codes that have not been released. Although the Decepticons and other advanced intelligent robots can disobey federal orders to a certain extent, they are unable to fully exert their abilities.

The original 100% power can now only be used at 50%, or even only 30%!

The Gallente Federation fleet group showed no mercy to these self-produced robots.

General Rambos, who has spent his entire life as a soldier, has not yet had his imagination so active that robots are born out of his own wisdom.

He will not consider why some metal creations give birth to wisdom. He will only care about the casualties and safety of his soldiers and fleet groups.

The fierce ship fire penetrated the bodies of several advanced intelligent robots almost immediately after the confrontation between the two sides.

It's not that these advanced intelligent robots are too weak, but the limitations of the command shackles prevent them from turning on their own energy shields or other deeper defense facilities.

Of course, the strength of the r7 fleet group cannot be underestimated!

If they were fighting alone, the Decepticons and Optimus Prime, even in their heyday, would probably not be able to shake this terrifying fleet group. On the contrary, they would be very likely to be shot down by the opponent.

However, the advantage the Decepticons and others have now is that they have enough numbers, more than a hundred robots of level four or above!

Even if they are restricted by instructions and cannot fully exert their own strength, it is scary enough for so many advanced robots to show hostility and attack to the R7 fleet group at the same time.

For the Decepticons and others, they are almost using their lives to buy time for Thane.

Only when Thane arrives at the core control room of the planet Cybertron, helps the Decepticons and others to unlock the second layer of command shackles, and then controls the hundreds of millions of ordinary robot legions inside and outside the planet Cybertron, will they have a chance to stand up. !

Otherwise, just relying on these hundred or so advanced robots with severely damaged combat capabilities, the R7 fleet group can kill them all by firing one by one!

When the Decepticons and others rushed to the R7 fleet group outside the planet, inspired by the two leaders Decepticons and Optimus Prime, about one million intelligent robots born from their own wisdom on the planet Cybertron also issued a Use your own voice and support the two leaders with your own powerful actions.

Nearly one million robots lost control and began to explode, which was not many compared to the total number of robots on the entire planet Cybertron.

But the occurrence of this situation has deepened the hostility and fear of General Lambos and the R7 fleet group towards these intelligent robots.

"Your Excellency, the robot army of more than 90 robots on the planet Cybertron seems to be still under our control."

"Do you want to order those robot legions to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the eroded robots?" the adjutant asked at the right time.

General Lambos frowned slightly and looked at the Decepticons who were fighting with all their strength in the central area of ​​the fleet cluster. Two attack ships of high magnitude and a dozen frigates and cruisers had been killed by the Decepticons.

In response to the adjutant's inquiry, Rambos shook his head and said, "No need for the time being. We haven't found out what happened on Cybertron yet, and we can't guarantee the reliability of other robots."

"Have the two mecha corps and the landing fleet been dispatched? Perhaps capturing the infiltrator of the wizard civilization can eliminate the virus infected by these robots."

"It has been dispatched. The Pioneer fleet led by General Omax has arrived on the surface of the planet Cybertron." The adjutant replied.

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