The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,331 Secret Mission

"Tell me, what's the matter with me this time?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

Knight Mane is a busy man, and so is Thain.

Under normal circumstances, the two of them would not be so idle as to get together to reminisce about old times. There must be a reason why Knight Mane came to see Thain this time.

Sure enough, Knight Mane replied, "There is indeed something, but I'm not in a hurry to talk to you about the business now."

"Did you just join forces with others to develop and conquer an alien plane? It seems to be called the Insect World." Knight Mane asked.

Seeing this, Thain nodded.

Knight Mane smiled and said, "That's right. Did you accidentally let go of a level four creature?"

Thain then showed an expression as if he had seen the undead. He looked at the smiling face of Knight Mane and couldn't help asking, "Could it be..."

"Haha, that fourth-level alien creature was caught by us. It was caused by a small fifth-level creature in the star field that has good relations with our wizard civilization." Mane replied.

Later, under the introduction of Knight Mane, Thain gradually figured out the whole story. 🄲

It can be said that Emperor Gu Phosphorus Yan was unlucky. This guy managed to escape from Angelet, Thain and others with great effort and a bit of luck.

But before it could wander around the star realm for long, it was betrayed by others, tied up and escorted to the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization.

In addition to having a large number of supporters from the alliance member planes, the Wizarding Civilization also has a large number of world civilizations that have close ties with friendly planes in areas other than the Wizarding Alliance.

These planes and civilizations are potential seeds for the future expansion and development of the Wizards Alliance.

However, due to the distance in time and space, or various other factors, he has not yet joined the Wizards Alliance.

Furthermore, even if you have not joined the Wizards Alliance, the name of the wizard civilization is still well-known within a certain range of the star realm.

As wizard civilization continues to develop and expand, more and more planes and civilizations in the star world have heard of the tyranny of the wizard world.

Creatures in some worlds may not have come into contact with the wizarding world, but this does not prevent them from feeling fear and awe of this extremely terrifying world.

This time, the person who helped Thain and others capture Emperor Gu Lingyan was a fifth-level creature from the Bexar Star Territory named Notoze.

This is a special plane that has had brief contact with wizard civilization and knows how powerful wizard civilization is.

When the severely wounded Bone Phosphate Emperor wandered into the Bexar Star Territory, and accidentally revealed that it was a group of extremely vicious creatures from the wizarding world who did it, the fifth-level creature Notoze didn't even hesitate and just took advantage of Bones. Emperor Phosphorus Yan took it down before he could react.

Hearing the ending of Bone Phosphate Emperor, Thain couldn't help but want to say bad luck to it.

But this guy is also brainless. If it weren't revealed that the wizarding world was targeting him, I'm afraid the fifth-level creature named Notozer wouldn't have spent any effort to capture him and send him to the wizarding civilization.

Angelet would probably feel much better after hearing the news, Thain thought.

"Has that fifth-level creature named Notozer come to our wizarding civilization?" Thain asked.

"He's here, and if nothing else happens, he will have a deep interaction with our wizard civilization in the future."

"This needs to be mentioned my main purpose of looking for you this time." Mane said.

Thain raised his eyebrows and motioned for Mane to continue.

"My grandpa hopes that you can represent our wizard civilization and carry out a special mission. You may pass by the Bexar Star Territory by then."

"I can't say what the specific mission is yet. I will only disclose it to you after you confirm that you have accepted it."

"This mission does come with a lot of risk, but the rewards are also high."

"The choice is yours. My grandfather is very optimistic about your performance." Mane said.

It was really embarrassing to let Thain make the choice without even explaining the specific mission.

But it also revealed that the mission was highly confidential.

And Mane's words also revealed a lot of information.

What is the identity of Mane's grandfather? If he wants Thain to perform a special task, he can just give him an order directly. Why does Thain need to make his own choice?

This shows that in the high-level circles of wizard civilization, someone also casts a certain eye on Thain, and this person's status is no lower than Klopp.

Mane's last words are the most meaningful, and his words reveal his hope that Thain will take over this task.

This may also be the meaning of the person who is optimistic about Thain's existence.

Only by going through hardships can you grow up quickly.

Although it is possible to explore the truth in the laboratory, it is easy to encounter bottlenecks.

Moreover, Thain is still young, and it is too early to waste his youth by being bored in the laboratory all year round. He should get in touch with and see more of the bright and prosperous star world.

It seems that apart from the continent of Faerûn, which is unknown to outsiders for the time being, Thane has indeed never left the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization.

Even in the star realm within the wizarding civilization, Thain has not been to many.

Among the many large planes in the alliance, Thane has only been to the orc world for the time being.

"How high will the benefits be? If I want a golden apple as a reward, will the alliance give it to me?" Thain asked jokingly after pondering for a moment.

Upon hearing this, Knight Manai nodded solemnly and said, "If you really complete the task successfully, you may really be rewarded with a golden apple."

Knight Mane's answer made Thain's scalp numb instantly.

There is no doubt that the risk of this mission is very high, and it is probably no less risky than the risk he endured when he went to Faerûn. Otherwise, the Wizards Alliance would not have given him such generous treatment.

Seeing that Knight Mane was still looking at him, Thain asked with a headache, "Do you need me to respond immediately? I want to think about it again."

Mane took out a crystal roulette and looked at it, then shook his head and said, "You don't need an immediate answer, but you'd better make a decision within twenty years."

"If you don't want to carry out this mission, we have to find someone else to do it," Mane said.

After nodding and bidding farewell to Knight Mane, Thane left the starport and flew towards the wizarding world.

Knight Mane's message came from behind again, "That fourth-level creature named Bone Phosphate Emperor, I will send someone to deliver it to you later."

Thain waved his hand, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared.


After returning to the Holy Tower of Ashes, while sorting out the proceeds from the war in the world of Flame Insects, Thane suddenly received a magical message from his mentor Lu Lianman.

"Okay, we have finished another plane war. It seems that the profit is good this time?" On the magic light screen, Lu Lianman, wearing a blue magic robe, lowered his head and processed the experimental materials in front of him, while not Wang Wang joked to his apprentice.

"Fortunately, this plane war was initiated by Green. There are quite a few knights and magicians above level four participating, so I can't bring you into it."

"However, this time I brought you a gift from the Insect World." Thain said.

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