The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,330 The war is over

When the Yan Chong World War entered its seventeenth year, all resistance activities in this low-level plane, large and small, were basically suppressed.

The creatures in this world are still quite stubborn. Even the Yan Emperors they believed in have fallen one after another, but those low-level Yan insects can still toss around for a while.

After the resistance forces in the Yanchong World were eliminated, the combat legions under Thain and others sent their troops to several slave planes under the jurisdiction of the Yanchong World.

These low-level, micro-planes are not too far away from the world of the Flame Insects, and their resistance is even less strong.

Whether they are enslaved by the Flame Insects or by the wizard civilization, it is almost the same for the creatures in those planes.

As expected, the wealth of the Yan Chong world is based on the premise of plundering resources from other planes.

As the "additional head", the combined resources and wealth of the several affiliated worlds that were discovered and occupied are not as high as those of the Yanchong World. 🄳

Moreover, the world of Yanchong, whose civilization is far less developed than the wizarding world, is also extremely "primitive" or "low-level" when it comes to the development of the slave plane.

In the opinion of Thane and others, those planes are not eager to immediately engage in plunder, and should be "raised".

You can even invest some resources to help those planes restore their origins, hoping that they can be developed and utilized more scientifically and rationally in the future.

The performance of Thane and other powerful men in the wizarding world even made those alien creatures who were originally enslaved in the world of worms regard them as saviors and benefactors.

Without comparison, there is no gap.

Compared to living under the hands of the Flame Insects, it is obvious that this kind of scientific utilization method praised by the magicians in the wizarding world makes these alien creatures feel happier.

When Thane arrived in the snow world for inspection, he saw Angelet who was still here.

Several years have passed, and Angele has never given up chasing the escaped Bone Phosphate Emperor. For this reason, he also asked Green, who was good at the mysteries of space science, for help.

Unfortunately, Green could only roughly guess in which direction the Bone Phosphorus Yan Emperor initially escaped, but in the vast star world, it was too difficult to catch the opponent, and it was impossible for Thane and others to be in the body of a Bone Phosphorus Yan Emperor. Too much energy wasted.

Moreover, chasing down the Bone Phosphate Emperor was beyond Green's ability. In comparison, Angele might be able to get more useful information if he went to a level 4 or above astrologer for help.

"I heard that you have been in the laboratory for several years. Have you gained any research results?" Angelet asked casually when he saw Thain. His mood seemed much more stable than a few years ago.

"Well, there are some gains. This fire attribute plane itself is more suitable for us to conquer."

"And there is no need for you to keep thinking about the Bone Phosphate Emperor. The proceeds from our subsequent war in the Phosphate World will be divided up to you. After all, your contribution in this plane war is obvious to all. Thain said .

The biggest impact that Emperor Gu Phosphate Yan had on Angele was not the negative psychological impact, but his direct interests in this plane war, which were greatly affected.

Because if Emperor Gu Phosphorus Yan had not run away, according to the previous practice of dividing the spoils, nearly three-quarters of the benefits from Emperor Gu Phosphorus Yan would be attributed to Angelet.

Needless to say the value of a level four creature.

Angele had just built the Holy Tower and let such a successful prey run away. No wonder he was in a bad mood.

And Angele's bad mood, Thain guessed, was also related to the power of blood he had mastered.

Using special bloodlines to exert stronger power is not only an advantage of the bloodline warlocks in the wizarding world, but it is also their disadvantage at certain times.

Taking a deep breath to suppress his irritability, Angele nodded and could only accept the reality.


"Guagua, then Master Thain, goodbye."

"If you have any problems in the future, you can come to me." The King of Ghost Crows hovered in mid-air, with nearly a million ghost crows chirping around him, swarming behind the King of Ghost Crows, and there was like a dark and oppressive cloud in the sky.

The suppression and occupation of the Yanchong World and its surrounding affiliated planes took about twenty years in general, which was considered to be in agreement with the early war plan of Thain and others.

As for the subsequent war benefits in Yanchong World, they can already steadily move to several holy towers and knight halls, so there is no need for the Ghost Crow King and others to stay here.

The Ghost Crow King was not the first to leave. Before it, the Chimera King and another fourth-level alliance creature had also left. Now only the Ancient Moon Wolf was still reminiscing with the Markarth Knight.

"Well, bye." Thain nodded and replied.

The Ghost Crow Legion behind the Ghost Crow King is obviously more elite and powerful than when they first came to this low-level battlefield.

The way these ghost crows grow by devouring souls is also strange. They have stronger initiative in the field of self-evolution than ordinary undead creatures.

Amidst the noise of "Quack, quack, quack!", the King of Ghost Crows spread his black wings and left the world of worms with his children.

With the convenient transmission channel established by the Wizards Alliance, the process of returning these ghost crows to their home star domain is also very convenient.

Regarding the King of Ghost Crows, Thain suggested that the other party should not be so frugal and spend all the money that should be spent.

If the Ghost Crow King could spend all his magic coins before the Civilization War, there would be a small and obvious improvement in his personal strength or the group behind him.

These are all good words of wisdom!

I don’t know if the Ghost Crow King listened to Thain’s words, but it nodded and agreed.

After bidding farewell to the Ghost Crow King and others, it was time for Thane to return to the wizarding world.

In addition to bringing nearly tens of millions of magic coins to Thain, this plane war also yielded a lot of high-level magic materials and a stable supply base of slave creatures.

The reproduction ability of the worms is still very good.

Under the arrangement and control of Thane and others, this world should initially meet the needs of their slave creatures, which should not be a problem.


Riding the Fortress of Ashes, Thane arrived outside the wizarding world.

After parking the fortress, before Thain could enter the wizarding world, the fourth-level knight Ma Nei, whom he hadn't seen for a while, suddenly appeared in front of Thain.

After the Wizards Alliance Conference, Mane's strength seemed to have transformed and improved in a very short period of time.

At this time, his aura was extremely powerful, which was a sign that he was about to be promoted to level five.

"If you don't find a secluded place to seek a breakthrough, why do you come to me again?" Thain asked strangely. The other party was obviously coming straight to him this time.

"If I could rest, I would definitely go into seclusion and break through."

"Isn't it just after the Wizards League conference that I've been busier recently?" Mane joked to Thain.

"Okay, it seems that you are getting along well with the Titans? Even the space fortress has stopped here." Mane looked at the space fortress behind Thain and said in wonder.

He is one of the few powerful people in the wizarding world who knows most of Thane's details, so it is not surprising that Thain has a modified large-scale space fortress.

"There will be another update in the afternoon~"

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