The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,322 The War of the Flame Insect World (3)

The early arrival of the worm world finally ended with the success of Thane and others.

After Green came to the Yanchong World, and the fifth-level knight Markas also successfully arrived, with two space fortresses as support, it was almost impossible for Xutunyan Emperor and others to drive Thain and others out of the Yanchong World.

Markarth Knight is worthy of being "older than old".

Even Thain thought that this fifth-level veteran knight was better at defense.

In fact, Markas's attack power is not bad either. 🄼

Moreover, the core secret of Markarth Knight's Redbud Shield Law is to store the enemy's attack energy and release it in one breath at the right time.

When Knight Markas took action, the phantom of the Bauhinia Shield Law in front of him had already stored a huge amount of energy from Emperor Zicanyan, Emperor Qinglianyan and Emperor Xutunyan.

The power released instantly by the giant shield, because it also contained some of the power attributes of these Yan Emperors from other worlds, caught the Yan Emperors off guard.

Being injured by your own attack method is also a strange experience.

A purple halberd suddenly stabbed out from the center of the Bauhinia Shield. This was the weapon of Knight Markarth.

Outside of the battlefield, Thain judged with the eyes of a professional alchemist that the two-piece set of Markarth Knight's halberd and shield was already of a good level in the field of "artifacts" used by creatures above level four. equipment.

At least it's not inferior to the magic wand in Thane's hand.

In addition to Marcus Knight, Green's performance in this battle was also outstanding.

Green was not like a new tower master facing a fourth-level creature for the first time. He was still able to maintain his calmness and sharp mind when facing the attack of Emperor Xutunyan.

Green's secret power of annihilation is already pretty good among experts at the same level, but it is still a little weak against powerful fifth-level creatures like Emperor Xutunyan.

However, Green did not fight head-on with Emperor Xu Tun Yan. He knew that Emperor Xu Tun Yan's main target was still the space vortex behind the few people, and the threats posed by Thane and Markarth Knight were far greater than Green's.

This magician, who was participating in the battle of level four creatures for the first time, tried his best to give full play to his strengths and deliberately avoid his shortcomings.

He handed over the main performance stage of this battlefield to Thane and the Knights of Markarth.

But the support and harassment work done on the flanks and behind also made Emperor Xu Tunyan itch with hatred.

This is the normal cooperation between magicians and knights of the same level in plane wars. In this battle, Thain inadvertently played the role that a "knight" should have.

It can only be said that after experiencing the Jade Fire Tempering Body, the melee improvement ability brought to Thain is too great.

As Thain was promoted to level four, this improvement also showed signs of qualitative change and sublimation.

With Green and others in front, the subsequent arrival of Como Sound Snake King Warlock Angele and fourth-level knight Muge were the last straw that overwhelmed Xu Tunyan Emperor and others.

At this point, all Emperor Yan knew that it would be difficult for them to directly drive out these invaders from another world.

One of the incompetences of Emperor Xu Tunyan and others is that the low-level legions they gathered and mobilized in a hurry were unable to have an effective impact on the elite legions of the wizard civilization that had been ready for a long time.

Plane War is not only a game for creatures above level 4, but the battlefield of lower-level creatures also occupies a large part of the content.

When more than 100,000 well-equipped knight legions spewed out from the Bauhinia Shield space fortress, the bottom legion belonging to the Yanchong world suffered a massive rout, which happened uncontrollably in this land of thousands of lakes.

No matter how pressing the command from the high-level Flame Insect is, it is very ridiculous to fight based on faith alone in the face of the sheer disparity between quantity and quality.

Emperor Xutunyan and others must raise a larger and more elite legion to deal with this group of wizard world invaders.

The battle between the strong men at the top will affect the outcome of the legions at the bottom.

At the same time, the results of the battle between the lower-level legions sometimes directly affect the battle direction of creatures above level four.

Especially those gods from other worlds who have embarked on the path of belief systems will still rely on the power of faith contributed by the underlying legions.

Although the wizard civilization has not developed an in-depth application of faith, knights and magicians of level 4 and above can still obtain a certain increase through the bottom legion.

For example, when the number of magicians at the bottom reaches a certain level, spellcasters of level 4 and above can use formations or special equipment to combine magic, and use elemental attacks that far exceed the limits of their own strength.

Thain has never used this method before, and he has not seen it many times.

The main reason is that whether it is his Ashes Holy Tower or Lu Lianman's Blue Origin Holy Tower, the number of registered magicians in this Holy Tower is not large enough to exert this special effect.

"Hey! Don't run away, let's fight again if you dare!" After successfully arriving in the world of Yanchong, the fourth-level knight Muge waved his giant ax and shouted at the creatures such as Emperor Xutunyan who were gradually moving away. .

At this moment, Knight Mung's fighting spirit seemed to be extremely high.

However, Emperor Xu Tunyan and the others did not even stay for a moment, and left the dense lava lake area that had been turned into ruins. This made Knight Mung couldn't help but sigh with regret.

The fourth-level magician Freddy is the last level-4 strongman to enter the world of worms. With his success, it marks that the expeditionary legion of the wizard civilization is complete.

In fact, in this land of thousands of lakes that has been reduced to ruins, there are still many weak creatures hiding in the cracks and debris, struggling to survive.

These weak fire creatures watched with horrified eyes as one powerful creature after another descended on their mother plane.

Thane who maintains his demon form, Marcus who activates the Bauhinia Shield, Green who shines with the power of the elements, Angele who transforms into the appearance of the Como Sound Snake King, and Muge who is as black as coal, like a ball of hot flames of Vladdy.

It has to be said that none of these six powerful people above level 4 in the wizarding world seems to be kind!

The four towering and huge space fortresses like mountains have put great psychological pressure on the indigenous creatures of Yanchong World.

Thain extremely suspected that the reason why the fifth-level Xutun Yan Emperor temporarily retreated was because it saw two more giant fortresses, and slowly passed through the space vortex with a "squeaking" sound to arrive at the Yan Insect World.

Of course, Angelet's fortress and Knight Mugh's fortress are far behind the cars of Thain and his two men.

But the impact of this huge war platform on unfamiliar creatures that are unfamiliar with them is equal.

Thousands of magicians from the four holy towers quickly went to work after entering the world of Yanchong.

Magic towers and solid fortress bases rise here.

Hundreds of war airships and several light prism fortresses are also flying and hovering in the sky of this low-level plane.

The emergence of more and more terrifying and unfamiliar war instruments has made the indigenous creatures of the Flame Insect World still stranded in the Land of Thousand Lakes want to dig the hole under their feet deeper and bury their heads in it.

After giving the order to the lower-level legions to eliminate the remaining resistance forces around him, Thane came to Green and asked curiously, "How did you enter the world of worms so smoothly and quickly just now?"

"Oh, this is related to the secret of the 'clothes of the world' law that I have mastered." Green said, pointing to his magic robe.

Thain, who was wearing the phaseless mask, couldn't help but look at Green's magic robe. Soon, Thain's eyes showed surprise and admiration.

He wanted to ask Greene for advice and share relevant truths, but this level of truth and mystery was probably equivalent to the Mystery of Tempering Body and the Mystery of Ember Flame that Thain had mastered. They were both the foundation for spellcasters of level four and above and could not be easily Gaiden.

So Thain pondered for a long time and finally gave up.

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