The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1321 The War of the Flame Insect World (2)

The battle with several Yan Emperors in the Yan Chong World was much more valuable than Thain's previous battle in the White Sand World.

Previously in Baisha World, to put it mildly, it was a group fight.

Now, Green and others have not yet arrived in the world of worms, so it is Thain and the others who are beaten by the group.

The fifth-level creature swallowed Emperor Yan and rushed straight towards Thain.

This seems to be a more difficult existence to deal with than the King of Crash Stone and the Lord of Hengsha World.

The special black flame possesses the legal attribute of "devouring" which is extremely rare.

Thain has been exposed to many special powers of the Law of Fire over the years, but this "devouring fire" is still refreshing to Thain.

Under normal circumstances, Thain certainly does not have the ability to fight level five creatures.

The power level in the star realm is very strict, and only a few creatures have the ability to leapfrog challenges.

The reason why Thane can become one of those "very few creatures" is due to the formless mask he wears on his face at this time. 🅆

After being promoted to level four, the power and functions of the Phaseless Mask were further unlocked to Thain. There were some particularly powerful methods that Thain didn't have time to use last time in the White Sand World.

The huge mask, with Thain as the center, quickly radiated a huge shadow.

The originally pure white mask surface suddenly opened its densely packed eyes, which was daunting.

If you look closely at these eyes, you will find that they are all special spell models developed by Thane - the eyes of the devil.

A special function of the Maskless Mask is to increase the user's magic power by hundreds of times in a short period of time, mainly light, fire and sonic magic.

Dense devil's eye rays suddenly shot out from the shadow of the huge mask.

The flying speed of the fifth-level Xutunyan Emperor was already very fast, but was suddenly interrupted by this heavy rain of energy.

At the same time, the two secret weapons of Ash Fortress also demonstrated their power.

One of the attacks came from the top cabin of the Ash Fortress.

As the top deck opened, a huge cannon with a diameter of nearly a kilometer slowly stretched out from the fortress.

This is a magic cannon with a square muzzle. After a short period of energy accumulation, a dark blue energy beam was suddenly fired from the fortress.

This giant cannon is not the most powerful offensive weapon in the Ash Fortress.

Because the fortress main gun with stronger attack power has a longer charging time, it is only suitable for hitting fixed and immovable targets, and is not suitable for fighting between such creatures.

The muzzle is a square magic cannon, and its target is Demon Slayer Yandi directly in front.

Demon Slayer Yan Emperor's strength ranks third among the four Yan Emperors present, only slightly stronger than Qinglian Emperor Yan.

But what makes it outstanding is that it is incorporeal and intangible. The black mist it transforms into when necessary, in addition to having a corrosive effect, can also resist most of the damage for itself.

Pure physical attacks are of little use against level four creatures like Demon Slayer Yandi, but the magic cannon of Thane Fortress is just right for this kind of opponent.

In addition to this square magic cannon with an exaggerated diameter, another secret weapon of the Ash Fortress is an electromagnetic energy gathering device that looks like a pot lid extending from the left flank of the fortress.

The mysteries of the electromagnetic system are an academic field that Thain has never touched upon.

There are still too many truths that Thain is not good at.

This special electromagnetic energy-gathering device appears to be only a hundred meters in diameter, and is far less visually impactful than the magic cannon on the top of the fortress.

But the threat and strike power it possesses against creatures above level 4 exceeds that of the magic cannon.

Of course, its energy consumption is also quite staggering.

A light blue arc of electricity seemed to flash through the left wing of Thain's Ash Fortress, followed by a twisting and advancing electric light that shot towards Emperor Xutunyan.

The flying speed of the electric light is not very fast. With Emperor Xutunyan's ability, he should be able to avoid it easily.

Moreover, the power of the electric light does not seem to be high. This fifth-level creature may not even care about the electric light flying from the flank.

But after flying to Emperor Xutunyan, the special electric light suddenly accelerated and formed a surrounding posture, surrounding Emperor Xutunyan!

This special electromagnetic method uses the magnetic field of life as the induction medium.

There are many talented magicians in the wizarding world, and I don't know which genius designed this kind of weapon device.

Unless a hostile organism consciously shields its own life magnetic field, no matter how many blocks it avoids, it will always be surrounded and suppressed by this magnetic chain within a limited range until its life magnetic field is neutralized by this magnetic chain. .

In such a chaotic battlefield where the battle took place in a very short period of time, Emperor Xu Tunyan, who had never been exposed to a similar battle, would never think of shielding his own life magnetic field.

First, he experienced countless rays from the Devil's Eye that were amplified by Thane's Maskless Mask, and then he was paralyzed and trapped by the powerful magnetic chain of the fortress. Emperor Xutunyan was actually blocked by Thain.

Of course, Emperor Xutunyan's attack also came in front of Thain.

A large piece of black flame with devouring properties was splashed in front of Thain. As the black flame surrounded him, Thain felt that this piece of black flame should be the "divine domain" of Emperor Xutun Yan.

The phantom of the law embodied by Thane's Formless Mask can also be regarded as Thain's "god domain".

The two major divine realms collided with each other, and the strange flames of nothingness swallowed up the eyes in the Thane divine realm, while the special rays shot out from the pupils of the demon eyes were tearing apart the Void Swallowing Emperor. The surrounding black flames.

In addition to the collision between the divine realm and the power of law, Emperor Xutunyan, who was rapidly shaking his elytra, also came to Thain.

The powerful paralyzing chain lightning indeed caused a lot of trouble for Emperor Xu Tunyan. Even its carapace, which originally looked pitch black, now looked a little more charred.

But this pain was not taken lightly by Emperor Xu Tunyan.

The sharp horn stabbed straight at Thain this time.

Thain waved the magic wand in his hand to resist. In such a short confrontation, he did not bother to use any powerful magic to deal with it.

The horn from Emperor Xutunyan's body, as if it were nothing, pierced through multiple magic shields pre-arranged on the body surface by Thain, and finally collided with the head of Thain's magic staff.

The red and white magic wand head burst out with extremely dazzling light at this moment.

However, even with the support of the magic staff, Thain was finally driven far away by the tyrannical power of Emperor Xutunyan.

A mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of Thane's mouth under the mask.

Several compound eyes glared at Thane fiercely. The Xutun Yan Emperor did not take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Instead, after alleviating the paralysis effect of the fortress's electromagnetic chain, he flew straight towards the space vortex directly in front of him.

Its goal is to destroy the space vortex! At least interrupt the Markarth Knight who is basically at the end of his arrival!

Of course, Thain couldn't do what he wanted, so he flew up again.

The Marcus Knights, who have basically completed their descent, are mainly facing Emperor Zi Canyan and Emperor Qinglian Yan at this time.

The attack power of these two fourth-level Yan Emperors was obviously inferior to that of Xutun Yan Emperors.

Despite the constant attacks from the two of them, Knight Marcus, who turned on the shield of the original law, did not slow down the descent process at all.

Soon, in just a moment, the Knight of Markarth will be able to completely descend on this low-level plane, and support the other powerful wizards who will later arrive on the battlefield in this low-level plane.

But a black flame from Emperor Xutunyan made Knight Marcus groan.

Just when Thain took out the White Sand Fan in his arms and let the elemental creature Sha'er inject it into it, the space vortex behind Markas moved again.

Thain originally thought that the one who entered this time was the Comoine Snake King Warlock Angelet with outstanding physique, but he did not expect that the one who emerged from the small half of the elemental body turned out to be Green.

Facing the approaching Xu Tun Yan Emperor, Green did not panic, and a huge elemental shield opened in front of Green.

Perhaps due to the influence of the special laws and secrets, Green's process of entering the world of worms was actually smoother than that of Thane, who was wearing the Mask of No Form.

It was also the time when Green came to the world of Yan Worm, and Thane's fire storm also reached the back of the Xutun Yan Emperor.

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