The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,319 Fortress Breakthrough

A stream of flames swept across the entire demiplane sky, suddenly pouring out from the space gate.

Also being exhaled at the same time was Knight Mugh, who had already entered half of his body.

Knight Mung is also a thief. Facing the fifth-level Void Swallowing Emperor who is far more powerful than himself, this guy did not choose to resist, but retreated.

There is no way, the intensity of the plane in the Yanchong World is too high, and the foundation of the entire plane is extremely strong.

When the Knight of M'g forced himself into it, he not only had to withstand the force of plane exclusion, but also had his own state weakened by the plane environment that was not integrated with his own, and he also had to face a level five creature fighting in his own plane...

Faced with such a situation, exiting with the trend is the wisest thing to do.

The current situation is to see if the other party will take the initiative to pursue you. If the other party dares to pursue you...

Knight Mg returned to the demiplane with injuries all over his body. Seeing him in such a miserable state, other powerful men in the wizarding world present could not blame him.

Thain retreated quickly enough just now, because he discovered the danger in advance. Thain was only slightly impacted by the tide of flames rushing out of the space gate, and his body was not seriously injured.

It was the environment of this blank demiplane that was once again destroyed.

The power of dust and flames intertwined in the sky, and waves of air swept across this demiplane in all directions.

Angele's "Second-hand Space Fortress" made a sharp metal scraping sound under the impact of such power, but it managed to hold up and did not fall apart.

Looking at the scene in this empty demiplane, we can also understand why Thane and others did not directly open the interdimensional transmission channel in the wizarding world.

If the same level of disaster and power impact occurred within the wizarding world, Thain and others would probably have to pay a large fine to the supervisors in nearby areas before they could make the first pot of gold from the plane war.

Thain, who withdrew in time, now flew directly in front of the space gate again. Together with Angelet and others next to him, he held his breath and focused on the huge space gate in front of him.

The huge flame light curtain represented by the Space Gate finally returned to calm after rushing out of the waves of energy tides.

Whether it was the flame tide just now or the news notified by the fourth-level knight Muge, Thain and others knew that a fifth-level creature was born in the alien plane they were eyeing.

And it looks like there are quite a few level four creatures!

This may be an alien plane that is more difficult to conquer than the world of Bewitching Stone.

The question now is, will the other party catch up?

The world of worms.

Emperor Xutunyan, who defeated the enemy in front of him in one fell swoop, trembled his elytra and was about to catch up.

Suddenly, the guardian stopped it.

The guardian is a graceful red centipede-shaped insect with fine tentacles and a fiery red carapace. To outsiders, it looks like it is full of aversion to cold.

But in the aesthetics of creatures in the Yanchong world, the other party is a rare "great beauty".

This is a female worm.

The guardian of the Yanchong World is only at the third level of life, but there is no need to doubt the other party's ultra-high sensitivity and ability to understand the will of the world.

Whether it was the decisive retreat of the fourth-level knight Muge just now, or the feedback from the Will of the Flame Insect World to her, they all hinted - don't chase after her!

The guardian's obstruction also made the fifth-level Xutunyan Emperor slowly calm down.

It first glanced viciously at the expanding space vortex in front of it, then turned and asked the guardian, "Can you repair and close this space gap?"

Being knocked on the door but unable to fight back is indeed not in line with the past style of the Yanchong world.

But after all, the fifth-level Xutun Yan Emperor is much more mature and stable than those fourth-level Yan Emperors. It doesn't want to take action rashly before finding out the details of the other party.

"Yes, but I need enough time and your help." Guardian Centipede nodded.

"Why do we need to repair this place? Why don't we attack it directly?"

"That ugly fourth-level creature just now doesn't look much stronger than me." The young Demon Slayer Emperor asked.

This is also a completely black Flame Insect, and its appearance looks somewhat similar to that of the Xutun Yan Emperor. They seem to be from the same species of Insects, or they may have similar bloodline groups.

It's just that the size and momentum of Emperor Demon Slayer Yan are far inferior to Emperor Xutunyan.

Among the four Yan Emperors who have arrived, Demon Slayer Yan Emperor is only slightly stronger than Qinglian Emperor Yan.

This is a mid-level fourth-level creature with a relatively shallow background.

Emperor Xu Tunyan paid no attention to Emperor Gui Mieyan's noise. He had walked on more bridges than Emperor Gui Mieyan had walked.

Deep in the elytra on Emperor Xutunyan's left side, there is a mark of a cracked claw that is still very conspicuous to this day. This was a souvenir left by an enemy back then.

Don't blindly provoke enemies whose details you don't know.

Regardless of the fact that there are currently five auxiliary planes in the Yan Chong world, in fact, Emperor Xutun Yan was fully prepared before invading and conquering these worlds.

The empty demiplane on the other side.

After waiting for a long time without seeing any movement from the space gate in front of them, Thain and others could not help but look at each other.

At this time, Green, who was preparing to fight, suddenly discovered something and reminded in surprise, "They are trying to close the door to space. We must act as soon as possible to stop them!"

Green is most familiar with the cross-space magic array below. The information fed back from the magic array allows Green to easily determine what the other party is doing.

In the final analysis, the war to conquer the world of Yan Chong must be an active process.

Now, the choice was before them again.

After all, Markas, the fifth-level knight, was the oldest and most experienced person among everyone present. He immediately turned around and said to Thain, "We must rely on the main cannon of the space fortress to forcibly break through the world of Yanchong. Your fortress The strongest, with the gap in the passage that Muge just widened, he should be able to squeeze through it."

"My space fortress will take action together with you, and we cannot leave the other party a long time to breathe and prepare." Markas said in a deep voice.

At this time, Thain did not care about how much damage his space fortress would cause by attacking the Yanchong World.

Anyway, how much you pay will be the final reward.

Thain has no intention of rejecting the current suggestion from Knight Markarth.

After nodding in agreement, Thain immediately notified the Ashes Fortress and drove towards the giant space gate in the center of the demiplane.

The originally huge space gate actually looked much more "graceful" against the towering figure of the Ashes Fortress.

Thain's Ash Space Fortress is almost three to four times the size of an ordinary standard space fortress!

The space fortress of fifth-level knight Markarth is also huge, but it is still one size smaller than the Ashes Fortress.

In addition to the huge hull, as it continues to approach the space gate, the firepower system of the Ash Fortress gradually opens to the extreme.

Dense armed firepower and magic cannons were aimed straight ahead.

Before being transformed by Thain, the predecessor of the Ash Fortress, the "Valan Star Destroyer" special space fortress, was originally famous in the wizarding world for its super heavy and powerful firepower.

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