The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,318 Forced in

The fourth-level knight Muge was full of excitement and was the first to squeeze into the world of worms.

The dimensional barriers of the Yan Chong World are very thick, including the strong plane repulsion. This indicates that the rules of the Yan Chong World are very sound and at the same time very rich!

At this time, in the empty half-plane outside the wizarding world, in the field of vision of the bottom creatures, what they saw was that the Mung knight, who had activated his terrifying and exaggerated form, was trying his best to squeeze towards the space door in front of him.

Yes, Mg Knight has not fully entered the world of worms yet.

Strictly speaking, with the support of several space gates and elemental arrays, Mg Knight successfully squeezed in a head and a hand when the opponent was caught off guard.

There was a large area of ​​ravine, because Knight Muge was constantly exerting force, and piles appeared under his feet.

The ground trembled, and the low-level knights and magicians couldn't help but be impressed by the power of the fourth-level creatures.

The process of squeezing into the world of worms is slow, but currently it seems that it is at least smooth. 🄳

On the other side, in the biological vision of the Yanchong World, what they saw was an ugly, terrifying "black monster" that exuded an evil and powerful aura, slowly taking shape from a vortex.

In the aesthetic and appearance concepts of creatures in the world of worms, the Knight M'g is indeed ugly.

At this time, the place where Mugh Knight appeared was located on a lava lake with rippling red waves in the southwest of the Flame Insect World.

This lava lake is where the landmark of the Flame Insect World that Green captured is located.

The world of Flame Insects is a plane of geological turmoil and frequent volcanoes.

One thousand and two hundred years ago, this lava lake experienced extremely violent geological turbulence. What was once a giant lava sea has turned into a group of lakes dotted around now, with a total of at least hundreds of lakes.

The lava lake where Mugh Knight is located is located in the center of the lake group and is also the largest lava lake.

No one knows that the result of the geological turmoil that year, in addition to having a great impact on the ecological environment of this area, was that several fragments containing the atmosphere of the plane flowed into the accidental turbulence of time and space. .

This is an extremely rare situation, not to mention that the guardian does not pay attention to what is happening here, even if it has known in advance that several plane node fragments have flowed into the turbulent flow of time and space.

I'm afraid it's unimaginable that anyone can find those fragments in the turbulence of time and space, and deduce the accurate coordinates of the Flame Insect World from the extremely weak plane factors that have been worn out on them.

The appearance of a powerful alien creature like the M'g Knight caused widespread panic among the indigenous creatures around the lava lake.

Fear of the strong is a common trait of most weak creatures in the star world, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

However, while all the flame creatures were frightened by it, there was still one flame creature that bravely flew towards Knight Mung.

This is a red molten flame insect with fleshy wings, about fifty meters in size, and has two thin tentacles on its forehead.

Judging from its appearance, this red melting worm looks very much like some kind of fire-type sub-dragon.

But in fact, it does not have any dragon-like factors in its body. It is a genuine insect, not a dragon.

This red molten worm possesses semi-god-level strength. It occupies the best position in this dotted lava lake, and is also the strongest person here.

"What kind of monster are you? Please leave our world!" The Crimson Molten Flame Insect has discovered that Knight Mugh is full of auras of alien creatures. It has a lot of experience and probably guessed the identity of the other party, but it did not go deeper. Think about everything.

The main reason is that the Flame Insect World has never experienced an invasion before.

This Red Molten Flame Insect did know that three thousand years ago, several Yan Emperors launched a divine war, but that was when the Yan Insect World took the initiative to conquer other worlds, and no other world had ever set its sights on the Yan Insect World.

Knight Mung didn't expect that just after he squeezed into the world of the Flame Insect, a demigod-level creature appeared.

This made him curse inwardly at his bad luck.

Of course, the appearance of this Red Molten Flame Insect also signifies that the resource richness of the Insect Insect World is even greater than they previously expected.

The density of appearance of demigod-level creatures is the most intuitive reflection of the prosperity of a world.

Relying on the black pores on his body for perception, Knight Mung discovered that there were quite a few level three creatures in the surrounding area, but most of them were still waiting to see.

Armed with a giant ax and trying to force his way into the world of worms, the Knight of M'g is certainly not here for tourism.

The power of the surrounding planes is increasingly rejecting him, indicating that the will of the world has discovered his power and the terror he represents.

If it continues like this, if the fourth-level creatures from the Yanchong World arrive, there will be some trouble.

Thinking of this, Knight Mung clenched the giant ax in his right hand. He looked at the Crimson Flame Insect with a big face like black coal. He smiled "hehe" and said, "Come here, I have a good friend." Let me show you something!"

The warning sign of the demigod level Crimson Flame Insect suddenly appeared, but before it could make an evasive action, a jet-black ax shadow flashed across the sky, and in an instant, hot blood flowed.

It is indeed a bit unreliable to have a big boss like Knight Mugh take the lead.

After a fierce and frequent battle, Knight Mugh managed to squeeze in half of his body, and also tore off the wings of a demigod-level red molten insect, killing and damaging the weak creatures near the space vortex. I don’t know how many.

But when he entered the world of Yan Chong, he was still forced to stand in a stalemate, and was consumed alive by other creatures above level four that had entered the world of Yan Chong.

The space gate at the beginning was relatively small and only suitable for one person to take the lead.

Although the Mg Knight did not completely squeeze in, it was also widened a lot.

Just when Thain and others were dissatisfied with the slow movement of Knight Mung, Thain, who activated the flame demon's true form, was about to step forward to help Knight Mung.

Thain, who was wearing the phaseless mask, suddenly noticed a bad aura, so Thain immediately avoided it.

The world of worms.

When Level 5 Xutunyan Emperor and others arrived, what they saw was that the lava lake had completely turned into a blood-colored ocean.

The late-stage demigod Crimson Flame Insect, which was extremely domineering and mighty before, was as cool as a dragon, but its current appearance was extremely miserable.

Not only were most of its wings torn off, but even its eyes were all dry-exploded. The most eye-catching injury was a horrific blunt wound that started from its lower abdomen and extended to its neck.

This wound almost split the Crimson Flame Insect in half!

However, with its excellent combat skills and the blessing from the power of the plane, this red molten worm did not die. On the contrary, it was extremely weak and its fighting spirit was still high.

Because the will of the world is paying attention to it!

During the battle with the fourth-level knight Muge, the will of the Yanchong World gave it great help.

It seems that the Yanchong World also knows that it must not allow these terrifying intruders to enter its interior.

"Damn it! How dare you peek at our world of Yanchong, go to hell!" Emperor Xutunyan's divine roar resounded throughout the surrounding world, and a tide of hot flames was seen gathering from Emperor Xutunyan's horn. , after gathering the energy blessing from countless surrounding magma lakes, it rushed straight towards the Mung knight in front of the space vortex.

Knight Mung had just repelled a group of first- and second-level insect-like creatures that rushed forward. These low-level creatures did not have much impact on his true body, but there were too many of them, which was really troublesome.

Before Knight Mugh could free his hands, he killed the most annoying and most disturbing demigod-level red molten worm.

The sudden arrival of Emperor Xutunyan and the full blow it delivered made Knight Mung turn his head and couldn't help cursing.

"Depend on!"

"There will be another update in the afternoon~"

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