The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,312 Equally Shared

When Thain found his mentor, Lu Lianman and the others were talking to a group of fire elemental creatures.

Each large-scale plane in the Wizarding Alliance has a closer connection with one or more top forces in the wizarding world.

In this alliance conference, the one whose rights and interests were greatly exploited was the Purple Cha Yanhun World.

The people who were talking to Lu Lianman and others at this time were actually several level four or above fire elements from the Zisha Flame Soul World.

"Don't worry, regarding your demands, I will communicate with the other sixth-level beings in the Flame Conclave later." Cuilis said to the sixth-level fire element creature in front of her.

There is a bit of hesitation and bitterness in the humanoid face of this sixth-level fire element.

In fact, it would rather hear that Trilis would talk to the seventh-level true spirit mage Saneses for them.

But unfortunately Trilis didn't go as expected.

In addition to Cuilis, the one who talked more enthusiastically with this group of fire elemental creatures was Thane's fellow senior brother, Elide.

The Flame Sword Elide himself broke through and was promoted to the fourth level in the Purple Flame Soul World. It can be seen that he is closely related to several fourth-level fire elements in the Purple Flame Soul World.

In terms of richness, although the Purple Flame Soul World is far inferior to the Purple Diamond World, which is also on the elemental plane, it can still barely maintain the level of a large plane. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

There is no big harm in making friends with these elemental creatures from the Purple Flame Soul World.

After bidding farewell to these fire elements, many members of the Wizards Alliance came forward to say goodbye.

Grandmaster Cuilis is indeed a veteran powerhouse who has been famous for 100,000 years. Her connections in the Wizards Alliance are still very broad.

But there is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. With this Alliance Conference over, everyone should go back and get ready. There is no extra time to waste now.

Even Thane, after that, said goodbye to the King of Ghost Crows, the Lord of the Hengsha World, the Queen of the Sand Worms, the Half-Orc God Eugene, and the Half-Elf God Cenarius, who took the initiative to say hello.

In terms of the network of connections shown in this wizarding union conference, Thane is much broader than his mentor Lu Lianman and fellow senior brother Aili De.

Especially when the King of Ghost Crows, who was at the sixth level of life, came forward to say goodbye in person, Elide, who was waving to send two level four fire elements away, was stunned for a moment.

The half-elf god Cenarius took the initiative to visit Thane, probably related to the resolution he proposed during the conference.

Thain also saw Rexxar, the strong man in the orc world, but he did not see the panda Brewmaster.

Not sure whether it was because the other party didn't come, or because he had his blood drawn twice in succession by Thane, Panda Brewmaster began to deliberately avoid him.

After entertaining all the gods from other worlds, Cuilis signaled to her disciples that they could leave with her.

Outside the world of Howling Stone, Cuilis's private interstellar airship was docked at this time. This was specially customized by her from the Norman Federation, a large alliance world.

Thain really didn't realize that a traditional-looking magician like his master would be inclined to use the products of technological civilization.

Those who left earlier than Thain and others were the dominant creatures that appeared during the conference.

Almost as soon as the conference ended, these dominator-level individuals with strong auras disappeared into the world one by one.

Perhaps these masters did not leave the world of Howling Stone immediately, but in addition to the issues discussed during the conference, there are probably many more detailed contents related to the war of civilization, and they need to be discussed in detail.

"Lu Lianman told me that you need 70 million magic coins to get a golden apple? What on earth is going on?" After entering the high-tech airship, Cuilis crossed her legs and sat down asked from the chair.

In terms of body curves, Thain, the master, is much more mature than Lu Lianman.

Thain's mentor Lu Lianman is good at everything and has fairer skin, but is a little shorter. This is Lu Lianman's only shortcoming.

Lu Lianman was also standing behind Trilis at this time, waiting for Thain's answer.

At this time, all the members of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect were inside the airship.

The 70 million magic coins were paid equally by everyone. It was necessary for Cuilis to ask her disciple what he was going to do.

Thain scratched his head and replied, "When I bought the space fortress in Capechi this time, I met a Titan god and he said he could help me get it."

"This time in the world of Howling Stone, based on my closer understanding of him, I think he should have this ability." Thain replied.

He didn't explicitly say that Thor helped him get the golden apples, because it seemed that the other party's method of obtaining the golden apples was not very legal. It was better not to publicize this kind of thing casually.

If Lou is accidentally poked out, both parties will be in some trouble.

"Who is it? Can we really trust him?" The fourth-level magician Elide couldn't help but asked aloud. He also knew what the golden apple was.

This kind of treasure, which is sometimes more precious than world-class secret treasures, Elide doesn't believe that a mere 70 million magic coins can be obtained.

"Oh? You've actually started to build a space fortress?!" Grandmaster Cuilis's focus was obviously elsewhere, she said in surprise.

"Well, I took a loan." Thain said vaguely. He still owes a Holy Tower Foundation loan from the Wizards Alliance.

At this moment, a rather harsh sound came from the airship, and at the same time, there was a blue-purple lightning that cut through the starry sky.

Thain turned around and saw Thor, the God of Thunder, riding in his beloved car.

This guy was obviously saying hello to Thane.

Because when they left the conference just now, there were so many gods from other worlds and powerful people from the wizarding world who came to socialize with them that Thor didn't even have time to say goodbye to Thain.

Fortunately, Thor's sister is the number two person in the Titan world, and she is better at this kind of entertainment than Thor and others.

Otherwise, if all these things pile up on Sol, he may go crazy.

Of course, Thor may also be reminding Thain at this time not to forget the deal with them.

Seeing Thor leaving the starry sky in his luxurious aircraft, Trilis turned her head belatedly and asked Thane, "Is that the Titan god you mentioned?"

Trilis obviously knew Thor, and Thane nodded.

At this time, Cuilis didn't ask any more questions. She then agreed and said, "Okay, 70 million magic coins, we will give it to you as soon as possible!"

"Hey, I can offer 13 million magic coins. I just bought a fire plane star core, and I'm a little short on money now." Master Bo Jiagaru said first.

"The two of us can spend 11 million magic coins, because we have to prepare for the next civilized war, this is our limit." Penas said, she obviously included Beileka, who was inseparable from her.

Lu Lianman's face turned red, indicating that she could produce six million magic coins.

Lu Lianman made a lot of money in the previous White Sand World War, and later made friends with many Elemental Kings of the Purple Crystal World, but the speed at which she made money was directly proportional to the speed at which she spent money.

Especially this time during the Alliance Conference, Lu Lianman spent huge sums of money to purchase a large amount of raw materials for experimental pharmaceuticals from the Great Elf World, the Activated Fairy World, the Ten Thousand Flowers Psychic World and other alliance planes.

In terms of money-burning ability, pharmacy research is not inferior to alchemy research, not to mention that Lu Lianman also has other experimental research.

Her "World Laboratory" project is a bottomless pit.

However, Lu Lianman was not the one who paid the least, it was Ai Lide who paid the least.

Brother Thain finally stammered that he could come up with two million magic coins...

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