The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1311 The Alliance Conference Ends

During the Wizarding Alliance meeting, which lasted a long time and had many discussions.

Although the bill proposed by Thain caused a lot of trouble at the time, it was overshadowed by other bills and events that emerged one after another during the subsequent conference.

Some powerful wizards and alliance creatures put forward individual proposals that were even more shocking and exaggerated than Thain's.

In short, very few of those particularly “weird” bills were passed.

The vast majority of accepted proposals are seemingly “normal” motions.

When the conference reached the thirty-fifth item, there was a session where members of the local wizard alliance spoke.

The sixth-level creature, the Ghost Crow King, and the fifth-level creature, the Lord of the Hengsha World, who were attracted by Thain and joined the Wizards' Alliance, had very brief speeches during this period.

In fact, there is no substantive content, it is mainly an expression. I am very honored to join the Wizards Alliance and I am willing to dedicate myself to the Wizards Alliance.

As a sixth-level creature, the King of Ghost Crow's performance on this occasion was actually not as good as the Lord of Hengsha World, whose life level was lower than it.

At least when the Lord of Hengsha World spoke, he spoke openly and clearly, and said a little more than it did.

The Sea King Shark, which is also the latest alien creature to join the Wizards Alliance and has a sixth life level, did not get the opportunity to speak during the conference.

A total of forty-seven events were held at this Wizards Alliance Conference.

Between each item, there are countless proposals.

Among the powerful people in the wizarding world that Thain knew from his limited connections, only Bai Xing, Bi Xi’s sister, spoke twice during the conference.

Other powerful people, including his master Cuilis, only performed their voting duties in the conference and did not appear to speak.

Bai Xing's two speeches, one related to the interests of the sea tribe, and the other talked about the hope of protecting the sea kings in the wizarding world and building an environment suitable for them to live and grow as much as possible.

Unlike demi-humans whose grandma doesn't care and whose uncle doesn't love them, both of the two proposals mentioned by Shirahoshi have been resolved to varying degrees.

Especially the latter, because his treatment of Neptune-like issues has been recognized by several guardians of the wizarding world.

This bill was passed with almost no suspense, and it also received a large amount of funding at the Wizards Alliance Conference.

After concluding the last item of this wizarding union conference - the deployment of additional troops to the border star field with the Gallente Federation, the host of the conference, Ms. Bev, put away her magic wand and announced that "this wizarding conference The alliance meeting ends here!”

"As the leader of the Wizards Alliance, one of the leaders of the Wizarding Civilization, the leader of the Mamet Alliance, the Lord of the City of Steel, and the true spirit level magician of the Western Islands, I now announce that I will enter into the Gallente Federation with the top technological civilization. Level 1 combat readiness!”

"The meeting is over!"

As Ms. Bev finished speaking, countless energy and law light curtains directly above the huge oval venue slowly dissipated.

The restrictions around the venue have also been lifted one by one, and all Wizards Alliance members can now leave the venue in an orderly manner.

In fact, looking at this alliance conference, it can be seen that although many various proposals were proposed during it, the core is still to serve the war!

The war with the Gallente Federation is the most important issue at this Wizards Alliance Conference.

"What do you think of item 45 of the conference?" Angelet suddenly asked Thain as the participants in the venue gradually dispersed.

The 45th item of the conference mentioned by Angelet is that the Wizards Alliance will increase its troops in the star region where the world is located, and the number of troops seems to be quite large.

The strange thing is that the world of Huanyu is extremely far away from the Wizarding Alliance, and the direction of war there with the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation is completely opposite.

"Maybe there are our enemies in the Great World. In order to prevent certain changes from happening, it is reasonable to maintain a large number of troops stationed in the border star field." Thain said.

He also didn't know why the Wizards Alliance made this decision.

But there are so many unknown things in this world, and it is impossible for Thain to explore them all.

What Thain is thinking more about is his current surrounding interests.

As for the general direction decision-making, it is really not something he can worry about.

Angelet didn't intend to figure everything out, he might just ask casually.

Existences above level four may seem noble in the eyes of lower-level creatures, but in the context of the war of civilizations, they are just "big-headed soldiers."

Whichever battlefield the masters wanted them to go to, they had to lead their legions and rush to the designated battlefield without any violation.

Compared to things that have little to do with him, Thain cares more about the interests he can control. He turned to look at Green and said, "It has been mentioned in the conference that we are required to stop targeting people in the next three hundred years. The process of conquest of an alien plane is planned or in progress."

"Considering that we still need a certain amount of time to prepare for the start of the war of civilization, the time left for us may only be one hundred and fifty years, or even shorter."

"The worm world you discovered..." Thain said.

"When I go back this time, I will immediately get involved in the final cracking of the coordinates of that alien plane."

"I will try to give you an answer within fifty years." Green said seriously.

Thain and Angelet looked at each other, and then said, "Then we will make preparations for the war legion after this conference is over."

Stuck before the start of the Civilization War, there is another war to conquer another dimension. It seems that time is quite tight.

But there is no way, this war must be carried out, because the foundation of the three of them is very weak.

They must absorb enough nutrients before the war of civilization to survive this protracted and magnificent war.

For example, Green mentioned before that the Flame Insect World is a high-quality slave creature-producing plane.

Thane can't always use orc mercenaries in every plane war. He also has to have his own cannon fodder army of slave creatures.

Green won't say much, his foundation is even thinner.

Although this plane war was initiated by him, he especially relied on the help of Thane and others.

Moreover, a different world with a fire attribute would also be of great benefit to the development of Thane himself.

After making an agreement with Green, Thain temporarily separated from his two friends and flew to the area where his mentor Lu Lianman and others were.

Next, he will return to the wizarding world together with Lu Lianman and other members of the Blue Burning Fire Master Sect.

In fact, after the Wizards Alliance Conference ended, not all participating members could not wait to leave.

Many powerful people in the wizarding world gathered together in twos and threes.

Some are still discussing certain proposals mentioned during the conference, while others are purely operating relationships.

Many alien gods from the alliance also gathered together in groups and flew towards the demiplane of the Wailing Stone.

Especially those alien gods from the alliance who are involved and need to immediately lead their legions to the designated star field to be on standby. These creatures also need to huddle together for warmth.

"Uh, there's another chapter tonight~"

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