The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,301 The World of Flame Insects

With the power of his blood, Angele is a strong man who masters the secrets of the sonic laws.

Although the three of them have different main professions, they basically have something in common, so when they come together, there will be no shortage of topics to cover.

Angelet also discovered the two of them, and they flew over without the need to say hello.

Angelet, who has been promoted to level four, is also qualified to participate in this wizarding alliance conference as a "demigod-level creature with great potential in the wizarding world".

In fact, the area where Thain and others are located are all strong men with this status.

There were approximately two hundred people attending the meeting in this area.

Among them, the vast majority are knights and magicians like Thain, and a few are from the sea tribe and the Warcraft group.

There is the smallest species of demi-human, and there is only one. The opponent is a peak-level demi-god demi-human.

Thain could not tell which demi-human species the other party belonged to. As a special demi-human with red skin and a height of nearly three meters, Thain had never seen this type of demi-human in the wizarding world before.

The wizarding world is too vast, and there are countless creatures that Thain is not aware of and has come into contact with.

Moreover, it is not just Thain and others who can be called "geniuses".

These two hundred or so potential seeds in the wizarding world who participated in the Wizarding Alliance Conference as "demigods" can all be called "geniuses."

The three of Thain are not the only fourth-level creatures in this area. In addition to the three of them, there are nearly thirty fourth-level creatures in this area.

In other words, these powerful people who are qualified to participate in the Wizards Alliance Conference have all completed their transformation and advanced to the fourth level in the past few hundred years.

Since other demigod-level creatures have not been promoted to the fourth level, they must have their own merits.

Because the alliance conference hadn't started yet, and there were still creatures coming in and out at the entrance of the venue, the three of them gathered together to chat, mainly talking about their experiences in recent years.

Comoin Snake King Warlock Angelet was the latest among the three to be promoted to the fourth level. He had just broken through the barrier a hundred years ago.

However, the advantage over Sain and Green is that Angelet belongs to a complete and relatively prosperous family of blood warlocks.

As he advanced to the fourth level, Angelet had no shortage of either the Holy Tower or the registered magicians under his command.

Angelet's "Serpent's Tooth" Holy Tower received almost all of its construction funds from the Comoine family, and only borrowed a small portion of the Holy Tower's basic loan from the Wizards' Alliance.

Moreover, the issues of recruiting apprentices and recruiting formal and above-level magicians, which even Thain had to worry about, were not difficult for Angele.

There are many members of the Comoine Serpent Warlock family, as well as many secondary snake warlock families and other bloodline warlock families attached to them.

As long as the construction of Angele's holy tower is completed, part of it can be directly borrowed from the family or several other holy towers.

This is the development characteristic of the blood warlock family.

With blood kinship as the main bond, the development situation in many cases is very similar to that of the major knight families in the wizarding world.

Including Angelet's qualification to participate in the Wizards Alliance Conference this time, it was also helped by his family.

With his age and talent, as long as the Comoine family applies, there is a high probability that it will be approved by the Wizards Alliance Conference.

If Thane had returned to the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire earlier, his master Cuilis would have been able to find a way to get him an invitation.

It's just that Thain went back too late at that time, and he had already received an invitation to the conference in advance from Klopp, the dominant knight of the Western Islands.

After chatting with each other for a while, they found that Green was the one who was having the worst time.

Although Green was appreciated by the Guardian of Winter, he was promoted to level four early with the help of part of the power of the plane given by the guardian.

But the development of his Holy Tower of Annihilation lags far behind Angelet's Holy Tower of Serpent's Tooth, let alone compared with Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes.

The Guardian can help Greene complete the accumulation from demigod to the fourth level faster, but will not provide him with the magic coin funds to build the holy tower out of thin air.

The Guardian of Winter is not Green's elder, and her help to Green can be regarded as a manifestation of the "principle of equal exchange".

But Green also has his own advantages.

When helping the Guardian to repair a space-time turbulence that inadvertently appeared in the hinterland of the wizarding world, Green also obtained the coordinate information of an alien plane transmitted from the time-space turbulence.

The coordinate information of this alien plane is incomplete, and Green has spent a lot of time and energy over the years to make up for it.

He had made good progress before setting off for the Alliance meeting.

By raising this matter at this time, Green was trying to invite Thane and Angele to jointly develop this alien plane with him.

"Although the Yanchong World is a low-level plane, this low-level plane has a high level of development, and there may be more than one fourth-level creature born."

"I have informed my senior brothers to take action together, including the senior brothers who have also roped in two knight halls to attack this low-level plane, but it still seems a little unsafe." Green introduced.

"Two Holy Towers and two Knights' Halls joining forces are not enough to conquer this low-level world?" Thain asked in surprise.

When he and his mentor Lu Lianman conquered the White Sand World, they only joined forces with two holy towers and a knight's palace.

This shows that the coordinates of the alien plane discovered by Green are even more valuable than the white sand world that Thain conquered not long ago in terms of the value of the plane itself.

"Judging from the mirror fragments I collected in the turbulence of time and space, there are probably five to six level 4 or above creatures in this low-level world, and the possibility of level 5 creatures cannot be ruled out," Green said.

Green's statement made Thain exclaim "Whoa!"

Yan Chong World, this looks like a really big cake.

"Is this a fire-attributed world?" Thain couldn't help but ask again. He already felt excited at this time.

"Yes, this is a low-level plane dominated by fire-attributed power. The name 'Fire Insect World' was not given by me, but was named by the indigenous creatures of that plane for their world."

"In the turbulence of time and space, I also captured some biological specimens from that world. If you need them, I can send you some for research." Green replied.

The turbulence of time and space is not something that can be touched casually. Even fourth-level creatures must be cautious when facing them.

When Thane reached the continent of Faerûn through the Stone of Destiny, the journey he took could also be called the turbulence of time and space.

Under the protection of the Spider Queen, Thane suffered greatly.

The Green in front of him was able to find wealth somewhere in the turbulent flow of time and space. It was truly the culmination of luck, courage, wisdom and perseverance.

Then again, if the turbulence of time and space had not been extremely dangerous, Green might not have been appreciated by the Guardian of Winter.

Thain couldn't help but look at the hair under Green's mask. Sure enough, the other person's hair color had turned much grayer.

This is a sign of excessive loss of vitality. Green had better take some time to recuperate his body.

"Is it a low-level fire-attributed plane? I'll take this job!" Thain said, touching his chin.

"Send me some biological specimens from that world. I need to analyze the species composition of that world and prepare for war mobilization in the Holy Tower in advance." Thain said to Green.

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