The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,300 Best Friend

After Sand Worm, as a representative of the White Sand World, he participated in this wizarding alliance conference.

In addition to it, the Lord of the Hengsha World and the Sea King Shark will also come to this alliance conference. The three of them are also the only level four or above creatures in that star field.

However, Thain, the Lord of Hengsha World, has not seen it yet.

As a god from another world participating in the Wizards Alliance Conference for the first time, there should be someone to help him.

After Sand Worm arrived at the conference directly with the sixth-level Void Aphid King, this was beyond the expectations of Thane and Lu Lianman.

When Thain and Lu Lianman saw the sand worm, the "favored" fourth-level worm naturally saw Thain and the two.

It is true that the Void Aphid King is its biggest backer now, but the Sand Worm Queen knows very well that Thain and Lu Lianman are the powerful wizards in the civilization who are qualified to fight for the life and death of their plane.

This fourth-level insect queen immediately nodded and bowed to say hello to Thain and the others.

Even the sixth-level aphid king next to it looked over.

Both are sixth-level creatures and alliance gods. The status and importance of the Void Aphid King in the Wizards Alliance far exceeds that of the Ghost Crow King beside Thain. 🄼

However, this time, the King of Ghost Crows, as a representative of a medium-sized star field, joined the Wizards Alliance family before the upcoming War of Civilization.

It also seems to have the valuable qualification of speaking briefly during the conference.

Speaking during the Wizards Alliance Conference represents not only an honor, but also a kind of qualifications and status.

This kind of hidden performance may not have any clues for the time being.

But the hidden resources it possesses will slowly be reflected over a long period of time in the future.

In short, the foreign gods who have been in the Wizarding Alliance for a long time basically have a concept, that is, the wizarding civilization will never treat its vassal followers badly, especially those who are more loyal and have been attached for a longer time.

On the contrary, the plane world that has always been in a state of alienation from the wizard civilization may one day be used as cannon fodder, dragged to a certain front, and turned into a pool of coke.

Until death, no one cares.


Thain and others did not linger outside the venue for too long.

At this time, more and more alliance gods and local knights and magicians of level four or above were gathering here, blocking the entrance of the venue to talk, which was really out of place.

After entering the venue, Thain was temporarily separated from his mentor Lu Lianman and others, as well as the Titan God Thor and others.

The specific location of Lu Lianman and others at the alliance conference was probably where the knights and magicians of the Flame Conclave gathered.

Thor and other Titan gods also have their own place in the Alliance Conference.

Being in a wizarding civilization, you actually still have to mix in circles and divide into camps.

For example, the top forces in the wizarding world and many large planes in the alliance have their own power groups.

Including those medium-sized plane worlds and medium-sized forces in the wizarding world, they will also have their own fixed positions in the Wizards Alliance Conference, but the positions will be smaller.

Those who have no power and behave extremely loosely are all low-level, micro-planes in the Wizarding Alliance, as well as free knights, magicians or representatives of small forces native to the Wizarding World.

And this loose group is also the largest part of wizard civilization!

Under the guidance of the conference invitation, Thain came to the northwest corner of the venue.

The entire wizarding union conference venue is very much like an oval three-dimensional arena-style building.

This building covers a very large area, and some creatures of level four or above with sizes reaching hundreds of meters, thousands of meters, or even larger will not appear crowded after entering this venue.

Most creatures will consciously shrink their size after entering this venue.

It is not a good thing to be too flamboyant in a top event where even dominant-level creatures will attend.

Since the dominant groups in the wizarding world are human knights and magicians, many alien creatures tend to transform into humanoid creatures when they transform.

Of course, there are also some creatures that do not change their appearance, and they do not shrink their body size.

For example, the aphid beasts of level 4 and above led by the Void Aphid King are all white, fat, and pot-bellied. They live in a corner of the conference, which can be regarded as a unique scenery.

Thain, the King of Ghost Crows, can no longer be seen for the time being. His size has been reduced to the extreme, and he is no different from an ordinary crow in the wizarding world.

For a period of time before entering the venue, the King of Ghost Crows stood on Thain's shoulders, just like the owl Xiao Qi back then.

The King of Ghost Crows also has his own wisdom. With this skill, it has also benefited from Thain or Thor and others, and has met many alliance gods and local powerful people in the wizarding world.

Even if most of them are fourth- and fifth-level creatures, the accumulated numbers are enough for the King of Ghost Crows to pay attention to them.

After Bixi entered the venue, she quickly separated from Thain.

The giant mermaid Shirahoshi also came to the world of Howling Stone.

This time, Shirahoshi did not maintain his giant physique of over 10,000 meters, but transformed into a height similar to that of humans in the wizarding world.

Her lower body still has a fish tail, and the dragon horns on her forehead are somewhat similar to tourmalines.

It was also after seeing Bai Xing that Sol slapped his forehead and finally remembered why he felt familiar when he saw Tourmaline.

In some ways, Sol and Tourmaline are relatives.

In the early years, Bai Xing also visited the Titan World as a guest.

At that time, Shirahoshi was still very young, not much older than Thor.

Except for the big difference between his lower body and Shirahoshi's, the current Tourmaline's appearance is almost exactly the same as Shirahoshi's when he was a child.

With the guidance of the conference invitation, everyone can easily find where they belong.

When Thain arrived at his location, a joyful greeting came from his ears.

"Sean, as expected you are here to attend this alliance meeting."

Thane turned around and saw Green wearing a spiral horn mask.

At this moment, the swearing parrot was still standing on Green's shoulder. They hadn't seen each other for so many years, but their relationship was still so good.

"Quack, hello, Thain. Where is your gray owl?" the parrot asked, looking around.

"Xiaoqi is not my soul pet, so I didn't bring it to this alliance conference this time." Thain glanced at the parrot on Green's shoulder and replied.

The soul companion, to a certain extent, represents the magician himself.

The personal relationship between Xiao Qi and this parrot is now very good, but Xiao Qi will call it "green-feathered parrot", while the parrot calls Xiao Qi "grey-feathered owl".

Under the mask, Green's expression was a bit awkward. His soulmate always liked to interrupt other people's conversations.

The two of them are also a perfect match, one is silent and the other is moving.

People who are familiar with Green will initially hate this parrot who often swears, but as time goes by, they will gradually get used to it and even find this guy quite interesting.

Green has also been promoted to level four at this time.

When Thain chatted with him for a while, he learned that Green was also a "demigod-level creature with great potential in wizard civilization" and was qualified to participate in this alliance conference.

"My Green was promoted to level four three hundred years ago. At the same time, he was appreciated by the great Guardian of Winter. Only then was he qualified to participate in the Wizards Alliance Conference."

"Quack, Thain, when did you advance to level four?" the parrot on Green's shoulder screamed.

"Not long ago, I was promoted hundreds of years ago." Thain replied.

"You are actually appreciated by the Guardian of Winter, congratulations." Thain praised Green.

"No, no, I just did a little favor for Lord Guardian of Winter." Green said shyly.

In such a short period of time, he has completed the accumulation from demigods to fourth-level creatures. It seems that Green also had his own adventure after the trial in the Formless Secret Realm.

Thain can even reasonably guess that Green was able to surpass the demigods and advance to the fourth level in a very short period of time, perhaps with some help from the Guardian of Winter.

From this point of view, what he helped the Winter Guardian should not be a "little favor" as he said.

Thain didn't feel any jealousy about Green's experience. Instead, he was happy for Green.

After all, Green was one of the few strong men of his own age whom Thane came into contact with during his growth journey, and his relationship with Green was better than that of ordinary magician friends.

It's not an exaggeration to call him a "best friend".

Just when Thain was about to ask if Green had built a holy tower.

Another friend of Thain also came to this area, and the other party was Angelet, the giant snake warlock of Comoine.

Angelet has also been promoted to the fourth level, including the power of his bloodline. Now he should call the bloodline he controls the "Comoine Snake King".

This is one of the signs that the Serpent Warlock of Komoin has been promoted to the fourth level.

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