The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,291 The Young God of Forging

Thane was far more interested in the green parrot god's anatomy than in her.

After a brief exchange and self-introduction, Thain was shocked to find that the Green Parrot God was not the Titan Goddess. Her body seemed to be a parrot.

In the Titan world, not all gods were transformed and served by the Titans.

The species in the Titan world are also quite complex. As a large plane, in addition to the Titans, there are also various other land and sea creatures.

It can only be said that the Titans occupy a dominant position in this plane just like the humans in the wizarding world.

"I'm looking for the God of Forging. Where is he now?" Thor asked the Green Parrot God beside him.

"It seems to be in the south. He came very early this time. It seems that many powerful people in the wizarding world are looking for him." The Green Parrot God replied.

After nodding, Thor then flew south with Thain.

In a small trading market southwest of the Weeping Stone plane, Thor took Thane to find the target of his trip-the god of forging, Thomas.

The forging god who appeared in front of Thane was obviously not the same person as the forging god that Thain faced in Faerûn.

Thomas, the God of Forging, is a well-established Titan god. He is also the youngest and most talented god in the Titan world who holds the forging priesthood.

With only level four strength, he can create a world-class secret treasure. Even Thain would be shocked by the talent of this Thomas.

At this time, in addition to many Titan gods, there were several knights of level 4 or above from the Wizarding World surrounding Thomas.

By coincidence, Thain saw an acquaintance among these knights.

He is also the focus of the nearby circle - the fifth-level knight, Thunder.

At this time, Thunder Knight's face turned red with excitement.

What makes the Thunder Knight so high-spirited is naturally the world-class secret treasure sword on his waist - the Thunder Sword.

Both are world-class secret treasures, the Thunder Sword and Thane's Phaseless Mask, but they are a bit far apart.

World-class secret treasures are also divided into three, six or nine levels. If Thain's Phaseless Mask can be classified into the fifth or even sixth level, then the long sword in Lei Ming's hand can only barely touch the level of the second level.

This is a relatively low-level world-class secret treasure.

But no matter how it is belittled, it is still a world-class secret treasure, a treasure that many sixth-level creatures may not be able to possess.

At this time, Thomas, the god of forging, was busy in front of a large furnace.

This large stove gave Thain the feeling that it was already a bit of a top-notch artifact.

Although it is still not up to the level of world-class secret treasures, its performance in all aspects is very good. I wonder if there is any possibility of further improvement.

There is no doubt that the person who created the world-class secret treasure for the Thunder Knight is the "little-known" fourth-level Titan God Thomas in front of him.

For Thane, he is "unknown", but for many powerful people in the wizarding world and wizarding alliance, as Thomas successfully forged a world-class secret treasure for Thunder, he has become famous throughout the alliance.

Many level six, even peak level six experts, noticed him.

Some good people believe that this young forging god will have higher talent and forging potential than his father.

Oh, the father of this forging god is Hephaestus, the number one forging god in the Titan world, the god of fire and craftsmanship.

This old sixth-level Titan god has created the largest number of world-class secret treasures in the Wizards Alliance.

It is said that many alliance masters, even true spirit-level magicians and master-level knights in the wizarding world, will ask this god of fire and craftsman to create something.

However, as he grows older and his energy and physical strength decline, Hephaestus has rarely built anything himself in recent years.

Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsman, has a somewhat special way of raising his children.

He was obviously a powerful being with the ability to create world-class secret treasures, but after Thomas embarked on the road of forging, Hephaestus never created any forging tools with excellent performance for Thomas.

Including all the materials that Thomas needed to hone his forging skills, the wealthy Hephaestus never funded his son, but let him find his own way.

Thomas was like this. He obviously had a very powerful forging god father, but after he embarked on the road of forging, it was a bumpy road.

In the 20,000 years before this, many people had never heard of Thomas's name.

The God of Forging, Thomas, met the Thunder Knight by chance during the last Wizards Alliance Conference. It was also the first time Thomas attended the Wizards Alliance Conference.

I don’t know whether the Thunder Knight made Thomas or Thomas made the Thunder Knight.

Two people who had just met each other for a short time actually trusted each other so much.

In order to build his own world-class secret treasure, Thunder Knight even mortgaged the space fortress.

Most of the powerful people within a certain range of the wizarding world who knew about this incident were watching the excitement, including Thain's mentor Lu Lianman.

Including Thomas in the Titan World, there were many people watching with cold eyes.

After all, the world of Titan has more than just one or two people with the forging priesthood.

Many of the new generation of forging Titan gods who have grown up secretly hate that the God of Fire and Craftsman has always occupied the throne of the number one God of Forging in the Titan World.

Because he occupies too many resources and attention, it has greatly affected the advancement space of those "young people".

They had been secretly watching Thomas's show, more than one or two, and they were very much looking forward to seeing the son of the God of Fire and Craftsmen make a fool of himself.

After all, they couldn't shake Hephaestus's status in the Titan world or even the entire Wizards' Union, but there was no harm in arranging the other's son.

However, something happened that shocked everyone in the end. The young God of Forging, Thomas, actually created a world-class secret treasure for the Thunder Knight.

His achievement has surpassed many level five forging gods within the Wizards Alliance.

Because many of the world's fifth-level creatures also have the forging priesthood, but they have never created a world-class secret treasure in their entire lives.

As a result, there has been news in many planes in the past that only creatures at the peak of level five or level six or above, who understand the origin of the rules to a certain extent, are qualified to create world-class secret treasures.

The achievements of Thomas, the God of Forging, undoubtedly broke this motto spread across the planes!

Of course, there are also some forging gods who are not convinced, and it is rumored privately that this world-class secret treasure long sword was actually made for him by Thomas's father.

Regarding these rumors, neither the Forging Father nor his son appeared to clarify them, but completely ignored them.

The God of Fire and Craftsman continues to maintain his low-key retirement career. For the Titan Gods at this stage, only those who can ask him to personally take action are those who are qualified to do so.

Thomas, the God of Forging, continues to start his diligent, honest and unknown forging project.

The only difference is that Thomas's forging order has been queued up to two thousand years later.

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