The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,290 The Plane of the Wailing Stone

After arriving in the world of Howling Stone, Thane and Thor entered this demiplane together.

The main venue of the Wizards Alliance Conference is located in the center of this demiplane.

Considering that the conference has not officially started yet, neither Thain nor Thor are in a hurry to go to the venue.

It was Thane's first time to attend the Wizards Alliance conference, but Thor had already attended it twice.

He behaved with ease in every aspect and flew straight towards the west of the demiplane of the Howling Stone.

"During every Wizards Alliance convention, there will be some good stuff circulating here."

"After all, only the Wizards' Alliance Conference, which takes place every ten thousand years, can bring together so many gods from other worlds."

"I'll take you to some places I've visited before. I wonder if all those old friends are here," Saul said.

When entering the plane of the Howling Stone, Thane looked towards the sky outside the plane.

The soil color tone is black in the world of Weeping Stone. At this time, the sky is covered with a lavender special energy light shield.

Not only this energy shield, but when Thane put on the Phaseless Mask, he saw dozens of different energy shields and special stances in just a corner of the sky.

Many energy positions appear in this demiplane in extremely obscure ways. As a fourth-level creature, Thain is even difficult to detect.

The emergence of these complex energy masks and special stances is probably due to the wizarding civilization's principle of confidentiality.

The wizarding world is not the only civilization in the star realm that has mastered prophecy and exploration methods.

Even the Gallente Federation's supercomputer, combined with the huge database, produces inference results that are no less accurate than the prophecy methods of the wizarding world.

At every wizarding alliance conference, in addition to the local strongmen and vassals of the wizarding civilization, there are always some creatures with ulterior motives who want to infiltrate.

The appearance of these energy masks and special positions can also play a screening role to a certain extent.

"It has been less than two hundred years since the start of the Alliance Conference. I wonder if any Dominator-level creatures have arrived in this world?" Looking around, Thain couldn't help but sigh.

Thane's Formless Mask, after entering the demiplane of the Howling Stone, its own functions were greatly weakened.

On the one hand, it may be the interference of special positions placed inside and outside this plane.

On the other hand, there are too many high-quality life forms pouring into this demiplane at this time.

Basically every living thing is a huge source of energy. When Thain looked up, there was no small character in sight.

Who knows, some dominant-level creature will appear next to him after condensing his aura.

This kind of thing happens at every Wizards Alliance conference.

This is also an opportunity for intermediate and low-level creatures to admire the supreme heroic appearance of higher-level creatures.

Yes, with Dominant-level creatures as a comparison, even fourth-level creatures like Thane will inevitably be classified as "medium and low-level creatures".

The place where Thor took Thane was the area where the Titan world and its vassal world civilizations were located.

As the most powerful world under the wizard civilization, Titan World not only has nearly two thousand Titan gods, it also has a large number of medium, small, and micro alliance planes as supporters.

Thor, the God of Thunder, seemed to be very popular in the Titan world. When he took Thane into the Titan clan's activity area in the demiplane of the Howling Stone, almost all the gods who knew Thor took the initiative to say hello to him.

Thor also carries a silver hammer and responds to these Titan gods. When he meets a familiar Titan god, he will introduce him to Thane.

There has always been little intersection between Thane and the Titan world.

Looking at these Titan gods, whose appearance is 80% similar to that of humans in the wizarding world, Thane maintained his politeness and demeanor as a spellcaster.

"I heard that the giants in the Titan world, before being promoted to the fourth level, all have strong physiques of more than ten meters. Among them, the exaggerated ones may reach tens of meters or even hundreds of meters in size."

"But why after being promoted to the fourth level, each one of them shrank into a size similar to that of humans in the wizarding world?"

"I really want to dissect it and study it..." Thain looked at a green-dressed Titan goddess walking towards him in wonder.

The skirt style worn by this Titan goddess is very novel. Of course, the most eye-catching part is that her slit is too high and the skirt on her chest is pulled very low.

After seeing Thor, the Titan goddess opened her arms.

Thor also stepped forward, and with one of his rough hands, he touched the buttocks of the Titan goddess unceremoniously.

"Let me introduce, this is the God of the Green Parrot, my playmate since childhood." Thor said to Thain, and his hands became a little unruly.

The Titan goddess named Green Parrot God smiled coquettishly and then flexibly turned out of Thor's arms.

And she used two fingers to stop Thor's hands that wanted to continue exploring.

"I don't want to be taught a lesson by Lord Hela. It's like the forest goddesses who accompanied you to Moon Shadow World last time were punished miserably?" the Green Parrot God said with a smile.

At this time, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Sol's cheek.

He quickly changed the subject and asked, "Where is my mother? Has she come to the world of Howling Stone?"

Another identity of the Green Parrot God is that of a messenger. She holds the relatively rare messenger priesthood in the Titan world.

The Green Parrot God glanced at Thane and replied, "The God Queen will not come to attend this Wizards Alliance Conference. It seems that the guardian goddess Dawn has something to discuss with the God Queen."

"Including the God of Fertility and others, they also stayed in the Titan world this time." The Green Parrot God said to Thor.

After hearing the answer from the Green Parrot God, Thor nodded.

"Won't you introduce this friend of yours to me?" The Green Parrot God asked, leaning next to Thor.

"This is Thane, a fourth-level magician I just met in the wizarding world."

"This is a very knowledgeable master." Sol emphasized.

On his way to the demiplane of the Howling Stone, Thane had already proven his knowledge to Thor.

For example, some of the stars in the starry sky are just ordinary "natural landscapes" in Thor's opinion.

But Thain was able to break down and analyze some of the principles, and frightened Thor, who was a big boss.

Although Thor is usually a god who relies on muscle and brute force to earn a living, this guy naturally respects those beings who are extremely knowledgeable and knowledgeable.

Among the people Sol has come into contact with so far, the one with the most knowledge and conversation is her mother.

I still remember that when Sol was a child, his mother would always hold him in her arms and tell him stories that he couldn't understand at all.

But Sol likes to listen to it every time because it makes him fall asleep quickly.

Unfortunately, since growing up, Thor has never experienced a similar scene again.

Well, his brother Loki has at least taken away half of his mother's love for him.

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