The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 169: "Blackheads" worth 0 million

   "I don't sell it, I want to keep it for fun."

   Ye Guangrong shook his head and said. Ye Yaorong is not short of money now, and does not want to sell this snakehead fish. In Ye Yaorong's view, money is enough. There is no need to get so much money. If there is too much money, you can't sleep well. Ye Yaorong is a very contented person.

   "One million, how about it?"

   Seeing Ye Yaorong’s resoluteness, Li Qingyong immediately increased the price. Although it was silly for others to buy such a fish for one million, in Li Qingyong’s view, it was worth it.

   "Not for sale."

   Ye Guangrong still shook his head and said. For Ye Yaorong, this is really not a matter of money. If it was before, let alone one million, Ye Yaorong would sell it for ten thousand yuan.

However, since the "lazy system", Ye Yaorong feels that he should be a spine farmer, and cannot buy what he likes because of money. And this big snakehead fish, Ye Yaorong now likes it very much, so even Li Qingyong paid 10 million, and Ye Yaorong would not sell it.

   "Glory, are you confused? This is one million, which is enough for you to buy a house in the city. Sell it quickly..."

   Ye Xianghai, the old village chief, was anxious for Ye Yaorong. This is one million. In the countryside, ordinary people can't make so much money in their lifetime.

   Ye Glory is good, and he refuses when he refuses. The old village chief feels distressed for him. He really doesn't treat money as money. If Ye Yaorong were his children and grandchildren, the old village chief would now slap him, "Doesn't you know how important money is?"

   "Yeah, Brother Ye, if you think it is less than one million, we can discuss it again." Li Qingyong said. Li Qingyong really wants to buy this snakehead fish.

   "It's not a question of money. I want to raise this snakehead fish myself, so no matter how much you pay, I won't sell it."

   Ye Guangrong said straightforwardly, avoiding making him think that he was up for sale.

   "Glory, you still think about it."

   The old village chief really thought about Ye Yaorong. In the old village chief’s view, this snakehead fish was kept at home and there was no use for it. He would waste a lot of money to feed this big guy. It would be better to sell it.

   One million, in the countryside, but with a lot of money, you can buy a house in the city and live the life of a petty bourgeoisie in the city.

   "Old village chief, don't talk about it. I said I would not sell it."

   Ye Guangrong shook his head and said. Since he decided not to sell, Ye Yaorong would definitely not change his decision just because of the words of the old village chief.

   "Uncle Glory, don't sell the'blackheads', or we will be sad." An eleven or two-year-old boy ran over to say that he wanted to sell the blackheads.

   "Uncle Honor, you can't sell the blackheads." A group of Mao children came to persuade Ye Yaorong.

   Now when these fury kids are fine, they like to run to the south of the village. There are smart wild boars and dogs playing with them, and now there is a big guy swimming in the water called "blackhead".

   These hairy children are really afraid that Ye Yaorong will sell the "blackheads", so they will lose the same interesting playmates.

   In that case, they would be very sad.

   "Go, what do you little babies know!"

   The old village head unhappily shouted to the Mao children who came around. In addition to knowing how to play and trick or treat, these hairy kids know what a million dollars means.

   "I knew that Uncle Glory can't sell blackheads!" As the king of children, Erwazi was the first to stand out against the old village chief.

   "That is, Uncle Glory can't sell the blackheads!" Mao children said one after another.

   "Well, your Uncle Honor won't sell blackheads, so don't worry."

   Ye Guangrong said to these hairy boys with a smile. Looking at them, Ye Yaorong couldn't help but think of his childhood when he was as young as them, and there are always many memories that will never be forgotten.


   Hearing Ye Yaorong said that he would not sell the "blackhead", the Mao child scattered happily.

   "Glory, you no longer think about it, think about it."

   The old village chief still said with some unwillingness to give up. One million, in the heart of the old village chief, is simply a festival that cannot be passed.

   "When I said I don't sell, I just don't sell. Old village chief, you don't have to worry about me." Ye Yaorong said with certainty.

   "Brother Ye, this is my business card. When do you want to sell this snakehead fish, you can call me at any time, and the price remains unchanged at one million."

   Li Qingyong saw that Ye Yaorong was determined not to sell this big snakehead fish, so he had to take out his business card and hand it to Ye Yaorong.

   "Okay, one day when I want to sell, I will be the first to call you." Ye Yaorong took the business card and said politely.

   "Then I will wait for the good news from Little Brother Ye."

   Li Qingyong said. Now Li Qingyong looks up to the farmer named Ye Yaorong in front of him. He can't make his heart beat by a million. Is he really the kind of person who is indifferent to money?

   Li Qingyong has been in the business field for decades. He thinks he knows how to look at people, but today, Li Qingyong feels that he can't see through Ye Yaorong.


   Ye Guangrong said politely. But I thought in my heart, you just wait, wait for you to go, I will throw this business card into the trash can, let you wait until the flower is gone, you will not receive my call.

   Ye Guangrong thought evilly in his heart.

   "Brother Ye, I really trouble you today." Li Qingyong said to the old village chief.

   "President Li, look at what you said, I can't help but I, let you run for nothing." The old village chief Ye Xianghai said with some regret.

After all, Mr. Li is such a busy person, because of his own message, he ran over and gave him two packs of Chinese and the old village chief couldn’t hold on to his face because it didn’t happen. what.

   "It's nothing, the business hasn't been done. It's a pleasure to meet a funny person like Little Brother Ye." Li Qingyong said with a smile, and didn't mind Ye Yaorong's rude attitude towards him.

   "It's getting late, the village head, and Mr. Li. Or else eat at my house at noon. The business has not been done. It is a pleasure to meet a person like Mr. Li."

   Ye Yaorong felt that this manager Li was good. He ignored him in this way. A big boss in the family didn't have a temper for a whole day. Ye Yaorong admired him because of his belly, so Ye Yaorong decided to leave him for dinner at noon.

   In Ye Yaorong's view, this President Li is a friend worthy of socializing.

"Glory, that's the truth, Mr. Li, don't be polite to him. The dish this kid cooks is a must-see. You can have a lot of aftertaste after you eat it. You won't be able to eat this taste even if you go to a big hotel. "

Hearing that Ye Yaorong left himself and Li Qingyong for dinner at noon, the old village head couldn’t help but get excited. The old village head thinks about the last time he ate Ye Yaorong’s food when Ye Tiancheng’s baby got engaged. Although time has passed not long ago, In the heart of the old village chief, that is a very distant matter.

   The old village chief was looking forward to eating the food made by Ye Yaorong again every day, but the kid Ye Yaorong had no eyesight at all. He came to his house several times for dinner, but he did not invite himself to eat together.

   The old village chief couldn't put his face down, so he started to eat.

So at noon today, Ye Yaorong will leave himself and Li Qingyong for dinner, the old village head will certainly not be friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www. For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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