The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 168: Someone wants to buy "blackheads"

   "In the big winter, besides the northwest wind, what wind do you want, glory, I tell you, your kid is going to get rich, so remember to treat you when you come." The old village chief said with a smile.

   "Old village chief, what kind of fortune? Just a lazy man like me, what kind of fortune can I make?

   Ye Guangrong said with a smile. I looked at the person behind the old village chief a little strangely, and didn't know why this person came to his home.

   And what the old village chief said made Ye Yaorong a little bit baffled.

   "This is Mr. Li, who is interested in doing water in the county. Mr. Li and I are old friends. He heard that you caught a snakehead fish of only nearly two hundred catties and was very interested, so I brought him over to take a look."

  The old village chief introduced with Chinese smoke in his mouth. With the frugal character of the old village chief, the Chinese cigarettes worth dozens of dollars a pack must be given to him by this manager.

This manager Li, whose full name is Li Qingyong, started his career in the aquatic product market. Now he is a big man with a wealth of more than 100 million yuan. He is a great figure in the Minzhou aquatic product market. This time the old village chief accidentally talked about someone in the village. I got a snakehead fish of nearly two hundred catties, and suddenly came into interest.

He knows that snakehead fish is the best in freshwater fish. The taste is very delicious. Many people like to eat it. And nearly two hundred catties of snakehead fish have been used for more than 30 years. Mr. Li has never seen it. Really With such a big snakehead fish, President Li absolutely bought him at a high price.

Not to mention that Mr. Li wanted to taste the taste of the hundreds of catties of snakehead fish, but to create a big advertisement for his own water. As long as the nearly two hundred catties of snakehead fish were kept in a shop, it must be Very attractive to people.

Whatever free news and advertisements are coming, especially the WeChat circle and QQ circle that you use now, the influence will come up, and the popularity of your company will also come up, and the business will be huge. Coming in large sums.

  Business people are very savvy. Don't look at them for spending a lot of money and doing some weird things, as long as they attract people's attention, they can make a lot of money back.

   So Li Qingyong came to Taoyuan Village and sent two boxes of Chinese cigarettes to his old friend Ye Xianghai by the way. Ye Xianghai happily led himself directly to Ye Yaorong’s home.

   "Fortunately meeting, just call me Lao Li"

   Li Qingyong handed a cigarette, and suddenly his hand stopped, and he cried out in surprise, "Hey, you still have a small wild boar here. This is wild?"

   "Well, it's wild, just ran to my house, I will keep it for fun.

   Ye Yaorong said lightly, Ye Yaorong has a problem, that is, he has always been a little uncomfortable with strangers.

   "Little Brother Ye is really elegant."

   Li Qingyong said with a smile. There are quite a few people who raise cats and dogs these days, and those who raise wild boars are really rare. I didn't expect to meet one in the countryside.

   "What an elegant and indecent person, it's mainly because of the pain of idle eggs." Ye Yaorong said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, these are all wild boars you are looking at now, and there are two big wild boars, one is more than 300 catties, and the other is at least more than 500 catties. They are bigger than tigers." The village chief said.

   "A wild boar over five hundred catties?"

   Li Qingyong was stunned. Li Qingyong also came out of the countryside. He had seen wild boars. In the past, there were a lot of wild boars in the mountains in rural areas, but most of them were more than 100 catties, about 200 catties, and more than 300 catties are rare.

   As for wild boars over 500 catties, Li Qingyong don't even mention that she has seen them. I have never heard anyone say that wild boars over 500 catties have been found in China, but there have been reports of wild boars over 500 catties in foreign news.

   I didn't expect that in this shabby countryside, someone would raise more than 500 catties of wild boar, which made Li Qingyong have to look up at the young man named Ye Yaorong in front of him.

   "Brother Ye, can you show me the 500-plus-jin wild boar? I have lived for more than 50 years and haven't seen a 500-jin wild boar yet." Li Qingyong said excitedly.

   "Mr. Li, it's unfortunate that my wife took them for a walk, and they won't be able to come back for a while," Ye Yaorong said.

   What are you kidding me? My home is not a zoo. If you are someone who is not familiar with me, you can see what you want to see. You are the head of state.

   For this kind of people, Ye Yaorong is not going to get used to them, otherwise someone will come to his home every day to see this, see that, he is a husband and wife, and should he live in a two-person world?

   "That's really a pity, can you show me that big snakehead fish?"

   Li Qingyong, who has been in the mall for decades, can feel that the owner does not welcome him, and he is unwilling to let himself look at their big wild boar. Li Qingyong can no longer force it.

   After all, he is already a rich man with hundreds of millions of assets. There are thousands of people living on their faces. It is impossible for Li Qingyong to ask a poor man in the countryside and ask for something.

   "Where is it, go and see by yourself."

   Ye Guangrong pointed to the place surrounded by a group of hairy children and said. The likes of this group of furry children are really changeable. The other day, they gave food to the wild boars every day, and played with the young wild boars. These two days are not good. I don’t care about the wild boars, just remember to give food to the big snakehead fish. .

   "Glory, don't you kid take me over and take a look."

   The old village chief can't wait to give Ye Yaorong a People like Mr. Li, who are so busy, finally came to Taoyuan Village and gave him money. Why is this kid so lacking insight?

   "Is there anything good to watch? I have watched it for four or five meetings today, and it is still alive and well." Ye Yaorong said indifferently as he stepped onto a chair.

   If Ye Yaorong still can't see the purpose of this President Li's coming to his home, he can really feed himself a bag of salt, and forget it.

   "Forget it, Mr. Li, I'll take you to see." The old village chief looked at Ye Yaorong lying on the chair helplessly, and said to Li Qingyong with some embarrassment.

   "It's okay, Brother Ye, let's go and have a look. I have been aquatic for a lifetime, and I haven't seen a snakehead fish of more than 100 catties."

   Li Qingyong said with a smile. Becoming a big boss, no matter whether it is a belly or a city mansion, they are very deep people, but they are not overjoyed because of Ye Yaorong's attitude.

   "Okay, Mr. Li, I will accompany you to take a look. I will tell you that this snakehead fish is long..." said the old village chief as he took Li Qingyong to the small pond of Ye Guangrong's house.


   "Brother Ye, I want to buy this snakehead fish from your family for half a million. What do you think."

  Looking carefully at the snakehead fish of Ye Guangrong's family, Li Qingyong really liked it. If he kept such a big snakehead fish in his company hall, it would be more eye-catching and domineering.

   posted a horizontal link on the door of the fish tank, "China's largest black fish", what a sensation. So Li Qingyong decided to win this snakehead fish with a big price, and his mouth was only half a million. Li Qingyong is really Welcome to read the latest, fastest and hottest serial works. All at mobile phone users please go to read.

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