The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 161: Giant snakehead fish

   When Ye Yaorong climbed to the shore, the entire shore was still quietly. Whether it was the people on the shore or the people catching fish in the pond, their eyes were a little silly staring at the big fish on the shore.

   This fish is about one and five meters long, the whole body is long rod-shaped, the head is flat, the head is large, the mouth is large, the muzzle is round, and the teeth are clustered in the mouth.

   The even fins are small, the dorsal and **** fins are very long, the tail fin is round, the head and torso are covered with scales of similar size, the lateral line is complete, and there is a curve behind the pectoral fin.

   There are many small holes on the top of the head, the body color is gray-black on the back, the abdomen is gray, and the sides of the body have obvious black stripes arranged in a figure eight shape. The head has three pairs of stripes extending backward.

   The protruding, luminous little eyes glowed fiercely, and the teeth were revealed under the tugging of the hook. This snakehead fish looked like a small monster, and looked quite frightening.

   "Husband, what kind of fish is this that looks so scary?"

   Liu Qingqing saw Ye Yaorong go ashore, hurried to his side and asked. Only by Ye Yaorong's side could Liu Qingqing feel a real sense of security.

"This is a black fish. It is also called a snakehead fish in our village. It's just that there is no such fish in the pond in our village. There is no such fish in the village pond, let alone such a big snakehead fish. If it bites a person , Can kill people."

   Ye Guangrong also looked at the snakehead fish on the ground in shock and said. In the water just now, Ye Yaorong can only roughly feel the size and position of the fish through the "water attributes". When he threw this fish up just now, it was too late to see clearly. Now, if he took a closer look, he was shocked. .

Fortunately, this snakehead fish met me. If I didn’t come today, and everyone accidentally provokes this snakehead fish when they went into the water to catch fish, the fish would definitely attack people. Such a big snakehead fish would hurt people. It's amazing.

   Blackfish, it is fierce, reproductive, and has a great appetite. It can often eat all the other fish in a lake or pond, even its own juveniles. The black fish can also slide on land, migrate to other waters to find food, and can live out of water for three days.

Snakehead fish (snakehead fish) is one of the most aggressive freshwater fish in the world. There are not a few people who are bitten by snakehead fish every year, so no Snakehead fish has ever been raised in the pond of Taoyuan Village, and I don’t know where it came from. Come.

Usually the black fish is very clever, as long as someone passes by, it will not come out of the water immediately. The black fish during the protection period is very violent and fierce. If there is a slight movement, it will be considered as a provocation against the fry and will launch a fierce attack. At this time, if someone approaches the black fish If it is, it is very dangerous and it is easy to be bitten by black fish.

   Of course, if you encounter a snakehead fish that is more than one meter long, it is not a bite problem. It is definitely possible to be bitten to death. You must know that once a snakehead fish attacks a person, it will never die.

Looking at its size, I don’t know how many fish it has eaten in the pond. Fortunately, for so many years, although everyone has not found this big snakehead fish, this big snakehead fish has not harmed people. This is also beneficial to this. For many years, no one has been swimming in the pond.

   Fortunately, there is only one big snakehead fish in the pond. If there are more than two, there will not be enough fish in the whole pond.

   "Why is there such a guy in the pond, he is so big, it looks so scary."

   "This is the first time I have seen such a big snakehead fish. If it is bitten by it, it will peel off if you die."

   "I have never found a snakehead fish in the pond, but now it's so big that it popped up. If I knew there was a snakehead fish of this size in the pond, who would dare to go into the water to catch a fish."

   "How many years will it take to raise such a big snakehead?"

   "This Ye Guangrong's strength is too great, he throws such a big snakehead fish up."


Soon, everyone recovered from the shock of such a big snakehead fish, and everyone was talking about it. After all, this snakehead fish is known to people in the countryside, but everyone has seen such a big snakehead fish for the first time. At that time, everyone was shocked by its general physique and was afraid to confirm it.

   After careful identification, everyone is basically sure that this is a big snakehead fish.

"How can there be this snakehead fish in the pond in the village, it's still so big? Fortunately, the hairy children in the village have not gone to the pond to swim in these years, otherwise..." The old village chief Ye Xianghai approached, frowning at the big snakehead fish. Secretly cried out a fluke.

   "Glory, your kid is amazing. This snakehead fish weighs more than 100 catties at least. You threw it up. You did a good thing for the village."

   Ye Kongming came over and patted Ye Yaorong's shoulder and said. After all, if you let this big snakehead stay in the pond again, who knows one day it will bite people in the village.

   "Grandpa, I am a blind cat and a dead mouse. It's all luck." Ye Yaorong said. Ye Yaorong didn't know it was a big snakehead fish thrown up by him.

   "Honor, you guys can do it, you have thrown such a big snakehead fish ashore, how strong are you?" Old village chief Ye Xianghai looked at Ye Yaorong curiously and asked.

   "I used to have a lot of strength, but everyone didn't know it." Ye Yaorong said haha.

   "Glory, keeping such a big snakehead fish is also a It's better to divide it up. For such a big fish, every household can get some fish."

  A villager said, in the view of the villagers, such a big fish, if stewed and eaten, must be very helpful, and they started to think of this snakehead fish.

   "Yes, Glory has divided this fish, and let everyone taste the taste of the snakehead fish."

   Hei Yu is known as the "dish on the plate", which shows the deliciousness of the black fish meat. Now that he sees such a **** fish king, the greedy villagers start to think of the black fish.

  Most of these people are people who live a better life than them.

   "Shut up, everyone!"

   Ye Xianghai, the old village head, couldn't listen anymore, and shouted fiercely.

After seeing those who were clamoring for fish to be divided, the old village chief continued to say: "Our Taoyuan Village’s rules for catching fish are that whoever catches the fish goes to whom. This is an unchanging tradition. Why do you think? It’s good to change the tradition!"

   "Old village chief, we don't mean that. We think that such a big snakehead fish Ye Glory can't be eaten by both mouths, and it will break if left. Let's help them share the burden."

   a 30-year-old man said in a weird manner. This man was called Ye Rongtao, a well-known ruffian in Taoyuan Village, who specialized in sneaking and petting the dog. There were also many people in the village whose chickens and ducks had been harmed by him, but everyone hadn't caught it.

The people in the village are mostly honest people, sometimes they don’t dare to confront him, and they can only grit their teeth, so the villagers don’t like it. He welcomes readers to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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